Halálos Útvesztő (Deadly Maze)
Title:Halálos Útvesztő (Deadly Maze)
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Game ending type:Has an end, restarts (reward)
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Notes:Written by Gábor Izsó. The sequel is Halálos Útvesztő II.
User Rating: 3.0/10 (2 votes)
Halálos Útvesztő Title Screenshot

Halálos Útvesztő Screenshot

Solutions - Complete
The game places 30 snakes into the maze in random. Even with the sword equipped, there's only 80% chance of killing them. Since you have to visit almost all areas of the maze, the chance of surviving is 80% ^ 30, which is around 0.1%. Therefore it is technically possible to win the game using this solution, but there's an almost certain chance that the player will die along the way (unless the cheat is applied).

d, d, d
fogd, kar,
d, d, k, k, e, e, k, k, d, d, k, k, k, k, k, d, d, d, d, k,
fogd, nap,
ny, e, e, e, e, ny, ny, ny, ny, ny, e, e, ny, ny, d, d, ny, ny, e, e, e, e, k, k, k, k, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, ny,
i (write down the 10 character password)
k, d, d, d, d, d, ny, ny, e, ny, ny, ny, e, e, e, e, ny, e, e, e, k, k, d, k, k, e, k, k, k, k, k, k, k, k, k, d, d, k, k, e, e, k, k, k, k, k, d, d,
fogd, ara,
e, e, ny, ny, ny, ny, ny, d, d, ny, ny, e, e, ny, ny, ny, ny, ny, d, d, k, k, k, d, d, k, k, k, k, k, d, d, ny, ny, d, d, d, d, k, k, d, d, ny, ny, ny, ny, e, e, e, e, ny,
fogd, kul,
k, d, d, d, d, k, k, k, k, e, e, e, e, k, k, k, k, e, e, k, k, k, d, d, d, d, d, ny, ny, e, ny, ny, ny, d, d, d, k, d, d, ny, d, d, k, k, k, d, k, k, e, e, e, ny, ny, e, e, k, k,
fogd, gyo,
ny, ny, d, d, k, k, d, d, d, ny, ny, e, ny, ny, ny, e, e, ny, ny, e, ny, ny, ny, d, d, k, d, d,
(type the password)

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625 REM
No snakes

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