Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk or Tape
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
Retail Price:29,95 DM
Game ending type:Has an end, restarts (no reward)
 Play Online!
Released by:Kingsoft
Code by:Dierks, Jörg
Music by:Kläwer, Oliver
Cracked by:Obelix
Cracked by:The Byte Ltd.
Notes:Also cracked by Dr Martens. A Qix clone, you must fence off the supermajority of the playfield to win each level. Unfortunately the game is buggy, see below.
  External links:
    C64 release
    Amiga release
    Atari ST release

User Rating: 5.5/10 (8 votes)
Maniax Title Screenshot

Maniax Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseKingsoft1988Commercial29,95 DMDiskUnspecified0
1 found.

Hall Of Fame
1KiCHY995,418Played on Plus4Emu, after this level, scrore wrapped over.
2Csabo770,931YAPE 1.1.0. As seen on the screenshot, the game's bug prevented me from progressing - stopped at level 33 with 7 lives left.
4siz123,583YAPE 1.1.5, game crashed with 5 lives left.
Submit your own high score now!


Disk Cover
Disk Cover
Disk Cover (with sticker)
Disk Cover (with sticker)
[ Large version (478Kb) ]
Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Inlay 1
Cassette Inlay 1
Cassette Inlay 2
Cassette Inlay 2
Disk Inlay 1
Disk Inlay 1
Disk Inlay 2
Disk Inlay 2

Anco advertisment
Anco advertisment

Physical Media

Image Gallery
Maniax Screenshot #1
Maniax Screenshot #2
Maniax Screenshot #3
Maniax Screenshot #4

This commercial release is unfortunately buggy.

First, there's a randomly occurring bug which causes the "main enemy" to be completely immobile, and any completed area remains empty (no painting on either side). In the first screenshot below, several completed areas can be seen, but none of them were painted. Once this bug occurs, the player is doomed to eventually lose the game without being able to continue.

Second, after each level, an intermediate screen should be displayed. Instead, this screen is only visible for less than one frame - effectively missing from the game.

Third, when catching the "W" bonus tile, "garbled text" is shown on the screen. See the third screenshot, top/right. Examining the game's code reveals that this part is unfinished. The "W" tile was supposed to collect the letters flying around, catching them would spell out the location (this is mentioned in the game's description). The letters would appear in the box below the high score - but nothing is ever show there; that box always remains empty.

Maniax Screenshot #1
Game stopped working
Maniax Screenshot #2
"Ghost screen"
Maniax Screenshot #3
Garbled text after catching "W" bonus

Late C64 Release

In later times, the game has been sold for Commodore 64 only, refurbishing the same cassette cover used in the double releases. The blackstripping performed on the text referred to the C16 and Plus/4, both on the side and the front cover, still allows the text to be easily read if exposed to a spotlight.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>683F 0# (default 7)
>684A 0# (default 5)
Change percent required to pass level
G 6851
Instantly finish level
>65C4 4C D3 65
Invulnerability against death's-heads
>65EA 60
Invulnerability against flame

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