Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk only (1 side)
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Released by:Methabolix (MX)
Code by:Beast
Graphics by:Unreal
Credited (Additional music by):Sensor
Credited (Additional code by):TLC
Additional code by:Coby
Notes:Subtitled "History in the Making". Also uses Fastload CMS and EVS Noter.
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    C64 release
    ZX Spectrum release
    Atari ST release
    Amiga release
    Amstrad CPC release

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Myth Title Screenshot

Myth Screenshot

"Myth: History in the Making" would have been the very last effort on Plus/4 by Methabolix, mostly based on the code written by Beast and the graphics drawn by Unreal. Basically, it is a conversion from scratch, where all the code comes from Beast originally, and all the graphics are just inspired by the official commercial game, yet designed from zero in order to run at best with the color limitations of the Plus/4's software sprites.

A final version, which includes at least three worlds, may had been released at a point, but it seems to be lost nowadays: Unreal has searched it into his own collection of disks, but he hasn't been able to find more than the two versions reported here. We decided to name them respectively as "myth_working.d64" and "myth_broken.d64:

- myth_working.d64 shows filenames in clear, reporting a V6.4/C as claimed into the directory itself; also includes the intro, properly named, and the readme.doc file written in EVS Noter; although all the files are actually displayed in the directory, it doesn't seem to include the hiscore table; the game actually runs, it suddenly loads the first level ("Pandemon"), and, if bruteforced by cheating the code, it tries to load a second level ("Infernal") but it stucks once the loading ends;

- myth_broken.d64 has an edited directory showing few renamed files, one of those includes the same digi music intro as the one above, and the same readme.doc file is included too; unfortunately, after having started to load with LOAD"*",8,1 , the loaded file appears to be broken, because the bytepacker fails after the initial bitpacker does its job.

Playing this V6.4/C version, the game looks in a very advanced state of progress, because very few features seem to await for some refinements. The background gets canceled if an element is hit by knives, and some screen boundaries don't work yet as expected, sometimes taking to fatal bugs on the screen.
It looks like in this version, there's no chance to pass the first level. Three notable screens might be significative in order to solve the level (the devil's pit, the chimera and the hanged skeleton) but, although the hanged skeleton can be hit, consequently ruining downward, it seems that the collisions both for the devil and for the chimera don't activate ever. Bruteforcing the program to load an eventual second level makes the loader to run the level's name, and then continue to load; but once finished, the program stucks and the game freezes.

Cursor Left Walk left
Cursor Right Walk right
Space Jump
Shift Use weapon
< Roll weaponry left
> Roll weaponry right

Few Recovered Bits
Some disks picked from the Unreal's disk collection contain large slices of the game: tools, converters, graphics' workstages, charsets and so on. Unfortunately, their format may be quite obscure in most of the cases, being a bunch of heterogeneous stuff strictly handled by the author himself.

Infernal level's graphics

Medusa's background graphics

Panel color improved

Greek element (x2)

Dragon body (x2)

We've been able to recover some graphic elements, as well as the default text for the hiscores table:

da beast
the game
has been a
of the
this progy
is our
last one
the age of
eight bits
is over
so see you
soon on
type of
so long

Image Gallery
Myth Screenshot #1
Myth Screenshot #2
Myth Screenshot #3
Myth Screenshot #4
Hanged skeleton
Myth Screenshot #5
Myth Screenshot #6
Level 2: Infernal (broken)


hello everybody!                                                      
the beast/mx is attacking the keyboard
overhere,to write some fuckin' text.

as you may saw when you started the boot
of the programm of this floppy disk,the
drive loads our newest and probably best

we prouly name it : myth plus/4 version

i don't want to write stupidities,but
i have to notice that credits are not
stupidities. many programmer forigives
about them and it causes problems...

we don't want to hurt anybody so when
you read all of these pages,you will
find your own credit (when we used any
softwares from you!)

fuck spacey!

the credits are like this:

this text by: the beast/mx
texter: evs noter v1.0
coded by sjp/evs
1x1 fontset by: unreal/mx
music by: jch/vibrants
composed on c-64
ripped by: the beast/mx
from turrican intro
freq.converter by: tcfs design

first loader was coded by: the beast/mx

used floppy-speeder: cms-fastloader/cms
with some repairing by: the beast/mx

boot was coded by: the beast/mx
no music,sorry!
graphic by: unreal/mx
2x2 fontset by: ???/scn
ripped by: the beast/mx
text by: the beast/mx

fuck spacey!

introduction coded by: the beast/mx
sound digitalized by: sensor/nst
mixed by: sensor/nst
ripped from: phenomena
3x2 fontset by : unreal/mx
1x1 fontset by : unreal/mx
text : the beast/mx
loader routine: the beast/mx

main menu,high score and toplist saver
were coded by: the beast/mx
disksave speeder by: topsoft
i/o routines by: the beast/mx
'myth' logo by: unreal/mx
3v digital converter by: tlc/coroners
2x2 hi-res fontset by: unreal/mx
1x1 fontset by : unreal/mx

game was coded by : the beast/mx
design by : methabolix inc
loader routine : the beast/mx
2x2 fontset by : unreal/mx

fuck spacey!

level musics ripped from c-64
original musics from shadow of the beast
level graphics by: unreal/mx
there are not any converted bytes even
if our gfx is simillar to the original
myth's graphic!!!
bobs coded by: the beast/mx
bobs designed: unreal/mx

every sinus movement was made with the
a-system's sinus maker.

we used the following softwares while we
coded this software:
(not in abc-oreder!!!)

bit 'n byte compresser/csm of anarchy
mx-packer/coby of mx.
mx-byte compress/coby of mx.
3v freq. converter/coby of mx.
3v digi-converter/coby of mx.
tlc's v2.0 digi-converter/tlc of cns.
the disc wizard v2.0+/l.gaspar

fuck spacey!

disk-demon +4/cms of hcs
gfx-packer/the beast of mx.
logoeditor/csm of anarchy
chareditor v1.2/csm of anarchy
(i think this is the most useable editor
ever released on this machine!)
transformer/tdd of tit.
sinus maker/a-system
5-bit player/coby of mx.
multi botticelli/???
real botticelli/???
multi botticelli+/coby of mx.
fastloader/cms of hcs.
rastereditor/coby of mx.
terror-news editor/johnny of tit.
evs noter v1.0/sjp of evs.
mega-dir-sorter/delta system
(this programm makes many errors,for ex-
ample when you validates...checksum is
virtualy more than the real free blocks'
logopaint/tcfs design
3c converter/steve of scn.

fuck spacey!

finaly,the beast would like to say a big
thanx to his wife,nike for not
disturbing a lot while the programm made

keep the +4 alive freax!!!


the beast/mx is signing off!

fuck spacey!

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>2365 2C
>2373 2C
Unlimited energy
G 1600
Load next level

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