Matrix (Entary Games)
Title:Matrix (Entary Games)
Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk only (1 side)
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
 Play Online!
Notes:Place connected tiles while trying to corner your opponent. The winner is the player that places the final tile. Written by (private) (Nickmann Studio), released by Entary Games.
  External links:
    Matrix @ Entary Games homepage
    Homelab-2 / Aircomp-16 release

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Matrix (Entary Games) Title Screenshot

Matrix (Entary Games) Screenshot

Commodore Plus/4 játékfejlesztői versenyBASIC(awaiting voting)(n/a)


****** ******
****** M A T R I X ******
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(C)2025 NICKMANN Studio

============== General Information ==============
Release Date : 01/25/2025
Language : English
Genre : Board game
================== Requirements =================
Platform : Commodore Plus/4
CPU : 7501 or 8501
RAM : 64 kB
Sound : Yes
Website : entary.nickmann.hu/games/matrix

Loading: LOAD"*",8
Srarting: RUN
Game controls: SPACE-bar, WASD keys and cursor arrows.

MATRIX is a classic "territory capturing" game against the computer.
The goal is not to capture the largest territory, but to be the last move.
A kind of "corner pushing" style.

The game starts in the middle of the field, and you can always move one step further from the opponent's move. The players, "YOU" and "NPC" take turns moving, thus progressing through the 9 levels, until the final victory.

Sectors Logo
This production features the first sectors logo ever on Plus/4.

Looking at the disk sectors on a global view, the distribution of the occupied sectors Vs. the free ones reveals a "M EG 2025" logo with some decorative elements.
Matrix (Entary Games) sector logo

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Run Stop
3303 CP=1
Always win

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