Caccia Allo Squalo (Shark Hunting)
Title:Caccia Allo Squalo (Shark Hunting)
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Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
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Published by:J.Soft
Code by:Sarcina, Franco
Notes:Typed in by saver71.
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Published: Papersoft 39/1985 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 6

This time your C16 takes you to the middle of the ocean aboard a fully equipped shark hunting boat. In fact, you have at your disposal, in addition to a modern anti-shark rifle, a powerful sonar that allows you to locate the presence of the shark with great precision. The sharper the sound, the closer the prey is; when you think you are at a good distance, you can shoot one or more times.

To steer the boat you have to use the cursor keys; the direction in which the boat is moving is displayed by the characters A (forward), I (back), D (right) and S (left). To shoot, use the space bar. Be careful not to get too far from the target and not to waste the energy you have: in fact it serves to make both the sonar and the anti-shark rifle work. The hunt ends if you hit the shark, lose contact with it, or run out of energy. After each game you are assigned a variable score between 0 and 100, depending on the distance from which you fired and whether you hit the shark or not.

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