Description | --=[ NEON NIGHT GIRLS ]=--
First of all, I want to express my warm thanks to Shane Turner who allowed me to use his art in this form of digital reproduction. Without his permission this slideshow would not happen. It was a joy to create something artistic for +4, even if it was not my own design.
Shane Turner is an artist from Canada/Montreal. I fell in love with his pictures in 2018, they all look fantastic, all hand made. Style: surreal pop art and urban art.
His process of creation can be seen on his FB page via stunning videos, his page's link referred on the first slide.
He has several styles, like pointilism, B/W style, slimy bodies :-) According to my view, all are outstanding quality. Shane frequently support charity, like "UK The Hepatitis C Trust"
The pictures were received from Shane with his special authorization to use in this slideshow. Due to lack of free time, two pictures not finished/edited, just converted, that's why the slideshow became shorter than planned. Those are added at the end as X1 and X2.
Fun fact: although the first page originally was not planned, I was astonished, how fantastic a converted natural concrete surface looked on +4. As I wanted to provide a little more information about Shane and his work, an idea of a (different style) intro page formed. The MMS logo looks a little "overdone". Because it was very hot during the creation, I decided to make a "summer edition" logo. Even a beach umbrella was planned to be in the logo, but failed to fit into the deadline :-D
Enjoy! :-)

 X1 unfinished:
 X2 unfinished:
