Big Apple
Title:Big Apple
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
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Published by:Tronic-Verlag GmbH
Created by:Berger, Guido
User Rating: 4.5/10 (2 votes)
Big Apple Title Screenshot

Big Apple Screenshot

Published: Compute Mit 8/88 (Magazine/German) pg. 15

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>2C0E AD
>3D0E AD
Remove Enemies
POKE 11241, 85
POKE 11242, 43
POKE 11382, 98
POKE 11383, 43
POKE 11316, 82
POKE 11327, 82
Invulnerability against the 1st enemy (unpacked)
POKE 15593, 85
POKE 15594, 60
POKE 15734, 98
POKE 15735, 60
POKE 15668, 82
POKE 15679, 82
Invulnerability against the 2nd enemy (unpacked)
POKE 10461, 85
POKE 10462, 43
POKE 10602, 98
POKE 10603, 43
POKE 10535, 82
POKE 10546, 82
Invulnerability against the 1st enemy (packed)
POKE 13988, 85
POKE 13989, 60
POKE 14129, 98
POKE 14130, 60
POKE 14062, 82
POKE 14073, 82
Invulnerability against the 2nd enemy (packed)
G 2EA0Restart game

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