Pinguino (Penguin)
Title:Pinguino (Penguin)
Category:Game/Shoot'em up
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
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Published by:J.Soft
Written by:Sarcina, Franco
Notes:Typed in by saver71.
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Pinguino Title Screenshot

Pinguino Screenshot

Published: Papersoft 40/1985 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 6

Our penguin friend does not have an easy life: in fact he has to defend his six eggs from the constant attacks of birds of prey. Fortunately, he can use a modern laser pistol to take down his enemies.

Play using the O and P keys to move the penguin left and right respectively; the space bar is used to fire the laser gun. You have only one shot available for each bird of prey: either you hit it (and score 100 points) or it will take an egg. The game ends when all six of her eggs have been kidnapped.

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