Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Product Code:ED 85
Produced by:Octasoft
Published by:Novotrade Magyarország
Code by:szollosigy
Code by:Kerekes, Tibor
Code by:Jónás, Károly
Notes:Developed and commercially sold in Hungary, later followed by Multi Botticelli. Recracked by A.C.-Soft. To load the original tape, you must have a hardware key (or use the "Wedge" below).
User Rating: 9.5/10 (16 votes)
User comments: Read comments
Botticelli Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseNovotrade MagyarországUnknownCommercialCassetteBig clamshellUnspecified1
1 found.

Derived Software
Botticelli (The Frontier)

Appeared On Compilations
Plus/4 System
Magic Cartridge Generator Compilation
3.5er 12 (A.C.-Soft)

Bundled with Hardware
Botticelli Hardware Key

Review: Commodore Újság 1987/8-9 (Magazine/Hungarian) pg. 18
Botticelli (Software Manual/Hungarian)

Box Front Cover
Submitted by Lacus
Box Front Cover
Box Back Cover
Submitted by Lacus
Box Back Cover
(Rough translation:)

Botticelli is an exceptionally versatile graphic utility. We bravely assert that for Plus/4 (or for a C16 expanded to 64K RAM) there hasn't been written a program with so much knowledge anywhere in the world, not even close.

With the help of Botticelli we can draw and paint effortlessly on the screen, using all the possibilities of the machine's high resolution graphics and all the 121 colors.

The completed pictures can be saved to disk or cassette.

Different Builds
The CSSR version seems to be a later build than Frontier's crack, a lot of new options are included. The most notable difference is the "coloring" feature.. check it out!
On the other hand, MAT writes this in Little Music Box 2:"Frontier ! Your Botticelli isn't same the Botticelli from the shops. Perhaps try to crack it. It's better. (Example C. Only) If you give me you adress I send it to you. Yours, MAT.".

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