Labirintus (Labirinth)
Title:Labirintus (Labirinth)
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Basic + Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Code by:TGS
Notes:You start out in a labirinth, as you walk around and find more items, your quest is slowly revealed. You can pick up several items and even use your terminal to write programs.
User Rating: 5.8/10 (3 votes)
Labirintus Title Screenshot

Labirintus Screenshot

Game Endings
This game has an ending!


Game Map Preview
Download: labirintus_map.gif
Created by Csabo
Description: Game Map
Dimensions: 896x624
File size: 16 KB. Created on 2022-05-25.

Control panel: (from left to right)
1st dial: remaining time (pick up clocks to gain more time)
2nd dial: remaining energy (pick up food to gain more energy)
The two bars + HELP is decoration
Status panel


Joystick left/right Turn left/right
Joystick up Step forward
Joystick down Pick up an item (when standing in front of it)
Q Instructions (Return to exit)
Z View your documents
Space Inventory
F Take a photograph (only if you have the camera)
K Scan for notes (only if you have the scanner)
I View notes
T Enter terminal (END to return)

1 - Utilities (Segédprogramok)
2 - The quest's goal (A küldetés célja)
3 - Map of the labyrinth (A labirintus térképe)
4 - The quest's solution (A küldetés teljesítése)
5 - Decode the secret notes (A titkos irat megfejtése)

Solutions - Complete
As you navigate the labyrinth, collect clocks (to replenish your time) and food (to replenish your energy).
- Optionally find the map (document #3, north/west part)
- Optionally find document #4, which tells you the steps you must take to finish your quest.
- Find a camera, there's at least two (marked with "F" on the map)
- Optionally find a note scanner, which tells you your distance from the secret note.
- Once you find the note (south/east part), press "F" to take a picture of it.
- You can now press "I" to read the note, but it's encrypted.
- Find document #5 which tells you how to decrypt the note: it copies a basic program into your terminal.
- Press "T" to enter your terminal and run the program. Type in the encrypted text line-by-line to decrypt it.
- The notes tell you to return to the starting location and press "M" to ring the bell and meet the professor.
- Return to the starting location and press "M": you've completed your quest and the end sequence will play.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
Hold Run/Stop
Stop game (during startup before first run)
In line 61005, change POKE 65287,8+128 to POKE 65287, PEEK(65287) OR 128
Make the game NTSC compatible
7010 D1=D1-0.0
Unlimited time
7070 D2=D2-0.0
Unlimited energy
Restart game

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