BEGINNING: enemy forces are unkown.
BASES BUILDING: first bases are for jets and missiles.
SUBMARINES: from 1965 only.
SPIONAGE: more infos about the enemy are needed.
ABM'S: from 1970 only.
ACCIDENTS: they can occur while playing with fire.
HOT WAR: someone started to use his toys.
SELF-IMPETUS: bases act by their own initiative too.
FIGHTERS VS. BOMBERS: choosing zero defenders.
MISSILE BOMBING: got you enemy ABM!
SEA WAR: submarines reach the spot where to shoot.
AIR DEFENCE: the fighter jets do their job well.
AIR SUPREMACY: 14 bombers go 14 bombers strike!
WAR IS OVER: negotiation succeed.
SUMMARY: winners loosers world opinion and numbers.