Absolutely Fabulous
Title:Absolutely Fabulous
Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk only (1 side)
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
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Released by:Electronic (E)
Code by:edhellon
Code by:Oscar
Code by:Dale
Notes:One of the best demos ever on Plus/4 with hardcore effects, although released as a "preview".
  External links:
    YouTube Video

User Rating: 8.8/10 (13 votes)
Absolutely Fabulous Screenshot

Ten Years Plus/4Demo Competition23

PartEffect nameParametersNotes
SID Support 
Filled Vectors Moving like solid cube.
1Solid Vectors Solid cube rotating on single axis.
1Vectors Wireframe cube rotating on single axis with dots letters.
2Glenz Vectors Morphing.
3Solid Vectors Rotating cube, partly wireframed/solid.
4PlotterItems: 1024 Frame rate: 2.5 1024 plots, updates 2/3 frames.
5Dot Vectors Morphing, hidden dots.
5Vectors Wireframe cube with partially tied inner cube.
5Vectors Complex wireframe rotating cubes, hidden lines.
6Mandelbrot Zoomer Also rotating.

Image Gallery
Absolutely Fabulous Screenshot #1
Absolutely Fabulous Screenshot #2
Absolutely Fabulous Screenshot #3
Absolutely Fabulous Screenshot #4
Absolutely Fabulous Screenshot #5
Absolutely Fabulous Screenshot #6
Absolutely Fabulous Screenshot #7
Absolutely Fabulous Screenshot #8
Absolutely Fabulous Screenshot #9
Absolutely Fabulous Screenshot #10
Absolutely Fabulous Screenshot #11

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