Impossible Mission
Title:Impossible Mission
Release Date:
Code Type:Machine code
Notes:This game existed, it was submitted to a competition, where it won second place, but ultimately lost. See below for more details. Excluded from voting.

Mentioned: Mikroszámítógép M... 1989/6 (Magazine/Hungarian) pg. 32

From Mikroszámítógép Magazin 1989/6, page 32:

Megszokott második díjas lett Jurkovics Károly Budapestről, aki a C Plus/4-re írta és alakította át a közismert Impossible Mission játékot, végig gépikódban dolgozva, a gép szűkös (60 k-s) memóriájába zsúfolva be azt. A mellékelt játékleírás is olyan, amilyen eddig csak a zsűri tagjainak álmaiban fordult elő. Megérdemelten vihette haza a Novotrade RT és a KISZ KB KSZT 2000-2000 Ft-os díjait."


Once again, Karoly Jurkovics from Budapest took 2nd place. He developed the well-known game Impossible Mission for C Plus/4, using machine language, fitting it into the limited (60K) memory. The included game manual is something that the jury members could only dream about. He received two well deserved awards of 2000 HUF.

This was the 6th time this competition was held. The first place was taken by the C64 game A Bosszú by István Rátkai (which was converted to Plus/4 later). We found the author and asked him about the game via email. This is what he had to say (paraphrasing):

I might have the documentation mentioned in the magazine somewhere, this had a lot of screens. The program itself is very likely lost after 30 years, it was on a cassette somewhere. I developed everything by myself, it was written in pure assembly, specifically for this competition. I would call it "fan art". Nothing happened with the program afterwards. I looked at this as an interesting opportunity to learn, I've been a developer ever since.

The author also appears in Mikroszámítógép Magazin 1988/7, page 3 - he won another competition with a word processor written for the HT computers. There's a photo of him as well.

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