Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Released by:Braintron
Code by:Rau, Bohdan R.
Cracked by:Pit
Notes:An Impossible Mission clone. Escape an underground laboratory complex in 45 minutes. Search objects for disks and passwords, use the terminals to find your way out. The title screen music is a cover of Kraftwerk's 'The Robots'.
User Rating: 7.7/10 (10 votes)
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A-07 Title Screenshot

A-07 Screenshot

Game Endings
This game has an ending!


Solution: Commodore Világ 5 (Magazine/Hungarian) pg. 17

Image Gallery
A-07 Screenshot #1
Title screen
A-07 Screenshot #2
Looking for goodies in one of the many rooms...
A-07 Screenshot #3
In the elevator system
A-07 Screenshot #4
Using the terminal
A-07 Screenshot #5
Terminal is running LOOKAT.BIN

Solutions - Complete
- The game map and disks are randomized in each game.

- Navigate the underground complex. Search through all items in rooms while avoiding robots. Once you have around 10 disks and at least 10 passwords, find a terminal.

- Log in (which uses up one of your passwords). Insert your disks and get a directory of them, make notes of the disk ids and what files are on them. Note that you can only load 5 files into the terminal at one time.

- Load MATHEM.TXT (a BASIC program file). Using LIST on this file reveals a simple program: 4 addition problems will be asked, if you answer exactly 2 of those correctly, it will set the system security level to LOW. Load BASINT.BIN (which is a BASIC interpreter) and ENTER it. Answer two questions correctly, two incorrectly (it should print "SECURITY LOW").

- Load OPENDR.TXT (a Pascal program file). Using LIST on this file reveals a simple program: when run, it checks the system security level. If it's set to LOW, it will open the door. Load PASCOM.BIN (which is a Pascal compiler) and ENTER it. Choose "A" to compile our program, then choose "B" to run it (it should print "DOOR OPEN").

- You can also load "LOOKAT.BIN" and ENTER it. This will display the map with your current position marked.

- Once you exit the terminal, the constantly changing status bar will have a "GO LEFT/RIGHT FROM ELEVATOR ? ON LEVEL ?" message.

- Navigate your way to the room with the door and enter it (before the 45 minutes runs out). You've won!

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
Run/Stop + Reset
Stop game
>630E 24
Unlimited lives
>6375 2C
>63BA 2C
Robots don't kill you!
>55DC 3E
"Look" is much faster when searching objects!
>4F14 # (#=speed, default 1)
>4F67 #
Mike moves faster in rooms (higher is faster but may be more difficult to navigate)
>100A 24
G 1039
Restart game
POKE 25355, 173
Unlimited lives (unpacked)
POKE 24615, 173
Unlimited time (unpacked)
POKE 13534, 145
Unlimited lives (packed)
POKE 12796, 145
Unlimited time (packed)
SYS 20395
Restart game
SYS 20460
Restart game

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