Ghost Town Plus
Title:Ghost Town Plus
Original version:Ghost Town
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
 Play Online!
Additional code by:awsm
Notes:Multilanguage, with improved graphics and additional intro pictures.
  External links:
    C64 release
    Source code at GitHub
    Official site
    YouTube Video

User Rating: 7.6/10 (9 votes)
Ghost Town Plus Title Screenshot

Ghost Town Plus Screenshot

About the game:
Ghost Town was originally written by Udo Gertz for the Commodore 16 and released by Kingsoft in the year 1985. It's an adventure game where the player has to solve puzzles by finding items and progress screen by screen to the final battle with the evil wizard Belegro. The game is very unforgiving, any mistake will lead to the player's death.

The Ghost Town 2020 version:
Ingo Hinterding has completely disassembled the original source code and created two new versions of the game:

Ghost Town+
This is an extended 64k version for the C16, C116 and Plus/4.
These are the differences to the original 16k version:

- Support for three languages: english, german and hungarian
- Language can be chosen when starting the game
- a new multicolor title screen (based on the game's cover art)
- improved ingame graphics
- tons of bug fixes

Ghost Town 64
This is the first time you can play Ghost Town on a Commodore 64/128!

- a new remix of the game music by Spider Jerusalem
- Support for three languages: english, german and hungarian
- Language can be chosen when starting the game
- a new multicolor title screen (based on the game's cover art)
- improved ingame graphics
- tons of bug fixes

Both versions can now be downloaded from the dedicated website: http://www.kingsoft.de
As a special bonus, the fully annotated source code is available on github: https://github.com/Esshahn/Ghost-Town

For any questions:

Ingo Hinterding

Thank you!
Ingo Hinterding // awsm of Mayday!

Image Gallery
Ghost Town Plus Screenshot #1
Ghost Town Plus Screenshot #2
Ghost Town Plus Screenshot #3
Ghost Town Plus Screenshot #4
Ghost Town Plus Screenshot #5
Ghost Town Plus Screenshot #6

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