Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Code by:TGS
User Rating: 6.3/10 (3 votes)
P-Copy Screenshot

BASIC listing:
1987 TGS software                       

A program ujra inditasa reset utan
g060c -vel monitorban .
A gep az osszes szamot hexadecimalisan
keri .
A szamok ele kotelezo $-jelet rakni ott
ahol a gep ezt meg nem tette meg .
A gepikodu programok automata inditasa-
nal mindig a hexadecimalis inditasi ci-
met kell a geppel kozolni .
A rendszerrel masolhato program maxima-
lis hossza 208 blok lehet (52 kbajt) .
A program elhe0ezkedese a memoriaban :
$E000-$FA82 .
Inditas betoltes utan RUNnal .
A program masolasa : inditas utan egy-
bol a 'Kiiras' funkciora menni .
Itt tetszoleges nevvel ellatva ki lehet
menteni diskre vagy magnora .

The program can be restarted after reset with G 060C from monitor. The machine wants all numbers in hexadecimal form. You must enter "$" in front of numbers where the machine has not already done this. For autostarting machine language programs, you must enter the start address in hexadecimal form. This system can copy up to 208 blocks (52 Kbytes). The program's location in memory: $E000 - $FA82. To start, type "RUN" after loading. To save this program: choose "Kiiras" function after start. Here you can save the program with an arbitrary name.

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