L'Accoppiata (The Combination)
Title:L'Accoppiata (The Combination)
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Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
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Published by:J.Soft
Converted by:Albarelli, Stefano
Notes:Original by (private). Typed in by saver71.
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Published: Papersoft 25/1985 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 15

In "L'Accoppiata", it is necessary, as the name implies, to form pairs with a certain number of hole cards. In this computer version it is possible to train by playing alone or challenge another player in a fight until the last couple.

Starting the game, after a few seconds in which the program initializes some variables, the user is asked if he wants to play alone or against an opponent. After answering this question, the 36 cards appear one by one on the screen, which consequently make up 18 pairs. They are arranged randomly on the screen and in each game they are in different positions.
After the cards have been placed on the screen, a player will have to choose a pair of cards, indicating them with the numbers on the back (if solitaire has been selected, the same player will always choose, if instead the game has been selected. two, will choose one or the other player in turn). After typing the two numbers (typing them separated by a comma or pressing RETURN after typing each number), the computer will turn over the two matching cards.
If they are the same, the player who has chosen them scores a point, if they are different, the computer lets them see them for a few moments and then turns them over. If you indicate a card that is already face up, the choice is canceled and the request for the two numbers is asked again.
At the end of the game, that is when all the pairs have been discovered, the one who has discovered the most pairs wins.

In this game it is necessary, in order to discover as many pairs as possible, to observe and try to remember the positions of the cards, because if you see the twin card and remember where the other card was, you can form a pair, while typing numbers a case, it is very difficult to find one.
And now have fun and a good match !!

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