Experimental 3D engine in Commodore BASIC 3.5 by Georgios Patsos 20.06.2019
Introduction: The idea for this experimental engine is from 1984, when i fist became my commodore plus/4. Considered as experimental, because rendering different large objects may need some changes in the code. I exclusively tested it with the Yape-emulator with full throttle (2000%) and DRIVE 8 mode in IEC level/Performance mode. The files are put in the IEC folder. The programm may run on a commodore plus/4 with SD2IEC drive, but i did not tested.
How to render your own object: * Create a 3d-Modell in Blender (or other 3d-Programm) with max 3.000 verts. * Export it as OBJ File with no Options clicked * Convert the OBJ File with converter.exe. It outputs an vertex.seq and planes.seq * Run the 3dengine to load vertex.seq and planes.seq.
Files * converter.exe Usage: converter.exe Converts an OBJ file (e.g from Blender) into vertex.seq and planes.seq.
* intro.prg A small introduction to the programm. Needs screen.prg
* 3dengine.pas The sourcecode of the 3dengine
* 3dengine.prg Programm-file. Needs: vertex.seq and planes.seq