Paul's 4K Adventure
Title:Paul's 4K Adventure
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Uncredited (Additional code by):Csabo
Code by:Dunric
Notes:A simple text adventure. Find the orb of light and kill Mordimar! Despite the name, the game is actually 8.86Kb. The title and the colors used suggest that this game was inspired by Csabo's 1K Adventure.
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Solutions - Hints
How do I climb up the tree?
You just have to have the ROPE in your inventory.
What do I do with the villager?
You can't talk to them unfortunately, it's best to leave them alone. However, you can KILL the VILLAGER for gold and experience points.
How do I see in the dark?
USE the LANTERN, which you found in the room above the tavern.
Do I have to kill the ghost or the troll?
No, some monsters let you pass freely. You can kill them for gold and experience points.
I keep dying in fights!
Fights are random, but: WIELD weapons to hit harder, WEAR protection (shields, helmets, etc.) to get hurt less, REST after fights in the tavern to gain back all your hit points.

Solutions - Complete
u, e
get lantern
get key
get sword
get rope
w, d, s
s, s, s
use lantern
w, u, e
get shield
get ring
w, d, e
wear shield
wear ring
wield sword
kill hellhound
kill knight
get chainmail
get helmet
wear chainmail
wear helmet
use key
get orb
w, n
kill mordimar

4K Version
The 4K version of this game was released by Csabo on 2019-08-19. Dunric, the game's original author probably intended the game to be 4K. I wanted to make this happen. Compressing it was the obvious choice, but the original compresses to 4.68 KB. Removing ~700 bytes without losing game features or text was no trivial task. A game of this size really doesn't require a LOAD/SAVE feature, and some of the room descriptions might be overly verbose. I didn't want to alter the game's original spirit. Therefore all the size reduction was done by optimizing the BASIC code. Besides some small changes, the most significant improvement was the new text parsing, and handling all verbs the same way. (The game originally handled 10 verbs via an array, and the other 7 via IF statements.) A couple of minor things were improved, and some error messages were simplified. None of these affect the gameplay.

The final size is just under 4K (including the PRG header). Further optimizations would be possible but unnecessary.

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