Arit Il Robot (Arit The Robot)
Title:Arit Il Robot (Arit The Robot)
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Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
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Published by:J.Soft
Converted by:Sarcina, Franco
Notes:Original by (private). Typed in by saver71, with some needed fixes later.
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Arit Il Robot Title Screenshot

Arit Il Robot Screenshot

Published: Papersoft 37/1985 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 15

Learning computer arithmetic can be fun! In this educational program Arit, a nice robot, proposes more or less complex addition or subtraction, and the child who is at the keyboard has to solve if he wants to see his friend go through it making strange noises, and then solve a new quiz.

As soon as the program starts, a menu appears with which you can select the operation (addition or subtraction), the number of digits of the numbers (up to 6), if you want operations with or without carry, and finally the number of problems to be solved (up to 9). After making your selection you can play; to give an answer each time you have three minutes or three attempts, after which Arit provides the correct answer and proposes another quiz. On right top corner of the screen there's the problem number.

Warning: the selection made via the menu remains valid, a new one is not made, and is each time stored in a DATA instruction of the program, which then changes itself: if the program is saved after having made the desired one, this choice will be saved with it as an integrated part of it.

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