Bloccato! (Stopped!)
Title:Bloccato! (Stopped!)
Original version:Blockade
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
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Published by:J.Soft
Additional code by:Sarcina, Franco
Notes:Typed in by saver71.
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Bloccato! Title Screenshot

Bloccato! Screenshot

Published (translated): Papersoft 27/1985 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 17

Here is a high-speed game for two people that is sure to thrill you. You have to build a wall in front of the opponent, forcing him to crash into it. In order to do this, you have a tracer that draws a line on the screen: when one of the two players is forced to touch the opponent's line or his own loses his hand.
To move the tracer the player starting from the left must use the [Q] (rotate 90 degrees to the left) and [Z] (90 degrees to the right) keys; the player on the right, on the other hand, uses the [/] and [+] keys respectively.

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