The game's main character is clearly inspired by Stripy, created by Bruno Bozzetto. Stripy was featured in 13 short (6' long) animation movies, directed by Guido Manuli around 1984. The character gained widespread fame mainly as the protagonist of the opening of the TV show for children titled "Scacciapensieri", broadcasted on Radiotelevisione Svizzera Italiana (RSI), the Italian language based Swiss television channel of the era: in 45'', Stripy attempts to not laughing while trying to pronounce the show's title, with his distinctive garbled speech created for him by the voice actor Carlo Bonomi.
Production Fee
According to a comment from Jeva in Juicy's scrolltext, the entire development team was paid 24,000.- HUF altogether for producing this game.
Mentions In The Media
The author (Mucsi and Batya) and the game is mentioned in an article in the issue of 92/2 Guru magazine, in an interview with György Dragon, who talks about the Muffbusters:
Programozóinkkal kezdeném: (private) "Mucsi" (a Dudaorrú Patrick című fantasztikus Plusz 4 játék készítője) az ATARI verziót is készíti. [...] Segítségünkre van ebben a munkában (private) "Batya" is.
(Translation: Let me start with out programmers: Mucsi (the author of Duraorru Patric, the fantastic Plus/4 game) is also developing the ATARI version. [...] Also helping out with this work is Batya.)