64'er SonderheftThe German magazine 64'er occasionaly published type-in programs for C16, which were also available to be purchased as program collections on disk by request.3
8 Bit ClassicsPlain looking onefilers used to share C64 SIDs combining a single page text and an early frequency converter.7
A Nyuszi Olvasni TanítEducational games teaching how to read Hungarian for children.6
Airlock CollectionA multiplatform release of 6 games submitted for Punyjam, in their post-jam polished versions. Homepage2023-06-077
Airwolf DemoA demos trilogy based on the TV series Airwolf.3
AmericanThe four disk side from overseas groups and other single users located in USA, as distributed by ICPUG.2023-04-274
Bard's TaleLegendary RPG series.2007-06-064
BatteryA series of games by TCFS.3
BB Music Boxes3 Music Boxes featuring converted C=64 musics.3
BeamphobiaTwo logical games written by Lavina.2
BerksA series of action games by Jon Williams, featuring the title creatures ("Berks").6
Best of EliteSeries of re-releases by Elite Software Ltd, under the sub-label Hit Pak.2024-03-172
BGYTKF ProgramsA series of BASIC programs (mostly teaching chemistry) developed at BGYTKF (Bessenyei György Tanárképző Főiskola), now called Nyíregyházi Egyetem.2017-12-0813
Botticelli BilderdiskA series of disks containing various ripped or converted graphics in Botticelli format.2008-08-3146
Botticelli ExtraExtra disks for the Botticelli Bilderdisk series. The images are adult themed.2008-11-094
Byte GamesItalian series of hacked games compilations, sold in the newsstands with booklet. Side B contains C16 games, side A was for the C64. In the second half of its life, it shows evident resemblances with Go Games.34
C16 BestAperiodically released compilations of hacked sport games.5
C16 ClassicsGremlin Graphics'games collection series.6
C16 Plus4 Computing2024-09-196
C16 SpecialTape compilations including utilities demos and games, collecting type-ins originally publiched on the magazine "Your Commodore".5
C16 Super GamesCommodore games compilations bundled with the Commodore 16 in the Italian release.2
C16/C116 Programmsammlung3
C16/MSXThe best and longest running Italian newsstands series of hacked games, each sold with a booklet containing games'descriptions, news, type-in lists, flea market, mail corner and occasional articles. Side A for C16 games, side B for MSX games.41
Commodore 16 Games Pack2
Commodore ClubMultiplatform magazine with bundled cassette. In the end of 1985 it changes to "Software Club", due to the enlarged range of regard including ZX Spectrum and MSX machines.24
Commodore Welt C16 116 P4 Special12
Computer Games E UtilitiesItalian collections' series with both games and utilities, mostly hacks, for different machines. Tape covers had to be cut out from the included paper.22
Computer Hits3
Computer Mit Sonderheft SAThe German magazine Computer Mit used to publish type-in programs, which were also available to be purchased as program collections both on tape and disk by request.2019-03-0719
Computer SetItalian newsstands compilation of hacked C64/C16 games and utilities, published by Logica 2000 (formerly Publiflash). Bundled with the tape, there were a little but dense booklet and an empty tape to save user data.16
Computronic CollectionsGame collections distributed both on disk and tape containing the type-in programs published on the homonymous magazine.2021-04-2911
Courbois Software CompilationsCassette compilation series of Basic written games in Dutch language, directly released by Courbois.2020-08-2722
Crackers' DemoA series of demos done as a join community effort.2007-08-095
CuthbertA collection of games featuring Cuthbert, Microdeal's mascot.2007-06-063
Demo PackA series of PETSCII animations.2012-05-264
DieHard the SpinnerCompanion disks for the magazine DieHard the Flyer, containing programs for multiple Commodore 8bit formats.21
DigimixTunes composed in Rock Editor V1.3 by Sharp/SCN.3
Digital DelightA 4 part series of digi demos from the Hungarian demogroup 220 Volt.2008-06-034
Digital Effect CollectionA 3 part series of demo/utility programs.2024-10-083
Digital MixA bunch of digi demos coded by Reddi when he was in Fanatix group.4
DizzyA series of games featuring Dizzy.7
DJ Soft AdventuresCarmine Migliaccio (TSM)'s conversions of the ZX Spectrum original adventures created by Gian Battista Aicardi et al. under the DJ Soft moniker.2024-06-284
DreamtimeA series of FLI slideshows.2019-01-045
EroticonA series of badly and/or broken converted adult oriented bitmaps from C64.3
ÉvezredekA series of educational programs, teaching history for Hungarian elementary schools, grades 5-8.2015-11-2017
Fallible FXA series of 3 digital sound tools that allow to play digis just like on a keyboard.3
Fantastic ScreensThree picture collections of 4 converted bitmaps each, released in the same day by Wacky.3
Fighting FantasyA series of adventure games (converted from C64) based on the Fighting Fantasy game books.2014-08-233
Five Star GamesThe "Five Star Games" was a series from Beau Jolly, released on many platforms including the C16, C64 and the ZX.2024-02-153
Four Great Games3
FreescapeGames driven by the Incentive Software's famous engine, converted from C64 by different coders.2020-09-187
Friendly SoftwareVery obscure and geographically limited series of compilations with recracked games and tools.2
From Out Of A Dark Night SkyA Sci-Fi trilogy of text adventures.3
Galerie UnlimitedA collection of picture shows.2017-07-027
Game MusicPigmy's conversion of the C64 Game Music series. Parts 3 and 6 were never converted because the author did not have them. Each one displays 1998 instead of 1988 (similarly to the C64 versions).7
Game Pic'sA two part demo series by RTL/GS, containing converted pictures.2010-06-192
Gameworx Software adventuresThese games was developed by Daryll Reynolds (Dotsoft), an Australian from Melbourne. Games produced by Softgold have a bit more of a "real life" fantasy orientation to them as the Mountain Valley games.2025-02-278
Genius: A Rock OperaA rock opera trilogy, based on the original storyline of the real rock opera trilogy by Daniele Liverani aka Twinspirit32.3
Go GamesThe most long lasting Italian series of hacked games compilations, sold in the newsstands with booklet. Side B for C16 games, side A for C64. In the 2nd half of its life, it shows evident resemblances with Byte Games.48
Graphic UtilitiesA series of powerful suites which add new elaborate graphic commands for both screen and bitmap graphics.4
Harry Gfx BoxA series of "graphics boxes" feature pictures drawn by Harry/GOTU.2007-10-317
Help To GamesCollection of games cheats in two parts, with text by DGS and code by Skoro.2
HibernatedStefan Vogt's saga adventure games.3
Hires ColorA collection of hires pictures using the Magica image viewer.2008-10-0912
Input VIC20-C16Italian newsstand multiformat compilations of hacked and translated games. Not sure how many issues involve C16 too.3
Jackson Soft CompilationJackson Soft legal rerelease of commercial games and type-in programs from its own magazines.11
Kémia Programsorozat10 Hungarian educational programs about chemistry, sold commercially.2018-03-0710
Keresd A Térképen4 part Hungarian educational geography game.2007-09-054
Kinder KonceptsFive compilations of dedicated educational games released by Commodore Business Machines, Inc. (CBM U.S.).5
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia9
Lavina's AdventuresLavina's adventure games.2007-10-3110
Level 9 Computing AdventuresLevel 9 published 20 games, and were in one way or the other connected to a number of other games. More info: The Level 9 Memorial.9
Linguaggio Macchina 16/20Italian series of hacked games compilations for VIC20 and C16 sold in the newsstands, with no chronological index printed on tape. It appears to be somewhat linked to Cassetta Games, label used for shop's sale.10
Living GrafixCollection of hires animated 3D functions.8
LogoCompoLogo drawing competition launched by Luca/FIRE. Rules allow to compete 32x8 max. characters based logos, 4 colours.2007-06-093
Loriot Digisounds3
LunacyA series of demos containing party reports.2010-07-268
MantaA series of talking digis done with Crazy Music.3
Michael Kaszubski's Adventures2
Micro Series5 programs originally by Simon Pick, converted by Pigmy. +1 program by MTV.2007-09-285
Microdeal Adventure Series5 adventure games released by Microdeal. Published on several platforms.2007-06-095
Miner WillyA series of games featuing Miner Willy.3
Monty MoleA series of games featuring the title character Monty Mole. On C=64 and ZX Spectrum, there were other games. Only two were ported to the C16/Plus4.2007-10-312
MotionA series of animated 3D functions based on the code made by Pigmy with graphics by Hans Haberl.15
Mountain Valley AdventureA series of adventure games written in basic, featuring PETSCII graphics.2008-06-0311
My Own Graphic BoxA picture box series featuring graphics from Jeva/MB.2007-09-055
Mysterious AdventuresTen classic adventure games written by Brian Howarth. Released on several platforms.2007-08-1721
Nick Hardy AdventuresCollection of adventure games as released on C64 by Real Software, all enhanced versions of similar games originally released by Artic Computing Ltd. as single prods.3
NyelvforgatóA series of commercial educational programs for Hungarian elementary schools.2020-01-239
O'Hare's AdventuresJohn O'Hare's converted adventure games.2024-02-083
Peek And PokeObscure and very limited series of compilations with recracked games and tools.2
Perfect VisionsA demo series by Ati.2011-06-063
Picture ShowA series of hires bitmap galleries.3
Pigmy Keyjazz3 small programs that play digital samples.3
Pixie Pack (MEC)Spanish rerelease of Pixie Pack scattered in (three?) cassettes individually sold.2
Play On Tape ComputerInitially for VIC20, this Italian newsstand compilation series made of original programs began to include C16 too from a certain issue.5
PLUG LibraryCompilations of programs which were proposed for purchase to the group's members only.10
Productivity SoftwareMost of these financial utilities need General Ledger to be used.2009-10-0916
Public Domain Series3
QuestprobeA trilogy of adventure games featuring Marvel characters. [ Wikipedia article ]2014-08-185
Radio Elettronica & ComputerLong running Italian magazine, they began to enclose a tape when they decided to treat the home computer as subject.4
Rainy DayCompilations including 25 BASIC games each.2
RandTownA series of BASIC games played in the fictional location of RandTown.2018-06-074
Sam Boon AdventuresA series of text adventures, originally on ZX spectrum, re-released using the DAAD engine.2023-04-273
Scott Adams AdventuresClassic text adventures written by Scott Adams.2007-09-0524
Skoro's CharCollection of character sets selected by the homonym author.5
SoftItalian newsstand compilation monthly series for Commodore systems, mostly with hacked games and unoriginal utilities.8
Sound Box3
Spectrum DemosA series of picture show demos, featuring 5 images each (converted from ZX Spectrum).2010-05-155
SpelcassetteDutch series of games collections.4
Super CommodoreCompilations with games and utilities for C64, C16 and VIC20, bundled with the Italian magazine of the same name. Issues from 3 to 8 are the ones with C16 stuff.6
Super Commodore 16Compilations with games and utilities (mostly translated from English magazines and books) bundled with the Italian magazine of the same name.3
Super Commodore 16 Plus/4 VIC20Next to Super Commodore 16. Compilations with games and utilities (mostly translated from English magazines and books) bundled with the Italian magazine of the same name.3
Supergiochi Al C16/Plus4Collections' series sold in the newsstands located in the farer southern Italy (arguably, Sicily), with both sides filled of games hacked from earlier commercial hacks. Rare case of indexed loading, where the turbo loader dwells into the intro.3
The Adventures of Emilia Vittorini2020-11-255
The Di-Planium WarsSteve R. Kellett's shmups saga in three games all about fighting for the essential energy souce to maintain the systems.3
The HellArcade adventure on helicopter.3
The Thriller Series2019-11-293
Triple DeckerA series of cassettes, released by Alternative Software, each containing three games.7
USAThe large collection of all the flowing software which were coming from the United States, regularly distributed for free to all the members of the UK based users group ICPUG.2024-05-3140
Vegetatív Szabályozás (Sorozat)4 educational programs about the autonomic nervous system.2013-03-124
Video BasicBASIC course in 20 tapes shared in 4 releases of 5 boxes each, 20 booklets.20
WonderA demo series from 1989-1990 by Men Of Science.2010-05-216
WonderlandA series of demos (mostly digis) from NST.4
Zeus MegademoCallisto quit the scene by releasing these 3 filedemos.2010-03-093
ZorkClassic Zork adventure trilogy.2007-10-313
130 found.

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