Lancess Priya
Title:Lancess Priya
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:No end (highscore)
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Created by:Dr. TerrorZ
Notes:Inspired by the Atari's "Star Wars" coin-op (1983), but with characters instead of vectors. An adaptation from the same author of the C64 original, which won the WiLD Demo Competition at Vammala Party 2023.
  External links:
    C64 release

User Rating: 8.0/10 (4 votes)
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Lancess Priya Title Screenshot

Lancess Priya Screenshot

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1Luca1,537Played on YAPE 1.2.3, PSX joypad.
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Lancess Priya

Review: Zzap! 11/96 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 33

Planet Eartha is under attack from the evil lord Luken Faija and his fleet of Battlestars. Lancess Priya you are our only hope!

Proceed through Space Battle, Battlestar Surface, and Battlestar Trench scenes. Avoid enemy fire or deflect them by shooting. Earn wave bonuses by destroying the required number of targets, such as enemy ships, tower tops and bunkers. To destroy the Battlestar you need to hit the reactor core(s) at the end of the trench.

Steer the ship and the crosshair with Joystick in Port 2.

You can invert the Y-axis by "bumping" the crosshair against the bottom of the screen while in start screen.

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