Murder On The Waterfront
Title:Murder On The Waterfront
Release Date:
Device Req.:Tape only
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Produced by:Gameworx Software
Code by:Reynolds, Darryll
Notes:WANTED: cover scan.
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    C64 release

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Murder On The Waterfront Title Screenshot

Murder On The Waterfront Screenshot

                       MURDER ON THE WATERFRONT


The sweet young daughter of Edward Harrington Mountford III, Chairman of
the Mountford Shipping Co. has been kidnapped.
A note demanding $500,000 ransom has been received. It has set a dead "D"
line of 12:00 midnight for the ransom to be delivered to a deserted
warehouse on the docks in 52nd Street, or else young sweet Mary Mountford
will be murdered.
It was signed by the Irish Gang, infamous New York gangsters known for
their brutality.
You, as Basil Byron, have been engaged to rescue sweet Mary Mountford, If
you are successful, the ransom will be yours.
Now cleverly disguised as the meter reader, you head down 52nd Street
towards the Waterfront. It's 8:32pm......

Special Commands
'I' list contents of pack.
'G' lists obvious exits from sites.
'l' lists items at sites.
'SAVE' saves game.
'QUIT' ends game session.
'N,S,E,W' direction.

Verbs Nouns
look, get, drop, talk, case, key, watch, oars, handkerchief, rope, bar,
dance, open, unlock, hotel, dance hall, band, girl, waiter, dancers,
read, move, help, rent, inn-keeper, register, door, bed, table, harbour,
buy, pry, climb, push, trap-door, row-boat, stairs, desk, hall, room,
cut, wear, shift...... drink, knife, gloves, note, small key, seat,
chain, porthole, guard, Mary, cabin, gang plank,
lamp, safe, taxi, picture, button........

Solutions - Unsolved
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Ennek a játéknak még nincs megoldása. Ha van egy leellenőrzött megoldásod, beírhatod ide (ha van szerkesztési jogod), vagy elküldheted az egyik adminisztrátornak.

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