Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Product Code:02343,SP1431
Retail Price:£5.99
Game ending type:No end (highscore)
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Published by:Commodore Business Machines (UK) Ltd. (CBM)
Cracked by:Terrific Trio Inc. (TTI)
Re-released by:Computer Software
Re-released by:Top30
Code by:Moore, Mark J.
Code by:Bartlett, Peter J.
Notes:The Computer Software rerelease is a mere straight copy of the original tape.
User Rating: 6.2/10 (9 votes)
User comments: Read comments
Enigma Title Screenshot

Enigma Screenshot

Game Endings
This game is confirmed
to have no ending.

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseCommodore Business Machines (UK) Ltd.1985Commercial02343CassetteUnspecified2
1 found.

Hall Of Fame
3Csabo51,080YAPE 1.2.3.
4C64Mark38,480Played live on streaming.
6siz21,820Real plus/4 with joystick.
7Chronos19,270Yape 1.1.6, keyboard.
Submit your own high score now!


Derived Software
Enigma (Armati)

Map: Commodore Világ 31 (Magazine/Hungarian) pg. 31
Review: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 1 Issue 1 (Magazine/English) pg. 14
Review: Commodore User 23 (Magazine/English) pg. 35

Cassette Cover
Cassette Cover
Instructions Leaflet 1
Instructions Leaflet 1
Instructions Leaflet 2
Instructions Leaflet 2
Cassette Cover (Computer Software)
Cassette Cover (Computer Software)
Photo Cover (Computer Software)
Photo Cover (Computer Software)
An actual photograph, roughly cut by hand and added as front cover though detached from the actual cover.

Physical Media
Submitted by Ulysses777
Cassette (Computer Software)
Cassette (Computer Software)

Game Map Preview
Download: enigma_map.png
Created by Csabo
Description: Game Map
Dimensions: 2576x1560
File size: 87 KB. Created on 2023-03-23.

Undocumented Keys
While ingame, press the HELP key to quit the game and get back to the titlescreen.

Map Details
The game screens are made up of tiles. Each screen is divided into 15 tiles: 5 columns, 3 rows. The image below illustrates this:
Enigma tiles
As you can see, the same tile ($11) is used 4 times. Each tile only takes one byte, therefore the basic screen layout is defined by only 15 bytes. (This is padded to 16 bytes so that the offsets can be easily calculated.)

Each tile is made up of 8*7 characters. There are 32 tiles in total, as seen here:
Enigma all tiles

The 8*7 size has been carefully chosen: each of the characters starting from the top/right can be indexed by a number less than 256. (The last character of the tile, 7 to the right and 6 down, is 247 ($F7) characters away.) This makes the code that displays one tile simple. The tiles take up 8*7 = 56 bytes, which are padded to 64 bytes, so that the offsets can be easily calculated.

The colors are stored per-screen: one color for the walls only, and one color for everything else. This means +2 bytes per screen.

There's additional data for the screens: the location of the energy item (if there is one), and the location of a door (there can only be one per room). The keys are stored separately from screens.

The total data for the map is approximately:
+ 64 screens * 16 bytes (layout)
+ 64 screens * 4 bytes (energy item and doors)
+ 32 tiles * 64 bytes
= 3328 ($D00)

The map data takes up a little less than a 3rd of the available space (assuming $3000 bytes) of the C16's memory. (For comparison, were the screens stored as "one byte per one character", the map would take about 53Kb).

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>22E5 EA
Unlimited lives (enter in emulator monitor)
>34CD 24
Invulnerability (enter in emulator monitor)
>33FA 24
Unlimited energy (enter in emulator monitor)
>1F7C 2C
No moving enemies (enter in emulator monitor)

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