Here is the list of words understood by the game, while playing the version in English:
torch, key, girder, sign, door, flute, skull, necklace, skeleton, altar, bandages, axe, batteries, drugs, cobra, sapphire, sword, vase, sarcophagus, mask, mommy, sand, room, hieroglyphic, room, hallway, tunnel, ladder, north, south, east, west, up, down, n, s, e, w, above, below, switch (off), exit, inventary, i, look, go, run, walk, see, take, grab, put, leave, give , open, *, play, read, wave, dig, eqt, drink, close, grab, destroy, light, switch off, jump, change, around, get
Here is the list for the version in Italian:
torcia, chiave, trave, scritta, porta, flauto, teschio, collana, scheletro, altare, bende, scure, batterie, droghe, cobra, zaffiro, spada, vaso, sarcofago, maschera, mummia, sabbia, stanza, geroglifico, sala, corridoio, cunicolo, scala, nord, sud, est, ovest, su, giù, n, s, e, o, sopra, sotto, arrenditi, inventario, i, guarda, vai, corri, cammina, esamina, prendi, piglia, posa, lascia, dai , apri, *, suona, leggi, ondeggia, scava, mangia, bevi, chiudi, rompi, sfonda, accendi, spegni, salta, cambia, attorno, afferra
Here are a few hints:
☻ To repeat the description of the current location, type look around (esamina attorno) or see (vedi) or simply *. ☻ You are not Hercules and you can not carry too many objects with you. ☻ Use inventory (inventario) or i to know what you are carrying around. ☻ All verbs and nouns can be abbreviated using the first four letters.