| Mouse Extension | Title: | Mouse Extension | Category: | Utility | Release Date: | 2024-03-18 | Language: | English | Size: | 64K | Machine: | PAL & NTSC | Code Type: | Machine code | Distribution: | Freeware | Code by: | bszggg | Notes: | An OS extension with mouse pointer and other mouse features. |
v1.1 (for Yape):
External links: YouTube Video GitLab
User Rating: 9.3/10 (4 votes) User comments: Read comments
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| Additional Software Materials |  Mousepad |
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| Description | ##Mouse Extension v1.0 - Mouse for commodore plus/4
# Git:
- Handle the Amiga mouse with NST's audio extension (and other too) - Handle RS232 serial mouse with ACIA - Handle commodore 1351 mouse with sid card - Char mode cursor - Graphical cursor in HiRes mode - Graphical cursor in MultiColor mode - Handle split screen in both graphical modes - The pointer display is independent from the client program (use the raster interrupt to it) - Easy use and optimized to BASIC - Less memory usage (uses just the RS232 reserved memory addresses) - Handle the multi rows basic line (important for command mode) - Fast display
#Command mode - Left click : Place the original cursor to the mousepointer - Right click : Clear the actual mouse cursor position
#Handles - Mouse positions - Left click - Right click - 2 buttons in one time (In Amiga mouse is middle)
#Hot keys / with hot keys
CTRL + F1 | Exit | CTRL + inst/del (in V1.0 version) | Exit | (REMOVED in the V1.1 !) | CTRL + cursors | move the pointer | CTRL + space | Left click | CTRL + return | right click | COMMODORE + click + cursor move up/down | reposition the split row |
#After exit - it can be run again with sys1015 ; g03f7 #Addresses that we can read for pointers ; MERGED 180-as cursor - Same pointer for the two type mouse .MerHiColX =$042d ; x 180 merge ; MERGED CHAR MOUSE POINTER .MerCharX =$042e ; X 80 - for Char mode .MerCharY =$042f ; Y 40 - for Char mode ; MERGED MOUSE POINTER - Limitalt MERGED 320-as kurzor .MerLimBtn =$0430 ; Buttons 7-es bit bal, 6-middle, 5-right, .MerLimXHi =$0431 ; x mergeHI .MerLimX =$0432 ; x merge .MerLimY =$0433 ; y merge ; STORED FOR BASIC - MERGED MOUSE POINTER .MerLimXHiStor =$0434 ; x mergeHI stored .MerLimXStor =$0435 ; x merge stored .MerLimYStor =$0436 ; y merge stored
Basic pointer storage fill. (It fills STORED FOR BASIC from MERGED MOUSE POINTER) .jmpStoreBasicSI =$0420 ;
#Used memory addresses at working $fc $fd - RS232 zero page pointer $03f7 - 0436 : RS232 putter addresses - uses for the routines (jumping for ram-rom, runs, interrupt handler) $07cd -$07d8 : RS232 working addresses - uses for rs232 puffer (3 sendt position +2 bytes other) $f270 - $fade : the driver OR Nothing with CRT
Best performance with the NST's audio extension with Amiga mouse
#Tested in - Commodore plus/4
#I tested it - NST's audio extension - amiga mouse mode - USB to AMIGA mouse transformer - NST's audio extension - commodore 1351 mouse mode - USB to 1351 mouse transformer - Max 232 IC with PC serial mouse
Sukkopera tested it with - commodore 1351 mouse - Need to check the right click handling!
NST's audio extension homepage: http://bsz.amigaspirit.hu/nae/index_hu.html
RS-232 mouse documentation: Plus4_RS232mouse_documentation_V2.pdf
Reseed: (Need to test the final too!)
#thanks to BSZ for the lot of the help, ideas, and lot of information MMS to keep the interesting sukkopera for testing and keep the interesing to 1351 mouse too
----------------------- For more information the actual possibilities ----------------------- FAQ:
This is the current situation:
4 types of mice can be natively connected to commodore plus/4
- PC serial mouse (with voltage converter, 5v user port - 12v RS232) - Commodore 1351 mouse (NST's audio extension OR other SID CARD) - Amiga mouse (NST's audio extension) - Atari mouse (NST's audio extension)
- with USB mouse converter (1351 or Amiga) - with PS/2 mouse converter (1351 or Amiga) There are 3 types of binding options
- ACIA in user port - NST audio extension - Reseed and other SID cards
There are many types of mouse adapters
- RS232 port converter to ACIA user - TIKUS BLACK AMIGA DB9 USB ADAPTER TANK MOUSE C64 ATARI ST JOYPAD - € 21.99 - TOM USB HID AMIGA ATARI C64 C128 MOUSE JOYSTICK GAMEPAD ADAPTER - € 23.99 - PS/2 to Amiga 500 600 1200 2000 3000 4000 Mouse Adapter
- PS/2 to Atari ST Mouse Adapter Converter - Jerry Rev.2 Amiga Atari ST USB Mouse Adapter - Commodore 64 C64 PS/2 Mouse to 1351 Mouse Adapter
(Collected from: https://sordan.ie/category/14/retro-computing-accessories/)
The program is sure to handle the
- PC serial mouse -> RS232 port-converter to ACIA user - Amiga mouse -> NST's audio extension - Commodore 1351 mouse -> NST's audio extension
? Commodore 1351 mouse -> Reseed and other SID cards (Not tested by me. NEED CHECK The right click handling!) ? *** Atari mouse -> NST's audio extension (in principle it can work, but you have to issue a poke command to switch the card to ATARI mode) -> NST's audio extension
The working versions I tested:
- PC serial mouse -> RS232 portconverter to ACIA user - USB mouse -> TIKUS BLACK AMIGA DB9 USB ADAPTER TANK MOUSE C64 ATARI ST JOYPAD IN "Amiga mouse" mode -> NST's audio extension - USB mouse -> TOM USB HID AMIGA ATARI C64 C128 MOUSE JOYSTICK GAMEPAD ADAPTER IN "Commodore 1351 mouse" mode -> NST's audio extension
The NON-working versions I tested:
PS/2 mouse -> PS/2 to Amiga 500 600 1200 2000 3000 4000 Mouse Adapter -> NST's audio extension
## -------------------------------------- RELEASE v1.1 --------------------------------------
It contains a lot of bugfixes. - Fix unneeded jumping as it possible (serial, and 1351 mouse) - Updates cursor smoothness (serial, and 1351 mouse) - Different ROM BANK versions - Yape versions for earlier emulator
The different ROM version helps us to use the driver cartridge with other extensions (3-plus-1 and Basic V7.0) Maybe it helps to let the C16 owners to use it somehow, with a cartridge, and a serial adapter
# Normal version
The uploaded zip contains 3 types of cartridge rom, 00 basic kernal 01 3+1 -> mouse_extension_v1_1_bank01.bin 02 -> mouse_extension_v1_1_bank02.bin 03 Basic7 -> mouse_extension_v1_1_bank03.bin
# The "Y" Version: 1.1Y is a yape version, you can try it at ROM _BANK 02
The Yape version because of the Y axis handled wrong direction. So in this ROM image helps us to use in the Yape. So we can try other softwares too, that written with this driver
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| Instructions | The tool can be used on emulators too due to the mouse emulation via keyboard.
CTRL + Cursors | Move the pointer | CTRL + Space | Left click | CTRL + Return | Right click | | | CTRL + F1 | Exit | Commodore + (click) + Cursor up/down | Reposition the split row |
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