Magician's Curse 4
Title:Magician's Curse 4
Original version:The Magician's Curse
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, restarts (no reward)
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Level edited by:HG
Notes:A hacked and level edited version of the original.
User Rating: 7.2/10 (4 votes)
Magician's Curse 4 Title Screenshot

Magician's Curse 4 Screenshot

Map: Commodore Világ 41 (Magazine/Hungarian) pg. 36

Game Map Preview
Download: the_magicians_curse_4_map.gif
Description: Game Map
Dimensions: 2316x1306
Created by Reuben Cornwall in 2008.

Solutions - Complete
The Magicians Curse 4

by Reuben Cornwall.

avoid bats :- drains strength.
falling apples :- drains strength.
water :- drains strength for as long as you`r in it.
green barriers :- drains strength when visible, and walking through them.

from the start climb the ladder and go right and past the house. now climb the ladder
to get to the purple platform, now jump left off the purple platform to swoop down on to
the far left ladder. now get the potion and go up the ladder, get the potion and go left.
go through the door way and get the food and drink, key and return to the house.
once here enter the house and get the potion and candle to light the caves, then leave
the house. now go back up the ladder to get back to the purple platform and go right,
right. now enter the well and go down the ladder and go through the exit. now go down
both ladders and get the potion, then go left and get the talisman, potion. now go left
past the well and go through the door way. now go right and use the ladder to get to the
other side of the room and get the food and drink, then go through the door way. now go
left and get the talisman, then go right and up the ladder and get the potion.
now go right and use the ladder to go right and get poisoned, now get the food and drink
and go down the ladder. now get the talisman and go left then go up the ladder and go
to you`r right to get the antidote. now go back down the ladder and go right and get the
food and drink. now go up the ladder and go left, left and through the door way.
now go left, left past the church and enter the well and go down the ladder and get the
potion and key. now go up the ladder and exit the well and go right to enter the church.
now get the potion to reveal a secret passage then leave the church. now go left,
left and get the potion and go down the ladder. now get the food and drink and go down
the ladder and go right and get the talisman. now go left and up both ladders and go
through the door way. now go right and through the door way, now climb the ladder and
jump to you`r left to swoop down to the other side. now go left and get the potion
and go through the door way and get the potion and talisman. now go through the exit and
go right then climb the ladder and jump to you`r right to swoop down to the ladder. go
through the exit and go left, left and enter the tower. now get the food and drink and
the talisman and leave the tower. now go right and through the exit and go left, left
and through the exit. now go left and get the potion then go right and drop down and go
through the exit. now go right and walk off the end of the gray platform to get back to
the start. now climb the ladder and go right, then go past the house and climb the ladder
back to the purple platform. now go right, right and enter the well and go back down the
ladder. now go back through the exit and down both ladders and go left. now enter the
well and go down the ladder and get the last talisman, so you can enter the room to the
right with the gold statue and complete the game.

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