Alien Invasion
Title:Alien Invasion
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Distribution:As compilation
Game ending type:Has an end, restarts (no reward)
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Released by:Kingsoft
Code by:Dierks, Jörg
Music by:Förster, Martina
Cracked by:The Byte Ltd.
Cracked by:Bitsoft
Notes:The same core game as Bridgehead, with different enemy sprites and background elements. The Bitsoft crack must be released before 1988 September, so the game should have been released around the first half of 1988.
User Rating: 6.2/10 (8 votes)
Alien Invasion Title Screenshot

Alien Invasion Screenshot

Hall Of Fame
1Luigi Ruffolo1,855Played on YAPE 1.2.0.

Bridgehead (Intro)
Bridgehead (SFX)

Appeared On Compilations

About The Game
German censorship
Just like in the "Commando" (Elite Software)case, which has been rereleased in 1985 as "Space Invasion" (here's a brief comparision: Commando vs. Space Invasion), since Bridgehead was indicated in Germany, Kingsoft appeared again on the market with a "defused" version of the game, named "Alien Invasion", same code but differently compiled due to changes, slightly changed graphics.

Graphics changes
Apart of the obvious change in the title's graphics and the enemy sprites, all the levels show little changes or addons in the background graphics, in order to turn the overall atmosphere of the game into something more space themed. The year displayed in the levels scrolling demo remains unchanged, 1987.

Not for C16
A 16kB version has never been released, just has happened for Bridgehead C16: "Alien Invasion" runs on 32/64kB machines only.

Single release?
A hypothetical single release has never surfaced yet. Sextett's front cover reports little covers of the respective games' single releases, and to rapresent "Alien Invasion" there's a generic cover, actually no space themed by the way, which looks like a mockup indeed.

Level's counting bug
The entire level 7 originally from Bridgehead has been cutted down, but the level's limit hasn't been set to 7, so the game considers an eighth level too . Due to the obvious lack of graphics for it, the player must run in the garbage trying not to die, solve the level, then restart from level 1 as expected.

Alien Invasion Screenshot #1
Level 1
Alien Invasion Screenshot #1
Level 2
Alien Invasion Screenshot #1
Level 3
Alien Invasion Screenshot #1
Level 4
Alien Invasion Screenshot #1
Level 5
Alien Invasion Screenshot #1
Level 6
Alien Invasion Screenshot #1
Level 7
Alien Invasion Screenshot #1
Level 8

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>2057 A5
Unlimited lives
>2CE5 A5
Unlimited grenades
>243D 00 A9 ##
Select starting level
POKE 9263, 255
255 lives (unpacked)
POKE 9091, 255
255 grenades for player one (unpacked)
POKE 9267, 255
255 grenades for players 2-4 (unpacked)
POKE 12836, 234
POKE 12837, 234
POKE 12838, 234
POKE 13260, 234
POKE 13261, 234
POKE 13262, 234
Invulnerability (unpacked)
SYS 4775
Restart game
POKE 8087, 165
Unlimited lives (packed)
POKE 9044, 255
255 lives (packed)
POKE 11178, 165
Unlimited grenades (packed)
POKE 8875, 255
255 grenades for player one (packed)
POKE 9048, 255
255 grenades for players 2-4 (packed)
POKE 12468, 234
POKE 12469, 234
POKE 12470, 234
POKE 12890, 234
POKE 12891, 234
POKE 12892, 234
Invulnerability (packed)
>3224 2C
>33CD D7 33
>20FE 07
Fix levels' counting bug

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