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Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:No end (highscore)
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Code by:orac81
Notes:Simple Space Invaders clone that compiles for the VIC20, C64 and C16. Released 10 years after its early stages (2014-07-16) even if incomplete (version 27). Version 32 has been releases on 2024-03-21.
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Freax Title Screenshot

Freax Screenshot

Two Versions
FREAX puts on play a plot twist compared to the usual Space Invaders clones: alternate rows of aliens move in the opposite directions. Nonetheless, the author also offers a parallel compiling of his game's source code, in which a much more traditional movement of the aliens occurs, which has been titled with the suffix "NORM" (normal, alien motion).

The two modes of play have been merged into one in version 32 of the game.

Keyboard only
I Left
P Right
Shift / Control / Commodore Fire
Space Start game
X Quit game

In the title screen you can select different modes by hitting M key.
For a fast game select 1 (bit 0). For a simpler "classic" alien motion, select 2 (bit 1). For both, 3..

When the aliens move, different rows move in the opposite direction.
The game has a pattern of alien movements that span over 8 levels, each level lower and more difficult.
After 8 levels, the game "wraps" and keeps playing, but at a faster speed.
When an alien reaches the bottom, or you use all your lives, the game is over.
HINT: When shooting, shave the "side" aliens first, then try to eliminate all the ones going in one particular direction.

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