The collection has been originally named as "CEEP4A_.ZIP", roughly naming it after the resulting packed file, 8-chars compliant. The nine D64s were spreaded with the following text file.
CEEP4A_.ZIP is a series of disk images of important new files for the PLUS/4. All of these are brought to you from programmer Jim Hehl and courtesy of COMMODORE CEE Disk Magazine. Each ZIP file is a single .d64 disk image.
There are a few things on here that are simply NTSC fixed copies of games that woere originally PAL format. All of the Original programs also exist in PAL format. Most of these should work on either PAL or NTSC as is. If there is a problem let me know and I will have Jim Send me a PAL format file to Upload. Realize, however, that doing so will take a week or more. This is just a small part of the original programming for the PLUS/4 from COMMODORE CEE and Jim Hehl. There will be more disk images added to this series as I go through disks here and have time to upload. There is even more that will not be on FTP sites but only available to magazine subscribers. Jack Vander White COMMODORE CEE 5443 College Oak Drive #26 Sacramento, CA 95841 USA Internet: Fidonet:1:203/999 BBS:1-916-339-3403 300 to 14,400 baud over 40 megs of Commodore 8-bit files available to first time callers. Jack VW