Magicland Dizzy
by Reuben Cornwall
notes : Don't use "eat me cake" on any of Dizzy's friends
Resting on clouds you'll slowly sink through them
Don't stay too long on the lily pads
the three hidden diamonds are hidden behind fences in the sword in the stone the bushy grove the cracks of gehenna
From the start go left get the "key" and go left, left, left, open back door and left get "handle" then go up,left, left, up, get "power pill" then down right, right, down, right, right, and drop handle at base of well and get the "bucket" then go right, right, right, right, right, right, right, and fill bucket in the geyser and go left get "potion" and drop power pill go left, left, and get "dora the frog" and go left, left, left, left, left, left, left, and give the frog to "prince charming" and go left hit the switch and go left, left, left, drop potion and bucket and go right, right, right, right, right, up, right, right, right, get the "stick" and go up and jump right onto the monolith and get the "cat" and fall down onto weirdhenge and get the "dagger" and go right, right, give cat to "glenda" and go left, left, left, left, use dagger to cut a leaf from "dylans bush" dont pick it up yet and go left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, free the "goat" useing the dagger then hit "goat" with stick and drop the dagger and go right, right, right, right, right, up, left, get "cross" and go right, down, left, left, left, left, left, get "bucket" and "potion" go left, left, drop bucket on denzil go left, left, down, down, get "torch" and go right give potion to "daisy" and go left, up, up, right, right, get "personal stereo" and drop the cross and go right, right ,right, get "apple" and go right, right, right, right, up, left, left, left, left, give personal stereo to "bard" and get the "pipes" go down, right, right, right, right, right, right, drop the popes near the well and go right now get the "leaf" and go right, right, right, right, and give the torch/leaf/apple to "glenda" and get the "weedkiller" and go left, left, left, left, drop the weedkiller on dylan go left and get the "pipes" and fall down onto the ledge with the diamond drop pipes and go left, left get "lamp" and go up, up, up, up, get "lightning rod" go down, down, right, right, get "cloth duster" go left, left, down drop cloth duster on "lamp" and get the "lamp & duster" go left, left, left, left, drop lightning rod on top of "dozy" stand on the steps and drop the duster on the lamp and go right, right, right, right, right, right, down, left, get "sticky thing" go left, up, left, left, left, drop sticky thing on "excalibur" and go left, left, left, left, left, up, up, jump left, down, left and through the "mirror" and left talk with "grand dizzy" and go right, right, down, right, to the volcano and jump over the clouds and go down, down, and talk with "lucifer" and get the "trident" and go to "zak's tower" and use the trident on "zak's" then get the "ring" and go back to "lucifer" he will tell you to destroy the ring so go left stand on the middle rock and drop the ring then take thirty diamonds to lucifer to complete the game.