Search Results |
Software: |
+4 Program Nyilvántartás MCG | 1997 | Utility/Database | Hungarian | Maintains a program list, this release i... |
+76 Block Free | 1990 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | AKA Plus 76 Blocks Free. Allows users to... |
+95 Blocks | 1989 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | Very similar to 759 Blocks. Any addition... |
+Copy I. | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | |
1 Szó Mint 100 | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | AKA 1szo mint 100, Egy szo mint szaz. Th... |
18 Years | 1993 | Demo | Hungarian | One part-demo with a logo and two DYCPs.... |
1x2 Char Editor | 1992 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
2 Pass Assembler | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | AKA 2-pass assembler, Assembler 2 Pass, ... |
21-es | 1986 | Game/Cards | Hungarian | AKA 21 (on cover), Romi 21. A blackjack ... |
2x2 Karakter Készlet | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
2x2 Méretű Karakter | 1990 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Kálmán. Published in Mi... |
3 Vetület | 1986 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | AKA Három Vetület, 3 Vetulet, 3D Vetulet... |
3+1 Magyarul | 1986 | Utility/Text | Hungarian | AKA 3+1 Software Magyar Karakterkészlett... |
3-D Grafika | 1987 | Utility/CAD | Hungarian | AKA 3D Grafika. Written by Trigatra Soft... |
3-D Sakk | | Game/Chess | Hungarian | AKA 3D Sakk, 3-Dimenziós Sakk. Written b... |
3D-Animation | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Enter arbitrary number of lines by 2 set... |
3D-Basic | | Utility/CAD | Hungarian | Renders 3D wireframes of 3 pre-definied ... |
4+4 Sarok | 1986 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | AKA Kocka +4. Written by (private).... |
48 Hours Party (Gentlemen) | 1992 | Demo | Hungarian | Coded for 48 Hours Party, but ultimately... |
5F/C+4/1+2+3+4 | 1987 | Utility | Hungarian | A statistics utility for elementary scho... |
6-os Lotto | | Utility/Lottery | Hungarian | Lottery simulation, picks 6 (+1) numbers... |
6510 Egylépéses Szimulátor | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | AKA Assembler Szimulator. Somewhat simil... |
6510-Assembler | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | AKA Assembler Fordító. Origin unknown, p... |
664 Blokk | | Utility/Copy | Hungarian | |
7501 Szimulator | 1989 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | AKA 7501 Egylepeses Szimulator, 7501 Egy... |
9 Seconds Formation | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | AKA 9 Sec. Form. Only for 1541 drives.... |
A Bölcsek Köve (Callisto) | 1988 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | A working crack of the original, with in... |
A Bosszú | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Converted from C64, SF's first conversio... |
A Bosszú (LOD) | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | A re-compressed version of the original ... |
A Bosszú (Muffbusters) | 1989 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | The first conversion of this game, witho... |
A Bűvös Gyűrű | | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA Viskóból Palota (From Hovel To Castl... |
A Fáraó Sírja | 1986 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by Eberhardt Software. Pick up t... |
A Föld Országai - Európa | | Educational | Hungarian | |
A Földrajzi Fokhálózat | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
A Főnévi Igenév | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Grammar educational program. Input metho... |
A Gyűrűk Ura | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | You control the game by choosing between... |
A Gyűrűk Ura 1 | | Demo/Graphics | Hungarian | A standalone picture with a simple revea... |
A Gyűrűk Ura 2 | | Demo/Graphics | Hungarian | A standalone picture with a simple revea... |
A Határozói Igenév | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Magyar Nyelvforgató Hatarozoi Igenev... |
A Helyhatározó | 1986 | Game/Educational | Hungarian | Teaches locative case in Hungarian gramm... |
A Hős Lovag | 1986 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA A Hos Lovag. The first commercial Hu... |
A Hős Lovag (Fixed) | 1986 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Cracked and fixed version. According to ... |
A Kalandor | | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Mentioned in several program catalogs. W... |
A Kémiai Kötések | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Tünde Brunyánszki. ... |
A Kémiatanítás Didaktikai Alapjai | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | A three part program.... |
A Kérdő Névmás És A Mutató Névmás | 1986 | Game/Educational | Hungarian | AKA A Kerdo Es Mutato Nevmasok. Hungaria... |
A Két Zsivány | 2022 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by Olivér Orosz. Developed with ... |
A Kör | | Educational | Hungarian | |
A Légzőműködés Szabályozása | | Educational | Hungarian | This may be part 3/4 of "Vegetatív Szabá... |
A Manók Kincse | 1988 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | An improved version from A Manók Titka. ... |
A Manók Titka | 1986 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Later the author released a newer versio... |
A Mechanikai Kölcsönhatás | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Mechanikai K. Written by Botos & Bal... |
A Mocsár Ura | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | |
A Mozgás Viszonylagos | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Mihály Schreiner. ... |
A Ninja Küldetése | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | |
A Növények Tápanyagfelhasználása | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Imre Tóth. ... |
A Nyuszi Olvasni Tanít 1 | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Part 1: "Ismerkedés a betűkkel" ("Gettin... |
A Nyuszi Olvasni Tanít 2 | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Part 2:"Betűjáték" ("Play with lett... |
A Nyuszi Olvasni Tanít 3 | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Part 3:"Szótagolás" ("Syllabication"). A... |
A Nyuszi Olvasni Tanít 4 | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Part 4:"Szavak és képek I." ("Words and ... |
A Nyuszi Olvasni Tanít 5 | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Part 5:"Szavak és képek II." ("Words and... |
A Nyuszi Olvasni Tanít 6 | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Part 6:"A nyuszi mesél" ("Bunny reads ta... |
A Periódusos Rendszer | | Educational | Hungarian | The original is a multi loader.... |
A Pokol Angyala | 1993 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | First United Force release ever.... |
A Sárkány Király | 1992 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Original C64 game by Csaba Németh.... |
A Sárkány Odúja | | Game/Maze | Hungarian | |
A Sebesség | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Mihály Schreiner. ... |
A Sötét Jövő | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA A Sotet Jovo. Mentioned in two Terro... |
A Számok Nagysága | | Educational | Hungarian | Part of a multi-loader. See also Előjele... |
A Számok Titka | 1989 | Utility/Horoscope | Hungarian | Written by (private). Enter a name, birt... |
A Szerves Kémia Alapjai | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Szerves Kémia - Bevezetés. A chemist... |
A Távkapcsoló /Relé/ | | Educational | Hungarian | A simple educational visualization tool ... |
A Titokzatos Zóna | 1987 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | A "choose your own adventure" game in tw... |
A Tó Rejtélye | 1993 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | A text-only adventure written in BASIC. ... |
A Tűzhegy Varázslója | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Based on an adventure by Steve Jackson &... |
A Tűzhegy Varázslója Info | 1991 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Information file for A Tűzhegy Varázslój... |
A Vár Kincse | 1989 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Mentioned in CoV and an issue of SCN New... |
A Vegyjel | | Educational | Hungarian | |
A Végzet Kristálya | | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | |
A Veseműködés Szabályozása | | Educational | Hungarian | WANTED: Cover scan, TAP file.... |
A Világ Fővárosai | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Dr. Mátyás Blandl, Baja. Requ... |
A Vörös Báró | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Translated from German. The title screen... |
A4 Printer | | Utility/Print | Hungarian | Original by Joachim Pamperin in January ... |
Abakusz | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Abacus. An educational program that ... |
ABC | 1988 | Utility/Text | Hungarian | AKA ABC Szuper Print. A Hungarian text-e... |
ABC-sorrend | | Misc/General | Hungarian | A very simple sorting utility. Written b... |
Ablak | | Utility/Text | Hungarian | Windowing utility allowing arbitrary siz... |
Ablakozó | 1987 | Utility/Text | Hungarian | Creates new commands to manage the scree... |
About Acez | 1996 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Written on Hypranoter V1.1.... |
Abraka-dabra | | Educational | Hungarian | Part of the Dienes series.... |
Absurd Piccy | 1996 | Demo/Graphics | Hungarian | Release year is a guess, but the author ... |
Abszolút Érték Függvények | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Abszolutérték Függvény | | Educational | Hungarian | Displays an absolute function with selec... |
Ace +4 Útmutató | | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Placed just before the game's program to... |
Acélok Hőkezelései | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Simisoft & Co, Szolnok (Hunga... |
Action Demo | | Demo | Hungarian | A demo in 4 parts.... |
Adatfile-Kezelő Program | | Utility/Database | Hungarian | AKA Disk Adaptfile.... |
Adept Demo | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | AKA Adept Demo I. A demo with 4 parts. A... |
Adventure Leírások | 1988 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Not clearly released under the Aliens la... |
Adventure-16 | 1986 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA Adventure 16, Adventure16. A Basic a... |
Advertising | 1995 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | The release year (1995) appears in the B... |
Advertisment | 1988 | Demo | Hungarian | Release date must be between May-Dec of ... |
Aircraft | 1993 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Coded by Wolf (private). The author's fi... |
Akaszto-fa | | Game/Hangman | Hungarian | |
Akasztófa | 1989 | Game/Hangman | Hungarian | Hungarian translation of the hangman gam... |
Akasztott Ember | | Game/Hangman | Hungarian | Hungarian translation of the hangman gam... |
Akkordiskola | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Gitár-akkordok (guitar chords). Also... |
Akna&Bomba | | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Aknamező (Minefield).... |
Aknamező | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Original by Topy Soft, a modified versio... |
Aknamezo (Charlemagne) | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Alapműveletek 4. o. | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Alex | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Vigyázz, Alex!, Vigyazz Alex. There'... |
Alex Sound-box 1 | 1987 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | |
Algebrai Alapműveletek | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Károly Varjú, Szeged. An educ... |
Algoritmusok, Játékok | 1988 | Game/Compilation | Hungarian | Commissioned by OPI - Országos Pedagógia... |
Alkimista | 1992 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Walk around picking up pieces. Bumping i... |
Állat Osztályozása | 2020 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Published as generic BASIC program, adap... |
Almácska | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Almatúra | 1987 | Game/Nibbler | Hungarian | A game similar to Squirm.... |
Álom, Édes Álom | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | An humorous adventure that takes place i... |
Alpha Moonbase | 1986 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by Zoltán Kosa. Navigate through... |
Általános szókezelő fordító és feleltető rendszer | 1989 | Utility/Dictionary | Hungarian | AKA Szótár, Szotar. Flexible framework, ... |
Általános Szöveg És Rajz Szerkesztő | 1987 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Created by (private) and (private).... |
Alumíniumkohászat | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Dr. István Herendi, Szeged.... |
Amator Prg | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | |
Amerikai Kocka | | Game/Dices | Hungarian | |
Amiga Digimusic | 1989 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | |
Amiga! Yes! Ok! | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | Contains 4 pictures converted from Amiga... |
Amőba (City Soft) | 1986 | Game/TicTacToe | Hungarian | A Tic-tac-toe implementation.... |
Amőba (Novotrade) | 1986 | Game/Amoeba | Hungarian | |
Amoba (Pillango) | 1992 | Game/Amoeba | Hungarian | A decent implementation of Amoba. Enter ... |
Amőba (TPSH) | 1992 | Game/Amoeba | Hungarian | An amoeba game for two players.... |
Amőba II (Basic) | | Game/Amoeba | Hungarian | An amoeba game for two players written i... |
Amőba Professional | 1992 | Game/Amoeba | Hungarian | Also known as "Amoba Joker". An amoeba g... |
Ampermérő | | Game/Educational | Hungarian | |
Anim +4 | 1988 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Written by László Hering.... |
Anti Lunacy 1 | 1994 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Anti-cracker | 1990 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Anyag Azonosítása | 2020 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Published as generic BASIC program, adap... |
Anyag-Tulajdonság-Változás | | Educational | Hungarian | A chemistry teaching tool. ... |
Anyagmennyiség | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Imre Tóth. ... |
Anyagok Besorolása Kémiai Összetétel Szerint | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Anyagcsoportosítás. A chemistry teac... |
Anyagok Besorolása Kötéstipus Szerint | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | A chemistry teaching tool for Hungarian ... |
Anyagszerkezeti Programok | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Pál Zimmerman.... |
April 1 | 1992 | Demo/Joke | Hungarian | A joke demo for "April Fools" day, the a... |
Arab-Római Római-Arab Átalakító | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Arak | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Runner Dog, Running Dog. Written by ... |
Aramkörök | | Educational | Hungarian | WANTED: cover scan, prg, TAP. Missing so... |
Áramkörök | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Aranyalmák | 1989 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA Aranyalmak/SABE. Also coded by Gyula... |
Aranybánya | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Hungarian version of Goldgraeber.... |
Archívum | 1988 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | |
Archon-Demo | 1988 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | Written by Dreamrider. Release date unco... |
Aromo | 1986 | Game/Board | Hungarian | Logical board game, not released commerc... |
Arthur Noid Editor | 1989 | Game/Editor | Hungarian | Written by (private) (PET), Subotica, Se... |
Artúr Kalandjai | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Lead your character Artur through 100 le... |
Assembler (Commodore Ujság) | 1987 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | |
Assembler + Szimulátor | 1986 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | |
Assembler 3.5 | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | |
Astabil Multivibrátor | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | |
Asteroid | 1987 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Asteroids 2 | 1991 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Follow up to Asteroids (Soft Vawe). Crea... |
Aszinkronmotor Üresjárási Mérése | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Written by Lonkay-Koszo Software.... |
Asztronómiai Számítások | 1986 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Hungarian translated version.... |
Atari Golf | | Game/Sport | Hungarian | Crack of the UserSoft/Data Media early v... |
Átlagsebesség | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Átlós Fényujság | | Utility/Intromaker | Hungarian | Additional code by (private) (from Sásd,... |
Atombomba | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Reach and defuse an atomic bomb in 40 se... |
Atomszerkezet | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Autók | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Draws 9 cars using BASIC drawing command... |
Autópálya | 1986 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Written by (private) (student).... |
Autós Teszt | | Game/Educational | Hungarian | For entertainment only, all answers are ... |
Autoverseny 2 | | Game/Race | Hungarian | Navigate your car in a top-down view car... |
Awari | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | |
Axonometria | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Axonometria (ZS) | 1985 | Utility/CAD | Hungarian | Draws 3D shapes in axonometric projectio... |
Az Alföld | | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Created with The Super-Writer. Contains ... |
Az Anyag Változásai | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Az Anyagok Csoportosítása | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by László Ballai. ... |
Az Átlagsebesség | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Created by Mihály Schreiner.... |
Az Atom Felépítése | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Atomszerkezet története. A chemistry... |
Az Atom Szerkezete | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Az Elátkozott Kastély | 1987 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Coded by Sipi'87 ((private)).... |
Az Elektromos Csengő Működése | | Educational | Hungarian | A simple educational visualization tool ... |
Az Elveszett Frigyláda Fosztogatója | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Az Ionok Kialakulása | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Kémiai Ionok.... |
Az Itélet Napja | 1992 | Demo/Joke | Hungarian | |
Az Oldatok | | Educational | Hungarian | The original is a tape only program, the... |
Az Oldatok Koncentrációja | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Koncentraciószámítás. A chemistry te... |
Azonosságok | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Requires a printer.... |
Aztek | 1986 | Game/Maze | Hungarian | Written by (private) (Kripton Soft). Fin... |
Balance (Hungarian) | 1985 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Translated version of the original by I.... |
Barátkozás Az Elektromossággal | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by József Félix (Békéscsaba).... |
Barikád | | Game/Tron | Hungarian | |
Barikád Játék | | Game/Tron | Hungarian | |
Barkochba | | Game/Hangman | Hungarian | |
BASIC 3.5-G demo | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | See also BASIC 3.5-N demo.... |
BASIC 3.5-N demo | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | See also BASIC 3.5-G demo.... |
Basic Elastic | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | AKA BASelastIC. A BASIC compressor (AKA ... |
BASIC ellenőr | 1988 | Utility/Checksummer | Hungarian | A utility to help typing in programs fro... |
BASIC Kezdő Tanfolyam | | Educational | Hungarian | Hungarian translation of the original sp... |
Basic Lexikon | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Basic Parádé | | Game | Hungarian | Six games translated and combined into o... |
BASIC Tanácsadó C-16, Plus/4 | 1987 | Utility/Compilation | Hungarian | Contains the solutions to the exercises ... |
Basic Tanfolyam | | Educational | Hungarian | A multi-loader with *many* parts (9 less... |
Battery II Trained | 1991 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Trained version with cheats. Requires th... |
Beach Head (Nagyisoftware) | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Released by Nagyisoftware.... |
Beach Megademo | 1989 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Bedpan Demo | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | AKA The Bedpan Demo.... |
Béka És A Legyek | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Hungarian translation of the original.... |
Béke 1988 | 1988 | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | AKA Beke '88 Puzzle.... |
Belső Energia | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Bemutató Programcsomag | | Game/Compilation | Hungarian | AKA Ez a Plus/4, Ez a Plus4, Ez a Plus 4... |
Bernát A Nyomozó | 1989 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | |
Beszélő | 1987 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | An original speech synthesizer. The pron... |
Betörés A Bázisra | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA Betores A Bazisra.... |
Betűk Összeolvasása | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Betűkvíz | 1989 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Betüpóker | 1986 | Game/MasterMind | Hungarian | AKA Betupoker. Written by (private). A m... |
Betűradar | 1989 | Game/Hangman | Hungarian | Coded by (private). A hangman-type game.... |
Betűreklám | 1989 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Start with SYS4864.... |
Betűrömi | | Game/Cards | Hungarian | AKA Beturomi. |
Bevezetés A Basic Nyelvbe | | Educational | Hungarian | |
BHP Virus Killer | 1989 | Utility | Hungarian | |
Bibibi | | Game/Hangman | Hungarian | A Hungarian language hangman game, the w... |
Big Pictures | | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | A picture show with converted musics.... |
Bigyulabolt | 1985 | Game/Management | Hungarian | Commercial game where you are playing th... |
Bike Or Die | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | This is not "Bike Or Die" from C64. It's... |
Billentyű +4 | 1986 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Written by (private). ... |
Billentyűinvázió | 1992 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Press the falling characters on the keyb... |
Billentyűinvázió 2 | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Billentyűzetkódoló | 1986 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | Written by (private). Allows the user to... |
Billentyűzetteszt | | Game/Action | Hungarian | A game for C16/Plus4/C64. Type the chara... |
Binaris Összeadás | | Educational | Hungarian | Part of a multi-loader.... |
Bioautomatic | 1995 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Biológia | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Biológia 6. osztály (Általános iskola) | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Biológia 7. osztály (Általános iskola) | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Biológia 8. osztály (Általános iskola) | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Biológia 8. Osztály (Szabályozás) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Developed at BGYTKF. ... |
Bioritmus | | Utility/Biorhythm | Hungarian | |
Bioritmus (Alternative) | | Utility/Biorhythm | Hungarian | |
Bioritmus (Blue) | | Utility/Biorhythm | Hungarian | "Blue" added to distinguish from other p... |
Bioritmus (Unisoft) | 1986 | Utility/Biorhythm | Hungarian | |
Bioritmusod | | Utility/Biorhythm | Hungarian | AKA A Bioritmusod !, Biothythmus (Progra... |
Bip-bip | 1986 | Game/Tron | Hungarian | |
Black And White | | Game/MasterMind | Hungarian | A decent implementation of Mastermind, a... |
Black Jack (21-es) | 1986 | Game/Cards | Hungarian | C64 conversion by Ferenc Hajdú.... |
Blackjack Hungarian | | Game/Cards | Hungarian | A Hungarian translated version of the or... |
Blackjack Hungarian (Black) | 1989 | Game/Cards | Hungarian | A Hungarian translated version of the or... |
Blokk Lánc Mutató | 1989 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | AKA Disk Blokk Lanc Mutato. Written by "... |
Blood Demo | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | A single part demo. Release date unconfi... |
Blue Pages 1 | 1993 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | |
Bob Verseny | 1989 | Game/Sport | Hungarian | AKA Bobverseny, Bob-Siklás. Published in... |
Bölcsek Köve | 1988 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | AKA A Bölcsek Köve, A Bolcsek Kove. A co... |
Bölcsek Köve Leírás | 1989 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | A description of Bölcsek Köve. The "Hung... |
Boldog Karácsonyt | 1988 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | The magazine listing is untitled. Instru... |
Bolondos Golyó | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Bolyongás A Labirintusban | 1985 | Game/Maze | Hungarian | Edited by (private).... |
Bomb-Over | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Bombázó | | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | |
Bombázó V2 | | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | V2 added to differentiate from Bombázó.... |
Bombázó V3 | 1985 | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | |
Bombázó Visszavág | 1986 | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | AKA A Bombázó Visszavág. A multiscreen v... |
Bomber! | 1985 | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | |
Boomber 2 | 1993 | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | AKA Boomber II, Bomber II.... |
Boomby Adventure | 1989 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Based on Dracula Adventure (C64). The pl... |
Borbala | | Game/Artillery | Hungarian | A simple shooting game. Input the angle ... |
Border Demo 1 | | Demo | Hungarian | Contains many border coloring effects. P... |
Border Demo 2 | | Demo | Hungarian | Contains many border coloring effects. P... |
Borgok Kincse | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Released under Jack's Software Studio (J... |
Boríték Címező | 1989 | Utility/Print | Hungarian | Original by Dr. Frigyes. ... |
Bosszúvágy | 1993 | Game/Strategy | Hungarian | Original C64 version by Gábor Meixner (M... |
Boszorkánykonyha | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Kalandozás A Kémiában. Also created ... |
Bővített Monitor | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | |
Break Dance | 1989 | Game/Sport | Hungarian | Graphics and music by Attila Róth. Watch... |
Break Up | | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Breki | | Game/Action | Hungarian | A two player only game, trainer not need... |
Buek 2006 | 2005 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | |
Business Club | 1991 | Game/Board | Hungarian | Written by László Kercsmar under the lab... |
Búvár | 1990 | Game/BoulderDash | Hungarian | AKA Búvár +4/MOI. Release date is a clos... |
Bűvös Kör | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Buvos Kor. From the "Dienes" series.... |
Bűvös Lámpácskák | 1988 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | |
Bűvös Négyzetek | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Buvos Negyzetek. Written by (private... |
Bűvös Négyzetek (Sas-Software) | 1989 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | AKA Buvos Negyzetek.... |
Bűvös Rejtvény | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | AKA Buvos Rejtveny. A logical puzzle gam... |
Byte Times 00 | 1990 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | First issue of Byte Times, also probably... |
Byte Times 5 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | The final issue, even though a planned B... |
C16 Tiny BASIC Compiler | 1985 | Utility/BasicCompiler | Hungarian | AKA C16 Tiny Compiler. Written by "Simpl... |
C16, Plus/4 Az Általános Iskolai Fizikatanításban | | Educational | Hungarian | A series of educational programs. 46 pro... |
CAD System C+4 | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Displays a house in 3D.... |
Cartridge Z+4 | 1990 | Utility/Compilation | Hungarian | A custom cartridge by (private) AKA Géza... |
Castle Matcher - A Kastélymeccs | 2018 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | AKA Castle Matcher HU. A Hungarian trans... |
CBS Intro | 1992 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Céllövő | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Ceruza | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Magyar ABC must be in the memory for the... |
Char Demo | 1991 | Demo/Charsets | Hungarian | AKA Char Demo/KiCHY, Char-Demo/KiCHY. A ... |
Chared | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | A simple character editor.... |
Charlie | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | Developed by NyulSoft with help from Pét... |
Christmas BASIC Type-in 2023 | 2023 | Demo/Graphics | Hungarian | Created for Weihnachten auf dem Commodor... |
Cimkatalogus | 1988 | Utility/Database | Hungarian | |
Cinke Őrs | 1989 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | The rectangle represents a forest. You'r... |
Ciril Karakterek | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Turns the charset into a cyrillic one.... |
Citadel Of Chaos | 1992 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | |
Cliffsort | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | A small example that implements cliffsor... |
Clues Of Coders | 1991 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Announced in Terror News 17, which puts ... |
Coala Painter 2 | 1989 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Written by (private), Budapest, Hungary.... |
Coby Waveconverter Relocator | 1991 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | A wave converter's memory relocator.... |
Coccolino | 1995 | Demo/Joke | Hungarian | Fake demo, intended as a joke, credited ... |
Cocom Demo | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | Coded by Cocom (private), now developing... |
Colors | 1990 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | Chizman modified and used bubis' Digital... |
Coma B Copy | 1989 | Utility/Copy | Hungarian | |
Coma Light 2 | 1993 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Commodore Névjegyzék | | Utility/Database | Hungarian | |
Commoring | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Computer Aided Learning | | Educational | Hungarian | Teaches machine language. Might be part ... |
Computer Karácsony | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | Their part from the Compy Xmas demo. Pre... |
Computer-Clock | 1988 | Utility/Clock | Hungarian | Displays a large, easy-to-read digital c... |
Constipation | 1995 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | It's NOT a joke, it has TEXT! After the ... |
Conway Sejtautomata | 1986 | Game/Life | Hungarian | |
Cool News 1 | 1993 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | |
Cool News 2 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Cool News 3 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Cool News 4 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | Final issue (the only one that disk base... |
Copy | | Utility/Copy | Hungarian | AKA Copy 16384. Written by Zoltán Cselén... |
Copy T-D V1.5 | 1988 | Utility/Copy | Hungarian | AKA Copy Disk Tape. Written by Gábor Kis... |
CoV Mooo Plus | 1994 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | AKA CoV Mooo News.... |
CoV Sun News | 1993 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | |
COV29-30 Info | 1993 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Created with United Force Writer. 9 page... |
Crackadress | 1990 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Spreaded with this name, but titled as "... |
Crackers Mix 2 | 1993 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Craker Copy | | Utility/Copy | Hungarian | A copier between two computers.... |
Craps | | Game/Dices | Hungarian | Very likely a Hungarian translation of a... |
Cript Of Death | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Critani Film | 1991 | Demo/Joke | Hungarian | Made with Laser Typer Professional. The ... |
Cross Fighter | 1986 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Cross Puzzle | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | A crossword solving game. Written by (pr... |
Crown Sorter | | Utility/Database | Hungarian | Untitled utility (the current name has b... |
Crying Fit | 1989 | Demo | Hungarian | Contains Hungarian language jokes. Relea... |
Crying Fit 2 | 1992 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Csapda-16 | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Csapda-Játék (Trap-Game). As you wal... |
Csapda-Játék | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written By László Zsolt Tóth. As you wal... |
Csavargás A Gombák Birodalmában | 1988 | Game/Simulator | Hungarian | AKA Csavargas. Cracked by Mr. Gregory.... |
Csavargás A Gombák Birodalmában Leírás | 1989 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | A description of Csavargás A Gombák Biro... |
Csepkövek | | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Cseppkövek. Possibly a type-in game.... |
Csillagászat 8.0 | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Csillagatlasz | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private) (Zalaegerszeg, Hung... |
Csillagharcos | | Game/SpaceInvaders | Hungarian | A hack of Mega Zap with different graphi... |
Csipkerózsika | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | |
Csipogós Keyboard | | Utility/KeyBeep | Hungarian | A small utility that makes the computer ... |
Csirkefogó | | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | Catch chickens by jumping over the gaps ... |
Csodálatos Simon | 1986 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | German translated version ("Iceland Simo... |
Csodálatos Simon Amőba | 1986 | Game/Compilation | Hungarian | WANTED: Cover scan.... |
Csomagoló Üzem | 1992 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Csucsu Super Tape | 1988 | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | Turbo tape loader coded by Vilmos Tetézi... |
Cube Caster | 1989 | Game/Dices | Hungarian | Bouncing rasters with Hungarian flag col... |
Dallam Füzér | | Game/Simon | Hungarian | Written by A&A Software.... |
Dama (Hungarian) | 1989 | Game/Draughts | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Darth Vader | | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | |
DATA Beíró | 1993 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | AKA Gyors DATA Beíró. Written by József ... |
Data Generator | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | Produces a basic program with DATA state... |
Datakészítő | 1986 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | Converts memory areas into DATA lines in... |
Datásító | 1993 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Dator | 1992 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | A BASIC extension to help create data li... |
Deadly Adventure | | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | An incomplete multiple-choice adventure ... |
Debil | | Utility/Text | Hungarian | AKA Deltex-billentyűszerkesztő, keyboard... |
Debrecen's Crest | 2024 | Demo/Graphics | Hungarian | |
Deli Compacker TCMS Version | 1988 | Utility/Compression | Hungarian | |
Delta-Morsekód | 1986 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | AKA Delta Morse Kód. Teaches and practic... |
Deltex Converter | | Utility/Text | Hungarian | Converts between Deltex and Easy Script ... |
Deltex-Dump | 1991 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | |
Deluxe Driver 4.4 | 1991 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | |
Deluxe Driver V5.1 | 1992 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | |
Deluxe Driver V6.1 | 1992 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | |
Demo Of New York | 1990 | Demo/MegaDemo | Hungarian | AKA Demo of Balmaz New York. The demo is... |
Demon | 1992 | Demo | Hungarian | A demo in three parts.... |
Demonix | 1989 | Demo | Hungarian | Plays a cover of "Chariots of Fire" by V... |
Démonok Birodalma | 1989 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | Developed by the TMPS team. The title sc... |
Denevér | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by Iván Csató (deceased). Naviga... |
Depeche Mode Demo (TCKT) | 1989 | Demo | Hungarian | Ern0 confirmed that the same intro has b... |
Destronaughter V3.5 | 1992 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | Coded by Laco and TLLS. Supposed to be a... |
Dex | 1989 | Game/Shoot'em up | Hungarian | AKA Dex I, Dex 1. The original game is d... |
Diamond Town | 1991 | Game/BoulderDash | Hungarian | Intro written by Tarzan. Levels by Joe (... |
Diesel Számoló | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Written by MCG's brother, the purpose is... |
Digi Daniel | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Very similar to Digi Süni.... |
Digi Ripped Piccys | 1990 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Very similar to Depeche Mode Demo from t... |
Digi Süni | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Could be another type-in from Süni Magaz... |
Digi-mania | 1993 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | AKA Digi Mania. Features 8 digitized mus... |
Digiface | 1992 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | |
Digimix-2 | 1991 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | Composed in Rock Editor V1.3.... |
Digiripper | 1990 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | AKA Digiripper V1.0.... |
Digital Ball | 1989 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | AKA Faltenisz (transl.: Squash). A uniqu... |
Digital Disc | 1992 | Demo/MegaDemo | Hungarian | 3rd part plays "Living On Video" by Tran... |
Digital Mix | | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | |
Digital Mix 2 | | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | |
Digital Mix 3 | | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | |
Digital Mix 4 | | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | |
Digitális Óra | | Utility/Clock | Hungarian | The program name appears in the BASIC li... |
Digitális Óra | | Utility/Clock | Hungarian | Written by József Kósa & Levente Orbán, ... |
Directory Print | | Utility/Print | Hungarian | AKA Frici Dir Printer. A utility to prin... |
Directory Rendező | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | |
Directory Rendező (Tell. S.) | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | |
Dirsort LEH | 1991 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | |
Disc Doctor & Monitor V1.1 | 1988 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | |
Disc-Monitor | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | Written by Zoltán Lengyel.... |
Disco Adventure | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Your quest is to pick up a girl in a dan... |
Disill | 1992 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | A BASIC extension that disassembles memo... |
Disk Doctor Plus4 | 1987 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | AKA Disc Doctor Hungarian. Hungarian tra... |
Disk File Mentő | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | AKA Disk File Mento VC1540/1541. A C64 B... |
Disk Help | 1995 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | |
Disk Lister V3.2 | 1991 | Utility/Database | Hungarian | |
Disk Tool 2.1 | 1989 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | |
Disk-Könyvtár | | Utility/Database | Hungarian | AKA Disk Sorty. |
Disk-Tape Copy | | Utility/Copy | Hungarian | |
Diskcopy | | Utility/Copy | Hungarian | |
Divine Page 1 | 1992 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | The mag announces TLC leaving GOTU and f... |
Divine Page 2 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Divine Page 3 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | Press keys C+B+M altogether to leave the... |
Dixi A Megmentő | 1987 | Game/Shoot'em up | Hungarian | |
Dobocska | 1987 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | A simple interactive drum keyboard. Pres... |
Doctor Block | 1989 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | A simple disk block reader and writer. W... |
Dodo | | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | Coded by Gyula Hajdú.... |
Doki News 1 | 1992 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | |
Doki News 2 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Doki News 3 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | Greeting intro included in the disk, to ... |
Doki News 4 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | The release of Japanese War is announced... |
Doki News 5 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Doki Zene | 1986 | Demo | Hungarian | The 3rd song also appears in Dominó (Csu... |
Dolgozatértékelés | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Evaluates exam results for up to 50 stud... |
Dominó (Csupa Szuper Játék) | 1989 | Game/Domino | Hungarian | AKA Domino+. It's a copy of Domino (Basi... |
Domino (Hika-Soft) | 1989 | Game/Domino | Hungarian | Created by Hika-Soft. Release date uncon... |
Domino (Hungarian) | 1992 | Game/Domino | Hungarian | |
Donald Kacsa | 1987 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by Elemér Kovács.... |
Donkey Kong | 1987 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | Also coded by (private).... |
Dr Bubo Show | | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | |
Dracula Adventure | 2014 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA Drakula Adventure.... |
Dragon & Knight | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | When the game has been completed, it tri... |
Drakula Kastélya | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | A Hungarian translation of the original.... |
Drea-M-time 2004 | 2004 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | A readme image, plus 9 individual FLI im... |
Drea-M-time XXXII | 2004 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | |
DTMF Kóder | 1986 | Utility/HamRadio | Hungarian | AKA DTMF Kódoló. Written by (private), H... |
Dudaorrú Patric | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Guide Patric, the titular character thro... |
Duplázó V1.0 | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Expands 1x1 characters to 1x2 shaped.... |
Dynarec | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | A demo in 4 parts.... |
East Calling West 1 | 1992 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | |
East Calling West 2 | 1992 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | The sequel to East Calling West 1, relea... |
East Calling West 2 Rep | 1992 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Intro by ACS. The game is 100% identical... |
Easy Turbo +4 | 1991 | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | |
Easy Turbo 3 | | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | |
Ébresztőóra | | Utility/Clock | Hungarian | |
EDC News 1 | 1991 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | This mag uses an 80 column screen to dis... |
EDC News 2 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
EDC News 3 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | Press space to return to the main menu, ... |
EDC News 4 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
EDC News 5 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | The final issue of the magazine, the fir... |
EDC's Stuffs | 1992 | Demo/PersonalCatalog | Hungarian | There's no release date, but based on th... |
Edda | 1988 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | Plays the refrain of "Hűtlen" (The Unfai... |
Édesanyám | 2012 | Demo | Hungarian | Coded live at the Árok 14 party in about... |
Edo 1996 | 1996 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Eger Ostroma | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Egy Kis Basic | | Game/Trivia | Hungarian | |
Egybeírjam? Különírjam? I | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Developed by Judit Lakatos. The second p... |
Egybeírjam? Különírjam? II | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | The second part of Egybeírjam? Különírja... |
Egybeírjam? Különírjam? Történelem | 1986 | Educational/Compilation | Hungarian | A compilation of two (seemingly unrelate... |
Egyenesrajzoló | 1987 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Written by Plutosoft & V.G.Soft.... |
Egyenletek Grafikus Megoldása | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Egyenletek Grafikus Megoldása Egyenlőtlenségek Grafikus Megoldása Három Vetület Periódusos Rendszer | | Educational/Compilation | Hungarian | A compilation of 4 educational programs.... |
Egyenletek Megoldása | 1987 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Solves various math equations. ... |
Egyenletes Mozgás | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Egyenlőtlenségek Grafikus Megoldása | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Egyhengeres Otto-Motor | | Educational | Hungarian | Demonstrates the inner working of a 4-st... |
Egyismeretlenes Egyenletek Megoldása | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | AKA 1/2/3 Foku Egyenletek. ... |
Egylemezes Másoló | | Utility/Copy | Hungarian | |
Egyszerű Fizikai Számítások | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Egyszerű Gépek | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Egyszerűsítés | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Demonstrates simplification of fractions... |
Éhes Béka | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Hungarian version of Back To Nature.... |
Éhes Kígyó | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Contains three games: a tron like game, ... |
Éhes Kígyók | 1987 | Game/Tron | Hungarian | Created by Gábor Maróti and Zoltán Drége... |
Ejtőernyős | | Game/Landing | Hungarian | Hungarian translated version. Excluded f... |
Ékezetes Betűk | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Produces a font with Hungarian accented ... |
Ékezetes Képújság | 1989 | Utility/Intromaker | Hungarian | |
Ékezetes Rendező | | Utility | Hungarian | |
Elan0 | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | |
Elektromos Teljesítmény (Tábl. 2) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Elektromosság | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Elektromosság - Grafikus játék. Writ... |
Elektronszerkezet | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Elektronszerkezet ábrázolása | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Erika Spisák. ... |
Elem-Vegyjel | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Elemek | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
Elemek Képlete | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Elemképlet. The original was written... |
Elemirészecskék Gyakorlása | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private). ... |
Elemzések | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Teaches Hungarian grammar for elementary... |
Életjáték | 1986 | Game/Life | Hungarian | |
Életjáték V1.2 | 1987 | Game/Life | Hungarian | Coded by Joco Software.... |
Életmentő | 1987 | Game/Action | Hungarian | WANTED: program file. Missing software. ... |
Elf's First | 1992 | Demo/MegaDemo | Hungarian | Additional graphics by KHS.... |
Elhagyatott-Város | 1992 | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | |
Ellenállás (Gyak. 1) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Ellenállás (Tábl. 2) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Ellenállás Színkód | 2020 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Published as generic BASIC program, adap... |
Ellenőrző | 1988 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | A simple guessing game with 20 guesses p... |
Előjelek Használata | | Educational | Hungarian | Part of a multi-loader. See also A Számo... |
Elsöfokú Függvények | | Educational | Hungarian | WANTED: cover scan, TAP file.... |
Elütes | | Utility | Hungarian | Performs calculations related to car acc... |
Elvarázsolt Kastély | 1987 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | Lead your hero through 40 screens, avoid... |
Elveszett Elemek | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Appears to be buggy: picking up the flas... |
Emco | 1988 | Utility | Hungarian | By Tamás Bór (Brutus Software) and Tamás... |
Emco Maro | 1988 | Utility | Hungarian | Written by Árpád Molnárand Róbert Skorp... |
Emelő Egyensúlya | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by József Somogyi.... |
Emésztőrendszer | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Az Emésztés Szabályozása, Emésztés.... |
Emi II | 1989 | Demo/Music Box | Hungarian | AKA Emi 2, Emi +4 Part II.... |
Emlékezetet Fejlesztő Program | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Developed at BGYTKF. ... |
Energia | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Eprom Égető | 1988 | Utility/EPROM | Hungarian | Written by HG7HR (Polner Zoltán, Karcag)... |
Eprom Égető MCG | 1997 | Utility/EPROM | Hungarian | The original was written by Garay-Rohonc... |
Eredő Ellenállás Számítása | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Éremgyűjtő | 1989 | Game | Hungarian | WANTED: program file. Missing software.... |
Erik A Viking Leírás | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | The debug demo of Aliens team. A solutio... |
Esti Mese | 1989 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Ész-totó | | Game/Editor | Hungarian | A utility to create quizes.... |
Észak-Amerika | | Educational | Hungarian | The 2nd part of the Geography Educationa... |
Eszközismeret | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Lajos Sarka, Nyíregyháza. ... |
Észvesztő Útvesztő | 1987 | Game/Maze | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Európa | | Educational | Hungarian | The 1st part in the Geography Educationa... |
Európa (OKTA) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Also written by Kaszás (first name unkno... |
Europa Éghajlata | | Educational | Hungarian | A geopgraphy quiz with many questions. T... |
Európa Fővárosai | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Hika-Software.... |
Európa Fővárosai (MHSz) | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Európai Fővárosok | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | Quizzes you on the capitals of Europe. W... |
Ever-lives 2 | 1989 | Demo | Hungarian | A collection of cheats for classic games... |
Évezredek I | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | I. 5. osztályos év eleji ismétlés (grade... |
Évezredek II | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | II. őskor (ancient times).... |
Évezredek III | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | III. Élet az Ókori Keleten (Life in the ... |
Évezredek IV | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | IV. Hogyan éltek az ókori görögök (How d... |
Évezredek IX | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | IX. Mindennapi élet a feudális Európaban... |
Évezredek V | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | V. Képek a Római történelemből (Images f... |
Évezredek VI | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | VI. Népünk történetének kezdete (The beg... |
Évezredek VII | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | VII. 5. osztály év végi ismétlés. WANTED... |
Évezredek VIII | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | VIII. 6.oszt. Év eleji ismétlés (6th gra... |
Évezredek X | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | X. A feudalizmus kialakulása hazánkban.... |
Évezredek XI | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | XI. Hazánk a feudalizmus virágkorában.... |
Évezredek XII | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | XII. A feudalizmus hanyatlása Európában ... |
Évezredek XIII | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | XIII. Harcok a törökök és a Habsburgok e... |
Évezredek XIV | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | XIV. 6.osztály év végi ismétlése (6th gr... |
Évezredek XIX | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Évezredek XVI | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Évezredek XX | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | XX. A kapitalizmus kibontakozása Magyaro... |
Ewox | 1993 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Exhibition Black | 1990 | Demo/Joke | Hungarian | A joke demo. The release date is a guess... |
Exorepáthers | 1992 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Export Import | | Game/Management | Hungarian | Appears to be unfinished, only a single ... |
Extended Screen | 1987 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | A BASIC extension. Release date unconfir... |
Extended Screen Intro | 1988 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | An introduction for Extended Screen, mad... |
Exterior Demo | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Extra-Turbo | | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | Coded by Ernő Kiss.... |
Ez A Plus/4 | | Misc/General | Hungarian | A compilation containing two tapes ("Ez ... |
Face Of A Woman | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | Press reset to see a joke. (Halftone fac... |
Face Of Ratt | 1990 | Demo/Joke | Hungarian | |
Faktoriális | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | A very simple program that computes fact... |
Fal | 1986 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Falbontás | | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Falbontó | | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Faltörés | 1986 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | AKA Faltores. Magyar ABC must be in the ... |
Faltörés (Charlemagne) | | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Fantastic Screens 3 | 1989 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Press 1 to 4 to choose pictures.... |
Fáraó Átka | 1990 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | Written by Gábor Bálint.... |
Fáraó És A Piramis | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA A fáraó és a piramis. Published in C... |
Farewell Hours | 1992 | Demo | Hungarian | A demo in two parts. According to the sc... |
Fast Format 08 | 1988 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | |
Fast-validate | 1989 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | |
Fekete Pontocska | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by István Szauter in basic.... |
Fektesd Le | | Game/Board | Hungarian | AKA Fektesd Le!! A board game for 4 play... |
Feladatgenerátor | 1987 | Utility | Hungarian | Written by HA 5 ABE. ... |
Feladatlap Értékelés | 1985 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | |
Feladatok A Gömbre | | Educational | Hungarian | Math exercises for students, answers are... |
Feladatok A Hengerre | | Educational | Hungarian | Math exercises for students, answers are... |
Feladatok A Kúpra | | Educational | Hungarian | Math exercises for students, answers are... |
Feladatok Pitagorasz Tételére | | Educational | Hungarian | Math exercises for students, answers are... |
Feladatok Szögszámításra | | Educational | Hungarian | Math exercises for students, answers are... |
Feliratozó | 1987 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | A specialized utility to create titles. ... |
Felis Catus | 1989 | Demo | Hungarian | WANTED: 2nd part. Release date unconfirm... |
Félkarú Bandita | | Game/Gambling | Hungarian | |
Felmérések Kiértékelése | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Fényceruza | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | A driver program ("ceruza1") and 2 demo ... |
Fényterjedés | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Demonstrates light propagation in variou... |
Fényújság | 1988 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Written by Profsoft. A large scroll with... |
Fényújság (BASIC) | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | |
Feszültségosztó Méretezése | | Utility | Hungarian | |
File Csere | 1988 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | WANTED: program file. Missing software. ... |
File-Kezelés | | Utility/Database | Hungarian | |
File-ok Törlése És Védelme C16-on | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | |
First From Genius | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | A demo in two parts.... |
First Music | 1988 | Demo | Hungarian | AKA Vanguard 2. Release date is taken fr... |
Fizika Feladatok | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Fizikai Felelés | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Fizikai Mérések I. | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Fizikai Összefüggések | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Fizikai Programok | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Péter Bánfalvi (Salomvár). ... |
Fizikai Számítások | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Flags Of World | | Game/Educational | Hungarian | Written by Szabolcs Kis as K.Sz.-Soft.... |
Flappy Fly | 2024 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Flash Demo | 1986 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Two different file collections of bitmap... |
Flip Flap | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Flip-flop | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | AKA Fordítsd (Turn It). Written by The R... |
Flipper | | Game/Pinball | Hungarian | |
Flipper (Basic) | 1986 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Compatible with C64 and C16. C16 code by... |
Flipper (Csupa Szuper Játék) | 1990 | Game/Pinball | Hungarian | Published in Csupa Szuper Játék, but cle... |
Flipper 2 | | Game/Pinball | Hungarian | |
Flopp | 1987 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Floppy Master | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | There's an alternative version by László... |
Flowers | 2004 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Displays two multicolor FLI pictures.... |
Flowers 2 | 2005 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Displays 3 FLI images (photos of flowers... |
Flugos Futam | 1990 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Basically, a bad hack of Bolondos Golyó.... |
Flying Chip | 1992 | Demo | Hungarian | A demo in two parts.... |
Fő Falbontó | 1989 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | Coded by Mr. Anonym. Release date unconf... |
Fogd A Pénzt | 1985 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | |
Fokhálózat | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Földrajz | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA A világ országa (Countryies of the w... |
Földrajz (Fodor Antal) | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Földrajz 1 | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Földrajz 8. osztály (Általános iskola) | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Földrajz Dolgozatok | | Educational | Hungarian | A collection of short, simple geography ... |
Földrajzi Programcsomag | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Ernő Kis and Mátyás Késmárki ... |
Fool Flopp | 1989 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Five grayscale hires pictures. The same ... |
Fooner | 1987 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | A 1-bit digitizer using the datassette a... |
Forever Lives | 1988 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | A collection of cheats. Muffbusters is m... |
Forgatónyomaték (Gyak. 1) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Forgatónyomaték (Tabl. 2) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Forma 1 | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Hungarian version of Hell-Driver.... |
Fővárosok | | Educational | Hungarian | A geography drill about capital cities.... |
Frigyláda | 1993 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Based on the same type-in game as Az Elv... |
Front Page #001 | 1993 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | |
Fuga | | Demo | Hungarian | Plays part of "Toccata and Fugue in D mi... |
Függveny Ábrázolás | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | |
Függvény Ábrázoló Program | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | |
Függvény Vizsgálat | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Various functions related to functions, ... |
Függvény-Rajzoló Program | 1986 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Displays arbitrary functions. Uses memor... |
Függvényábrázolás | 1986 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Plots user entered functions.... |
Függvények | 1991 | Educational | Hungarian | A text-only quiz program with 12 questio... |
Függvényrajzoló | 1986 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Displays a limited number of mathematica... |
Függvénytranszformációk Másodfokú Parabola | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Gyula Rózsa. ... |
Függvénytranszformációk Sinus- és cosinusfüggvény | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Gyula Rózsa. ... |
Full Copy Plus/4 | 1989 | Utility/Copy | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Futófény Program | 1995 | Demo | Hungarian | |
G-Man Editor | 1990 | Game/Editor | Hungarian | |
G-Pascal Instrukcio | 1988 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Instructions for G-Pascal. Written by Gy... |
G.P.C. Demo | 1992 | Demo/Music Box | Hungarian | A conversion of three 4-channel tunes fr... |
Gabonatermelés | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA GAB, Magyar-Gabona. Original by (pri... |
Galton-Deszka Kisérlet | 1987 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Written by Péter Szlávi (ELTE). Performs... |
Game Pic's 1 | 1992 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Contains 4 converted pictures. Press num... |
Game Pic's 2 | 1992 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Contains 4 converted pictures. Press R+T... |
Game Preview | 1995 | Game/Preview | Hungarian | Because it's not a full release, this pr... |
Gamecracker V1.0 | 1988 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | A utility to directly edit other program... |
Gamers Guide 01 | 1991 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | Released after 1991-06 (a past party wit... |
Garfield's Day | 1992 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Disk cover also drawn by Shadow, this is... |
Gázmodell | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Béla Kertész & Tibor Ujvári.... |
Gázmodell (Novotrade) | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private), Hungary.... |
Gemenc Expo | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Genesis | | Demo | Hungarian | Biblical themed demo, based on the story... |
Gengszter | | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | C64 original by Miklós Tihor, this versi... |
Geometria | 1987 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Written by (private). A tool to calculat... |
Geometria V2 | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | |
Geometriai Transzformációk | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Demonstrates various geometric transform... |
Gep Vez | | Educational | Hungarian | The full title is unknown, but it's like... |
Gépi Átíró | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | Converts a given memory area into BASIC ... |
Gépi Kód Oktató | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Gepi Kodu (Assembly) Oktato 1-3. Ori... |
Get Ready | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Ghostbusters + | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | AKA Ghost Busters +. The author mentions... |
Gif Collection | 1995 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | |
Giga Graphics Compressor | 1989 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Gitáriskola | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | Teaches guitar chords.... |
Global-Directory | 1984 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | A C64 program that runs on a C16/Plus4 a... |
Go | | Game/Othello | Hungarian | A unique Othello implementation (does no... |
Go C16 | 1985 | Game/Board | Hungarian | |
Go Moko | 1989 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Gobang | | Game/Amoeba | Hungarian | A single player amoeba game badly conver... |
Gödörugró Játék | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Godzilla | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | The title screen exhibits the $FF28 Bug.... |
Golden | 1990 | Game/Strategy | Hungarian | |
Golden II | 1991 | Game/Strategy | Hungarian | AKA Golden 2. |
Golf (Charlemagne) | | Game/Sport | Hungarian | |
Golf-Játék | | Game/Sport | Hungarian | Hungarian hack of the original. Translat... |
Goliat | 1989 | Demo | Hungarian | Created by LDC. Tells a short story via ... |
Goofy | 1990 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | A picture show with 3 pics.... |
Görberajzoló | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Graphs user entered functions. The olde... |
Görényterror | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Grafikonszerkesztő + Nyomtató | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Grafikus Szoftver-1 | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | A collection of 5 graphic subroutines. T... |
Grafikus Terület Invertálása | 1992 | Demo/TechnologyDemo | Hungarian | AKA Grafikus kép méretezett inverze. Wri... |
Grafitor V2.1 | 1988 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Graphic-16 | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Written by Fancy soft.... |
Great Fuck | | Demo/Graphics | Hungarian | It is claimed to be a Novotrade release.... |
Great Pictures I | 1993 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | AKA Great Pictures-I. The release date a... |
Green Pig | 1992 | Demo/Joke | Hungarian | This program is a silly joke and not an ... |
Gurítsd A Golyót | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | The original C=64 game was written by Ti... |
Gusztáv Motorozik | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Guide Gustav on the road, picking up gob... |
Gyakorlás I | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Botos & Balogh (first names u... |
Gyakorlás II | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Botos & Balogh (first names u... |
Gyalogjátek | | Game/Board | Hungarian | Two games in one. The program uses POKEs... |
Gyalogkakukk | | Game/Maze | Hungarian | Walk to the end of the maze without gett... |
Gyémántbányász | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Translated version of Diggy.... |
Gyökkereső | 1987 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Written by Péter Bán (ELTE). The program... |
Gyorstakarítás | 1990 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | You are a cleaning lady and you must cle... |
Gyorstakarítás 2 | 1990 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | The sequel to Gyorstakarítás. Clean the ... |
Gyorsuló Mozgás | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Gyufajáték | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | |
Gyufaszálak | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | A logic game, play against the computer.... |
Gyűjtőlencse Demo | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by József Somogyi. ... |
Gyűjtőlencse Képalkotasa | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Hajótörött | 1992 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Mentioned in SCN News 02 as being worked... |
Halállabirintus | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | To escape the labyrinth, you must find 9... |
Halálos Útvesztő | | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Written by Gábor Izsó. The sequel is Hal... |
Halálos Útvesztő II | 1988 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Written by Gábor Izsó. The sequel to Hal... |
Halmazállapot-Változás | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Hálóábra-Generátor | 1988 | Utility | Hungarian | WANTED: program file. Missing software. ... |
Hamm 2000 | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Hamurabi (Hungarian) | 1986 | Game/Management | Hungarian | Written by Kocsis Software.... |
Hanggenerátor | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Hangközök | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | An educational program with questions ab... |
Hangmemória | | Game/Simon | Hungarian | Commercial version of Hangmemória Játék.... |
Hangmemória Játék | 1986 | Game/Simon | Hungarian | A simple simon game written in BASIC. A ... |
Hanoi Tornyai | | Game/HanoiTower | Hungarian | |
Hanoi Torony | 1986 | Game/HanoiTower | Hungarian | Coded by Attila Rácz.... |
Hanoi Torony (Mantra Software) | | Game/HanoiTower | Hungarian | Hungarian translation of the Mantra Soft... |
Hanoi-Tornyai | | Game/HanoiTower | Hungarian | |
Hanoi-Torony | | Game/HanoiTower | Hungarian | Possibly a type-in game, typed in with s... |
Harc Az Életért | 1988 | Game/Life | Hungarian | Bouncing rasters with Hungarian flag col... |
Hardware | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Magyar ABC must be in the memory for the... |
Hardworks | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Háromdimenziós Malom | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | |
Haromfázisu Váltakozoáram Valodi Vill. Teljesítménye Induktív Terheléssel | 1988 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Released by Simisoft (László Simon, Szol... |
Háromszög Koordinátageometria | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Written by Árpád Petergi. A text only ut... |
Hat Gyalog | 1986 | Game/Board | Hungarian | Writtem by (private).... |
Hatásfok (Tábl. 1) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Hatásfok (Tábl. 2) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Hawkeye 5 | 1988 | Demo | Hungarian | A demo in two parts. The second part has... |
Hazánk Mezőgazdasága | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA MEZOG. Written by Herendi & Balogh (... |
Házi Könyvtár | 1987 | Utility/Database | Hungarian | |
Házibuli Teszt | 1991 | Utility/Test | Hungarian | |
Háztartás-kalkuláció | 1986 | Utility/Business | Hungarian | Hungarian translation by Aurel Schiller ... |
Headjust | 1987 | Utility/Tape | Hungarian | Written by (private) and (private).... |
Helyesíras | | Educational | Hungarian | A spelling test for multiple students. ... |
Helyesírási TOTO | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Helyesírási Totó (Vorker) | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private). "Totó" is Football... |
Helységek | | Game/Hangman | Hungarian | A hangman game with 1008 Hungarian place... |
Her Load-Save | | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | |
Her-Compa | | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | |
Her-Jo | | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | |
Her-merge info | 1988 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | AKA Her-merge leírás. Created with Laser... |
Hexaéder | 1989 | Game/Maze | Hungarian | Two player head-to-head combat in a 3D m... |
Hey Ho Hektor | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | AKA Hey-ho Hektor. A demo in three parts... |
Hi-Res Hardcopy | 1987 | Utility/Print | Hungarian | AKA Nagyfelbontású Hardcopy.... |
Hiányzó Szám | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | Simple math exercises. Written by Vegaso... |
Hídépítő | 1987 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | WANTED: program file. Missing software. ... |
Hidra | 1986 | Game/Life | Hungarian | An enhanced implementation of Conway's G... |
Hidrogénmolekula | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Developed at "Kémia tanszék BGYTKF Nyíre... |
Himnusz | 1987 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Plays the Hungarian national anthem.... |
Hipra Copy 1541 | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | Written by Csaba Koller.... |
Hóhér | 1985 | Game/Hangman | Hungarian | |
Holdkutató | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Possibly a type-in game. Find the meteor... |
Holdra Szállás | | Game/Landing | Hungarian | Press keys 1-9. |
Hőmérsékleti Kölcsönhatások | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Botos & Balogh (first names u... |
Homesoft Basic | 1987 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | Written by Tamás Bedegi. A hack of Lacis... |
Horner-Polinom | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Horror Times 01 | 1992 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | This magazine only had one issue. In the... |
Horst Bartning (NDK) Ötlete Alapján | 1987 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Written by Bence Török. Inspired by the ... |
Hosszúság- És Területbecslés | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Developed at BGYTKF. ... |
Hőszükséglet-Számítás | 1988 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Written by Erpasoft.... |
Hőtágulás (Tábl. 1) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Hőtágulás 2 (Tábl. 1) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Hőtan | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private). Teaches physics (t... |
Hova? Orosz | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Orosz-Hova, Hová? Mikor? (see below)... |
Hővezetés | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Botos & Balogh (first names u... |
Hullámzás | 1992 | Demo/TechnologyDemo | Hungarian | Written by (private). Waves the entire s... |
Humanity | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Huntból Sorszám | 1989 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | |
Huszonegy | | Game/Cards | Hungarian | A simple blackjack-like game for up to 9... |
I Ging | 1989 | Utility/Horoscope | Hungarian | |
Icicle Works Editor | 1987 | Game/Editor | Hungarian | A level editor for Icicle Works, likely ... |
Időlabirintus | 1987 | Game/Maze | Hungarian | Also created by Zoltán Rózsavölgyi. Also... |
Időrégész | 1989 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Muffbusters release: single-file convers... |
Időrégész Leírás | 1990 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Written by Ivus Soft ((private)) with In... |
Időrégész Térkép | 1990 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Created by Ivus Soft ((private)). A hand... |
Időutazó | 1987 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | AKA Idoutazo. |
Igekötők | 1986 | Game/Educational | Hungarian | AKA Az Igekotok. Teaches Hungarian gramm... |
Igenévragozás | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Nyelvforgató Igenévragozás Magyar.... |
Íjászverseny | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | The magazine listing is untitled. Shoot ... |
Illegal Codes | 1990 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Password is: understood. Explains how th... |
IMBK News #01 | 1993 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | AKA IMBK News One. Contains an interview... |
IMBK News #02 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
IMBK News #03 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | The first disk-sided issue of the magazi... |
IMBK News #04 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
IMBK News #05 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
IMBK News #06 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
IMBK News #07 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
IMBK News #08 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
IMBK News #09 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | In this issue, Moldi announces stepping ... |
IMBK News #10 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
IMBK News #11 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | SIDcard support implemented but broken.... |
IMBK News #12 | 1996 | Magazine | Hungarian | The intro section mentions that this rel... |
IMBK News #13 | 1998 | Magazine | Hungarian | The final issue of the magazine (so far)... |
Indiana Jones És A Végzet Temploma | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Indukció | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Infó 1 | 1991 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | |
Infó 10 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Infó 2 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Infó 3 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Infó 4 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Infó 5 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Infó 6 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Infó 7 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Infó 8 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Infó 9 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | The release year on title screen in inco... |
Infó Melléklet | 1991 | Demo/Joke | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Info To RTL | 1992 | Demo | Hungarian | A small single-screen demo recruiting mo... |
Inkák Kincse | 1989 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Despite what the scroll text says, this ... |
Intro Maker TSC | 1987 | Utility/Text | Hungarian | |
Invázió | 1986 | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | |
Invincible | 1988 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | AKA Legyőzhetetlen, The Invincible. A un... |
Ionvegyületek Képlete | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | A chemistry teaching tool for Hungarian ... |
IQ Teszt | | Utility/Test | Hungarian | AKA IQ-Teszt. |
Irka-firka | 1986 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Written by (private) (student).... |
Ismerkedés A Periódusos Rendszerrel | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
It's Ridiculous | 1992 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | A collection of humorous cartoons. Appea... |
Ivan Ivanovics | 1990 | Demo/Joke | Hungarian | AKA Ivan/LBM, Ivan Ivanovics esete a you... |
J Vagy Ly | | Educational | Hungarian | Teaches Hungarian grammar, specifically ... |
Jabba Otthona | 1986 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | The author's first game (see below).... |
Jakec Demo | 1992 | Demo | Hungarian | A single part demo.... |
Játék Az Izomériával | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private) ("Steve Junior's Pr... |
Játék POKE-ok C-16-ra | | Demo/Information | Hungarian | A collection of game cheats (POKEs). Wri... |
Játék Turmix | 1987 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Written by "Sanyi System", Budapest.... |
Jégcsapolvadás | | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Jenci A Bolha | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Jenci A Bolha 2 | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Jump over two ditches on each level by p... |
Jerry 1 | 1987 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | |
Jerry II | 1987 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | AKA Jerry 2. Levels by (private).... |
Joe And The Seriff | | Game/Action | Hungarian | A western style shoot 'em up game for tw... |
Judy Digimusic | 1988 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | AKA Judy Digital. The text mentions that... |
Jumbo | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | After room 11 a fake level is loaded (br... |
Jumbo 2 | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Level edited version of Jumbo.... |
Juni | | Utility/Compression | Hungarian | Start with G0600.... |
Kacsavadászat | 1987 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Kaland Az Űrben | 1992 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Kalandozás A Fizikában | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Kaleidoszkóp | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Magyar ABC must be in the memory for the... |
Kalimon | 1987 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | AKA Kali-monitor.... |
Kalkulator | 1987 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | An alternative (and perhaps slightly bug... |
Kamatszámítás | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Demonstrates interest calculation with f... |
Kaméleon | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Allows the background, foreground and bo... |
Kapcsolások | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Kapcsoltam | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | |
Kaputörő | 1988 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | AKA Kaputoro. The intro requires all F-k... |
Karácsony | 1986 | Game/Action | Hungarian | A Christmas-themed game with 3 levels. P... |
Karácsonyi Képeslap | 1986 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Karakter Editor | 1989 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Written by G&G soft. Release date unconf... |
Karakter-szerkesztő | 1986 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | AKA Karakterszerkesztő (spelling on the ... |
Karakter-Tervező | 1985 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Karakterszerkesztő | 1989 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | A simple character editor, edits only on... |
Karakterszerkesztő (Basic) | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Karaktertervező | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | AKA KarakTervező.... |
Karate | 1987 | Game/Fighting | Hungarian | The BPL release (Karate +) is from 1988-... |
Kardhalak És Kincsek | | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Adapted from A kalandprogram írásának re... |
Karinthy Adventure | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA Thököly Adventure II. (Sequel to Thö... |
Kártya Memory | 1985 | Game/Memory | Hungarian | Written in basic. Contains two games: a ... |
Katakis Demo | 1989 | Demo/Music Box | Hungarian | Press keys 1-8 to choose tunes. Press RE... |
Katalog Maker | 1990 | Utility/Database | Hungarian | Written by Zoltán Hudák. Typed in by "C.... |
Kávégame | 2022 | Game/Management | Hungarian | Written by Olivér Orosz.... |
Kázmér Az Egerek Réme | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Kázmér a Macska. Kazmer is a Hungari... |
Kék És Fekete | 1989 | Game/Q-bert | Hungarian | AKA Kek & Fekete.... |
Kék Villám | | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | Another Bomber variant, you can drop bom... |
Kémia | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Kémia 7 | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Kémiai Vizsgaprogramrendszer 7. oszt... |
Kémia 8 | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Kémiai Vizsgaprogramrendszer 8. oszt... |
Kémia Általános Iskolások Részére | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Kémiaiság. Written by Pál Fulajtár. ... |
Kémia Munkafüzet | | Educational | Hungarian | Enter "@£*" as the code, then load... |
Kémia TOTÓ 1 | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Kémia TOTÓ Évvégi Ismétlés | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Kémiai Egyenlet | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | Available for both 16K and 64K machines.... |
Kémiai Elemek | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Kémiai Kötések Azonos Atomok Között | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Kémiai Kötés Azonos Atomok Között.... |
Kémiai Kötések Különböző Atomok Között | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Kémiai Kötés Különböző Atomok Között... |
Kémiai Lexikon | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Kémiai Elemek Lexikonja. Written by ... |
Kémiai Reakciók Besorolása Az Anyagok Száma Szerint | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Reakciók Csoportosítása, 7. osztály.... |
Kémiai Reakciók Csoportosítása | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Károly Nyíri. ... |
Kémiai Reakciók Energiadiagramja | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A chemistry teaching tool for Hungarian ... |
Kémiai Reakciók I. (Egyesülés És Bomlás) | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Kémiai Reakciók I. Rész: Egyesülés É... |
Kémiai Reakciók II. (Redoxi És Prolitikus Reakciók) | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Kép-konvertáló | 1989 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | AKA Kep-Konverter. Converts C64 Paint Ma... |
Képernyő Szinezés | 1986 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Published in a section called "Beginners... |
Képletírás | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | A chemistry teaching tool for Hungarian ... |
Kérdezz-Felelek | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Magyar ABC must be in the memory for the... |
Kerék Bár | | Game/Hangman | Hungarian | An implementation of "Kerék Bár", which ... |
Kerékpár Fék | | Demo/Joke | Hungarian | Pun intended as Kerékpár (Fake), under t... |
Keresd A Csillagokat | 1986 | Game/Maze | Hungarian | Also written by Zoli, likely the same co... |
Keresd A Gyémántot | 1988 | Game/BoulderDash | Hungarian | |
Keresetszámítás | 1987 | Utility/Business | Hungarian | Written by (private) (student).... |
Keresztcsere | 1986 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | |
Keresztcsere Szoliter | 1986 | Game/Compilation | Hungarian | |
Keresztrelytvény 1 | 1988 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Written by László Fehér.... |
Keresztrelytvény 2 | 1988 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Written by László Fehér.... |
Kerület Terület Felszín Térfogat | 1987 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Performs various mathematical calculatio... |
Kerület-Terület | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by István Vernyik. Asks the stud... |
Két Cica | 1992 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Find two hidden kittens on the board by ... |
Kétlépéses Vagy Háromlépéses Mattfejtő | | Game/Chess | Hungarian | Chess problems solving tool.... |
Kétszólamú zeneszerző-gép | 1986 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Written by (private) (student).... |
Ki Jut Az Erdőbe? | | Game/Educational | Hungarian | From the "Dienes" series.... |
Ki Nincs? Mi Nincs? Kinek? Minek? Tud Nem Tud Szótári Alak | 1986 | Educational/Compilation | Hungarian | A compilation of 5 educational programs ... |
Kicsi A Kocsi | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Kígyó | | Game/Nibbler | Hungarian | |
Kígyók | | Game/Tron | Hungarian | A Tron-like game for two players.... |
Kígyózgató | 1988 | Game/Nibbler | Hungarian | The author's name appears in the BASIC l... |
Kikérdező | | Utility/Test | Hungarian | Lets you enter questions and answers, th... |
Killer Planet | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Release announced in Terror News 12. Tit... |
Kincsbúvár | 1985 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Created by (private) (Kocsis Software?).... |
Kincsesbarlang | | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Also written by Tamás Deli.... |
Kincskereső | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Released by Boasoft.... |
Kincskereső Adventure | 1988 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Coded by Adám Schuman (Budapest). A "cho... |
Kincsvadász | 1986 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
King's Music | 1987 | Demo/Music Box | Hungarian | AKA King of Kings Zenék. 6 tunes ripped ... |
Király A Sakktáblán | | Game/Board | Hungarian | |
Királylány Oke! | | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Original C64 game by Csaba Németh. Seque... |
Kis Autó | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Kis Csavargó | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Kis Labirintus | 1985 | Game/Maze | Hungarian | Coded by M. Szaszi.... |
Kis Professzor | | Game/Educational | Hungarian | AKA A Kis Professzor. Written by János S... |
Kisértetkastély | 1985 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA Kisértet Kastély. Released under the... |
Kisfelbontású Grafika | 1993 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Written by László Pál.... |
Kisvasút | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Hungarian translation of the original.... |
Kitörés | 1987 | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Kitores. Cracked by Werner-soft.... |
Kivonási Feladatok 100-ig | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Klausztropolisz | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA Claustropolis. A text adventure base... |
Kocka | 1988 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Kocka Poker | 1986 | Game/Dices | Hungarian | |
Kockafestő | | Game/Q-bert | Hungarian | A Q-bert like game by an unknown author.... |
Kockajáték | | Game/Dices | Hungarian | A different version of Craps.... |
Kockapoker | 1988 | Game/Dices | Hungarian | Yahtzee game for up to 8 players.... |
Kockapóker | 1987 | Game/Dices | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Kofa-kopi | 1990 | Utility/Tape | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Kölcsönhatások | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA A Kolcsonhatasok. Written by Botos &... |
Kolombusz Hajója | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Kolumbusz Hajója | 1986 | Game/Educational | Hungarian | |
Kombinatorika | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Kombinatorikai Programok | 1987 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Various math utilities, related to permu... |
Komparátor | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | AKA Komparátor és Intervallum Kapcsoló. ... |
Kőműves Kelemen | 1987 | Game/Tetris | Hungarian | Written by (private). Deli's crack was s... |
Konvertáló MCG | 1993 | Utility | Hungarian | AKA Konvertáló Program a Nyilvántartásho... |
Könyvkatalógus | 1988 | Utility/Database | Hungarian | |
Könyvtár | 1988 | Utility/Database | Hungarian | Published by the Hungarian magazine Comm... |
Korak Times 3 | | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | |
Korak Times 4 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Korak Times 5 | 1990 | Magazine | Hungarian | Not a genuine Korak release. Since Proky... |
Korak Times 6 | | Magazine | Hungarian | Another fake release, but with a differe... |
Korak Times 7 | 1990 | Magazine | Hungarian | Admittedly created by BBM, not a genuine... |
Korak Times 9 | 1990 | Magazine | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Környezetismeret 4. osztály | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Környezetismeret 5. osztály | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Környezetünk Természetes Anyagai És Szennyezői | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Korrepetitor | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Rejtő, likely published in Mi... |
Kosutdijas/FiRG | 2008 | Demo/Graphics | Hungarian | AKA Kossuthdíjas. A still image from Fir... |
Kot-Kot-Kotkodács | 1990 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | |
Kovalens Vegyületek Képlete | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | A chemistry teaching tool for Hungarian ... |
Közép-Európa | | Educational | Hungarian | The program title appears in the BASIC l... |
Középpontos Tükrözés | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | The TAP file is a multi-loader with thre... |
Közlekedési Ismeretek 6-7. Osztály | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Developed at BGYTKF. ... |
Krakout +4 | 1988 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | AKA Krakout Plus 4. Features the music f... |
Krakout +4 2 | 1989 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | Enhanced version, not from the original ... |
Kráter | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Kresz +4 | 1986 | Game/Educational | Hungarian | Also by Petér Szabó. Drive around in a c... |
Kresz +4 1 (Frontier) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Frontier crack, 1st part of 4. Teaches b... |
Kresz +4 2 (Frontier) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Frontier crack. Teaches road signs of Hu... |
Kresz +4 3 (Frontier) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Kresz +4 4 (Frontier) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Kresz Lámpák | 1990 | Game/Educational | Hungarian | KRESZ is a Hungarian acronym, it's the r... |
Kristályoszcillátorok | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Kugli | 1992 | Game/Sport | Hungarian | |
Kukac | | Game/Action | Hungarian | A simple basic game. Written by (private... |
Kukacka | | Game/Nibbler | Hungarian | |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (Honfoglalás) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (Középkor) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (Ókor I.) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (Ókor II.) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (Reneszánsz) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (XIX. Század) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (XVI. Század) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (XVII. Század) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (XVIII. Század) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
Kurzorvezérlés | 1992 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | |
Kutató | 1988 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | |
Labda | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Label Basic | 1992 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | A BASIC extension, with label support. W... |
Labirintus | 1987 | Game/Maze | Hungarian | You start out in a labirinth, as you wal... |
Labirintus (Basic) | 1989 | Game/Maze | Hungarian | Similar to The Maze. Release date unconf... |
Labirintus (Toth-Soft) | 1986 | Game/Maze | Hungarian | Translated by Toth-soft.... |
Labirintus Játék | | Game/Maze | Hungarian | |
Labirynt Joe | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by Gerysoft (Gergely Kresák, Pás... |
Lacisoft Basic | 1988 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | A basic language extension. Release date... |
Lamer News #001 | 1992 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | |
Lamer News #002 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Lamer News #003 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Lamer News #004 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Lamer News #005 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Lamer News #006 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Lamer News #007 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Lamer News #008 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Lamer News #10 | 2006 | Magazine | Hungarian | AKA Lamer News 2006.... |
Lámpaoltogató | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | |
Last Demo (Genius) | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | This is the last demo from DCD... in 199... |
Last From TRP | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Last Power | | Demo | Hungarian | |
Légicsata | 1986 | Game/Simulator | Hungarian | Written by Csaba Horváth.... |
Légicsata (LEH) | 1988 | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | |
Légiharc-módok | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Légzés | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA A Légzőműködés Szabályozása. Written... |
Lemezkatalógus | | Utility/Database | Hungarian | |
Lemezkatalógus (Oli) | | Utility/Database | Hungarian | |
Lemezkezelő | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | A collection of disk utilities. Converte... |
Lemezmásoló | 1986 | Utility/Copy | Hungarian | AKA Lemezmasolo C=+4-re. Written by (pri... |
Lemezmonitor | 1989 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | AKA Lemez Monitor. Written by (private).... |
Lemezteszt | 1987 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Lencsék | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Lencsék Képalkotása | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Dr. Gábor Poronyi. The origin... |
Lendület (Tábl. 2) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Letter Battle | 1995 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | |
Levélíró C-16 | | Utility/Text | Hungarian | |
Lexical I | 1988 | Utility/Database | Hungarian | Written by (private). A database utility... |
Lézer-Harc | 1986 | Game/Shoot'em up | Hungarian | AKA Lézerharc, Lézer harc.... |
Liala Demo | 1988 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Lifesafe | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Lift | 1986 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Coded by P. Gy. (György Papp?).... |
Lightpen Demo | | Utility/Diagnostics | Hungarian | Lightpen test program.... |
Lightpen-drawing V3.0 | 1989 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Lightpen drawing program. Release date u... |
Limonade | | Game/Management | Hungarian | A Hungarian translation of a C64 origina... |
Limonádé Bódé | | Game/Management | Hungarian | Written/converted by (private), (private... |
Lineáris Egyenletek Grafikus Megoldása | 1987 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Solves two linear equations entered in Y... |
Lineáris És Abszolútérték Függvény | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Gyula Rózsa. The title is spe... |
Lion Noter | 1995 | Utility/Text | Hungarian | Not really a utility as it has no edit f... |
Lissajous | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Lista (Big Bear) | 1990 | Demo/PersonalCatalog | Hungarian | A personal catalog with 1300+ programs. ... |
Lista Nyomtató | 1989 | Utility/Print | Hungarian | Written by Macisoft (Bear soft). A very ... |
Listam 90.12.31 | 1990 | Demo/PersonalCatalog | Hungarian | Written by Aramir (Csaba Egri, Dunaújvár... |
Little Music Box 2 | 1989 | Demo/Music Box | Hungarian | AKA The Little Music Box II. The version... |
Logi-Toli | 1986 | Game/SlidePuzzle | Hungarian | Copyright and written by Gyula Rózsa.... |
Logic | | Game/MasterMind | Hungarian | Coded by Zoltán Juhász. Choose 6 to 10 l... |
Logikai Áramkörök | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Also with László Kun.... |
Logikai Játék | | Game/MasterMind | Hungarian | |
Logikai Kapuk | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Logikai Kapuk Öszekötése (sic). A si... |
Logo Basic V3.0 | 1985 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | AKA Logo-16 Basic Version 3.0.... |
Logo Demo | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | The Muffbusters' 20 Blocks Democompo pri... |
Logo Stretcher | | Demo | Hungarian | A single part demo (despite what the scr... |
Logo-Lego | 1990 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Written by Ferenc Schneider, Békéscsaba,... |
Loncsi | 1987 | Game/Shoot'em up | Hungarian | "Loncsi" is a rarely-used diminutive for... |
Loncsi Turbo | | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | A HER-Turbo copy with modified text.... |
Lord Of The Hell II | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Originally "Az Alvilág Ura", aka A Nagy ... |
Lottószámok | | Utility/Lottery | Hungarian | |
Lovascsata | 1986 | Game/Board | Hungarian | Magyar ABC must be in the memory for the... |
Lóverseny | | Game/Gambling | Hungarian | Start with 1000 Forint (Hungarian curren... |
Lóverseny (Charlemagne) | | Game/Gambling | Hungarian | |
LSI | | Demo | Hungarian | A ripoff of Xmas, done without the permi... |
Lunacy | 1994 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | Plays "Do what you wanna do" by Cascade.... |
Lunacy 2 | 1994 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | |
Lunacy 3 | 1994 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | Report from Szada's Party on 1994-07-09.... |
Lunacy 4 | 1994 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | |
Lunacy 5 | 1994 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | Turn pages with +/-. Tells the story of ... |
Lunacy 6 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | Party report from Compy Xmas 95. File na... |
Lunacy 7 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | Press 1 in the menu to read the magazine... |
Lunacy 9 | 2003 | Magazine | Hungarian | 4ever03 party report.... |
Lynx Preview | 1996 | Demo | Hungarian | A single part preview of the Lynx demo.... |
Macadadam Bumper | | Game/Hangman | Hungarian | AKA Barchoba, Macadam Bumper.... |
Macska-Egér | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Guide your cat to catch the computer con... |
Madarak Bolygója | 1988 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Full title: Menekülés a Madarak Bolygójá... |
Magic | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | AKA Magic on the screen. The main part o... |
Mágneses Indukció Számítása | 1988 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Written by (private). Release date uncon... |
Mágneses Vihar | | Game/Shoot'em up | Hungarian | |
Magyar Abc | 1985 | Utility | Hungarian | AKA Magyar Billentyűzet, Magyar Ékezetes... |
Magyar Abc 2.2 | | Utility | Hungarian | First program on Ez a Plus/4 compilation... |
Magyar Basic | 1987 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | WANTED: program file. Missing software.... |
Magyar Nyelvtan | 1993 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Beszélő Nyelvtan. Guess the Hungaria... |
Magyar Nyelvtan 2. osztály | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Magyar Nyelvtan 3. osztály | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Magyar Nyelvtan 4. osztály (1. rész) | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Magyar Nyelvtan 4. osztály (2. rész) | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Magyar Nyelvtan 4. osztály (3. rész) | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Magyar-21 | 1986 | Game/Cards | Hungarian | Released by Bartók Software.... |
Magyar-Idegennyelvű Szótár | | Utility/Dictionary | Hungarian | The framework of a dictionary, contains ... |
Magyarország | | Educational | Hungarian | The 3rd part of "Keresd A Térképen!" (Ge... |
Magyarország (Newline) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Also written by Norbert Bege. ... |
Magyarország Éghajlata | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA EGH. Written by Herendi & Balogh (fi... |
Magyarország Felszínének Kialakulása 1. Rész | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA FEL1. Written by Herendi & Balogh (f... |
Magyarország Felszínének Kialakulása 2. Rész | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA FEL2. Written by Herendi & Balogh (f... |
Magyarország Földrajza 4. osztály | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Magyarország Gazdasága | | Educational | Hungarian | An 84 question geography quiz. The corre... |
Magyarország Gazdasági Földrajza 8. osztály | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Magyarország Ipara | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Also coded by Norbert Bege. A competent ... |
Magyarország Kőzetei | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Vince Balla, Pusztamérges, Hu... |
Magyarország Megyéi | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Megyék (Counties). Quizzes you on th... |
Magyarország Megyéi És Megyeszékhelyei | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Magyarország Megyeszékhelyei | | Educational | Hungarian | There are two versions, one from Balla V... |
Magyarország Szénbányászata | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA SZÉN. Written by Herendi & Balogh (f... |
Magyarország Szovjetúnió Európa | | Educational/Compilation | Hungarian | |
Magyarország Tájainak Kőzetei | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Magyarország Természeti Földrajza 8. osztály | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Magyarország Története | 1990 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Magyarosított BASIC | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | Changes the BASIC commands to Hungarian ... |
Main Sakk | | Game/Chess | Hungarian | Similar to Starter Chess with different ... |
Malenykily M-Box | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | AKA Malenykij M-Box. ("Malenykily" is th... |
Malom | 1989 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Written by István Schulcz. Release date ... |
Malom (Levsoft) | 1989 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Written by Levsoft. Release date unconfi... |
Man Demo | 1988 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | A scroll probably done in Scroll Writer ... |
Mandelbrot V5 | 1991 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Manómánia | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Original's password: mese. Code: Astro P... |
Marathon | | Game/Action | Hungarian | After loading the first part, type LOAD ... |
Marathon Hadak Útján | 1991 | Educational | Hungarian | Also written by (private). An educationa... |
Marci A Benzinkutas | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | A modified version of Astro Plumber, ver... |
Mario Vario | 1990 | Utility/Lottery | Hungarian | Released in a big shaped clamshell box, ... |
Marsall | 1986 | Game/Strategy | Hungarian | Written by Szilárd Szabó. Military board... |
Másodfokú Egyenletek | 1988 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Written by Róbert Cservenak.... |
Másodfokú Függvények | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Másodfokú Függvények Ábrázolása (Rep... |
Master Library | | Utility/Database | Hungarian | |
Master Mind (Hungarian) | 1989 | Game/MasterMind | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
MAT's Typewriter | | Utility/Text | Hungarian | |
Matek | | Game/Educational | Hungarian | |
Matek Gyakorló | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Matek Programok | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | This is a collection of simple math util... |
Matek-S.O.S. | 1986 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | AKA Matek-SOS, Matek SOS. Written by Dr.... |
Matematika | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | Coded by Géza Komka.... |
Matematika | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Gyula Dudás.... |
Matematika 1 | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Written by Zsolt Beres. Displays arbitra... |
Matematika 3. osztály | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Matematika 5 Osztály | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Gábor Misik, graphics by Gábo... |
Matematika Programcsomag 5-8 Osztály | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Matematikai Program 5-8, Általános I... |
Matematika Tanári Program | | Educational | Hungarian | A complex math program package for Hunga... |
Matematikai Műveletek 1-4 (Százas Számkör) | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Matematikai Műveletek 1-4 (Tizes Számkör) | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Matematikai Sorozatok | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Mc Stoney Editor | 1988 | Game/Editor | Hungarian | |
Me Az Ak | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Mega Writer I | 1990 | Utility/Text | Hungarian | A 2x2 "letter writer" utility. Features ... |
MegaCopy V1.0 Info | 1989 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | The info file to MegaCopy V1.0. WANTED: ... |
Megafuck 2 | 1992 | Demo | Hungarian | Author unknown. A hack of the original w... |
Megyeszékhelyek | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | Quizzes you on the county capitals of Hu... |
Mela Jumplogos | 1997 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Melegedés-Hülés 1 | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Melegedés-Hülés 2 | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Melody Maker | | Utility/Music | Hungarian | A "keyjazz" program.... |
Mélyűr | 1992 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Lavina's 5th (and last) adventure. Deeps... |
Memória | 1988 | Game/Memory | Hungarian | AKA Memory V2. Written by Gergely Cserná... |
Memória | | Game/Simon | Hungarian | Another Simon game. After completing a 1... |
Memória Nézegető | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | Visualize arbitrary memory locations on ... |
Memória-Játék | 1986 | Game/Memory | Hungarian | Coded by (private).... |
Memóriajáték | 1989 | Game/Memory | Hungarian | Written by Gábor Haradics and Viktor Sze... |
Memory (Levis) | 1988 | Game/Memory | Hungarian | AKA Memori!, Memoria Game, Memory Game (... |
Memory (Mikroszámítógép Magazin) | 1986 | Game/Simon | Hungarian | Written by Zsolt Parragh and Kornél Kecs... |
Memory Suli | | Game/Memory | Hungarian | AKA Memo Verseny, Histori Memo. Written ... |
Menekülés | 1986 | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Menekules. |
Mennyi Az Idő | | Utility/Clock | Hungarian | AKA Input Ora. |
Menő Jenő | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Jenő is a Hungarian male name. A modifie... |
Menő Manó | 1986 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | Written by Coby-Soft ((private)).... |
Mentsd Meg Az Életed | 1990 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | |
Méréshatárok | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Erika 7. |
Mérőműszer Leolvasás | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by József Somogyi.... |
Mérőműszer-5 | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by József Somogyi.... |
Mértani Hely | | Educational | Hungarian | A 5 part multi loader.... |
Mértani Sorozat | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Mértani Testek | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | 3D visualization of specific geometric b... |
Mértékegység Gyakorló | | Educational | Hungarian | Various exercises related to unit conver... |
Mértékegységek 4. osztály | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Mesél Az Erdő | 1988 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | Cracked by Dr. Agy.... |
Message '97 | 1997 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Mesterlövész | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Meteor (Basic) | 1986 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by Zs. F. Two players play four ... |
Meteor-zápor | 1987 | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Meteor Zapor, created by Zoltán Odor... |
Methapage 01 | 1996 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | After the end of Terror News Rachy coded... |
Metronóm | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Mi A Közös? | | Educational | Hungarian | Not part of the Dienes series, meant to ... |
Microfuck! | 1995 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Written on Hypranoter.... |
Mikrobi | 1991 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Mikrobi was a three legged robot, the ti... |
Milestone 2 | 1995 | Demo | Hungarian | This was going to be ATI's last program,... |
Military | 1986 | Game/Sport | Hungarian | Written by "MJ1". Ride through 17 screen... |
Mindent A Célért | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Miner 2020 | 2020 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Start with DLOAD"LOADER" and RUN. Collec... |
Mini News 01 | 1993 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | A lot of information is written in Engli... |
Mini News 02 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Mini News 03 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Mini News 04 | 1997 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Mini News 05 | 1997 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains an invitation to a party in Deb... |
Mini News 06 | 2002 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Mini News 07 | 2002 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Mini News 08 | 2003 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains an interview with DGS.... |
Mini News 10 | 2004 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Mini Plus-Comp | 1987 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | AKA Mini Plus Comp Basic Compiler. Writt... |
Mini-Karate | 1993 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Mini-Karate 2 | 1993 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Minifuck | 1992 | Demo | Hungarian | A single part demo. The demo criticizes ... |
Minilogi | 1986 | Game/MasterMind | Hungarian | A mastermind game written by (private) (... |
Minimenu | 1988 | Utility/GUI | Hungarian | Icon driven menu system, original from M... |
Minosz Labirintusa | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Graphics by Fieldtracer (FTR) of DS.... |
Missio | | Game/Maze | Hungarian | |
Missio 2 | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Mission | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | In the intro version, a release date rep... |
Mitoszok Gyémántja | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Lavina's 2nd adventure. To start the gam... |
Moldi Katalog 1 | 1992 | Demo/PersonalCatalog | Hungarian | Contains 1080 program entries.... |
Moldi Katalog 2 | 1993 | Demo/PersonalCatalog | Hungarian | Contains 2124 program entries.... |
Moldi Katalog 3 | 1994 | Demo/PersonalCatalog | Hungarian | Contains 2750 program entries.... |
Moldi-Compresser V1.0 | 1992 | Utility/Compression | Hungarian | |
Mondatok | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Generates Hungarian sentences. Original ... |
Monoszkóp | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | |
Monszun | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Lajos Busi and István Kiss.... |
Moricka Copy | | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | |
Mozaik | 1991 | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Made for the game contest of Commodore Ú... |
Mozaik (1986) | 1986 | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | A jigsaw puzzle game with four puzzles. ... |
Mozgás | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Fizika - Mozgás. Created by Mihály S... |
Mozgás Lejtőn | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Mozgási Energia (Tábl. 2) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Mozgato | | Game/Action | Hungarian | A 47 line amateur game written in basic.... |
Muffbusters Logo | | Demo | Hungarian | See also Tarzan Logo, a very similar rel... |
Multi Adventure | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | |
Multi Char Editor Info | 1990 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Instructions for Multi Char Editor, writ... |
Multi-disk Hungarian | 1988 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | A translated version of Multi-disk (Spre... |
Multichar Editor | 1986 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | AKA Karakter Szerkesztő, needs Magyar Ab... |
Multid | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private). Teaches past tense... |
Munka | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA A Munka. Teaches physics for Hungari... |
Munka (Gyak. 1) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Munka (Gyak. 2) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Munka (Tábl. 2) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Munka II | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Music +4 | 1988 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | Hacked version of the original. Release ... |
Music 16 Prg. Kezelése | 1987 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | A description for Music-16. Written by (... |
Music Box | 1991 | Demo/Music Box | Hungarian | A music box with 30 converted tunes. The... |
Music Simulator 2 | 1988 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | Plays an excerpt of "Shoot your shot" by... |
Music Simulator 3 | 1989 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | Plays part of a mundane, random Hungaria... |
Music-16 | 1986 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | AKA Music 16. Decent music creator progr... |
Music-Hearing V1.0 | 1996 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | |
Műszer-Leolvasó | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Művelet Tervező Segédprogram | 2009 | Utility | Hungarian | Considered to be still in beta version b... |
Műveletek | 1987 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Written by ifj. Zoltán Gyeszat, Csanádpa... |
Műveletek Gyakorló | | Educational | Hungarian | Simple math drills.... |
My 2nd Demo | | Demo | Hungarian | |
My Little Pony | 1991 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | Play a mix of a Hungarian My Little Pony... |
Nagyító | | Utility/Print | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Naprendszerünk | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | Created by Márton E.... |
Naptár | | Utility/Calendar | Hungarian | Performs various calendar related calcul... |
Naptárkészítő | 1990 | Utility/Calendar | Hungarian | Create calendars for a given year, to be... |
Nautilus | 1988 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | Intro screen's tune:"Ha Felszáll a Köd" ... |
Négyismeretlenes Egyenletrendszer Megoldása | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | AKA Cramer Szabály 4.... |
Négypróba | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private) (Miskolc, Hungary).... |
Négyszögek | | Game/Educational | Hungarian | An educational game related to quadrilat... |
Nehéz Játék | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Német Nyelvi Gyakorlás | 1991 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Arpád Haraszti.... |
Nephroid | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Draws a shape made up by the selected nu... |
Neurózis | 1987 | Game/Action | Hungarian | A unique and somewhat Tron-like game. Th... |
Névmások | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Teaches Hungarian grammar for elementary... |
New Ever Lives 1 | 1992 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | The title means "New cheats". It's a col... |
New Ever Lives 2 | 1992 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | |
New Proggys!! | 1991 | Demo/PersonalCatalog | Hungarian | Software catalog update written in Messy... |
New$Reel #01 | 1993 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | AKA New$ Reel, News Reel, NewsReel. Part... |
New$Reel #02 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #03 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #04 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #05 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #06 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | Released in Eger, WLS Party 1993... |
New$Reel #07 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #08 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #09 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | The intro picture suffers from the $FF28... |
New$Reel #09.5 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #10 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #11 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains an interview with Lavina.... |
New$Reel #12 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | Sometimes tagged as ECITY. See New$Reel ... |
New$Reel #12 (alt) | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | Sometimes tagged as DCITY. Include total... |
New$Reel #13 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #14 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains an interview with Oscar. Infini... |
New$Reel #15 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains Tom's farewell letter.... |
New$Reel #15.5 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | This issue uses a new driver program. It... |
New$Reel #16 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | Reports from the Global Pardey. The mag ... |
New$Reel #17 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #18 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | No Plus/4 related content, just humor.... |
New$Reel #19 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #20 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #21 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #22 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | The first issue without intro.... |
New$Reel #23 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #24 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #25 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
New$Reel #26 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | Also music by Compod. New$Reel 26 a, b, ... |
News Writer | 1993 | Utility/Text | Hungarian | The title bar and menu contains English ... |
Newton Almája | 1987 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | A complex (and still unsolved) puzzle ga... |
NF-Technika | 1988 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | AKA NF Technika. Ported and translated b... |
Nim | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Not to be confused with NIM Logikai Játé... |
NIM Logikai Játék | 1986 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | |
Nitrogéntartalmú Szerves Vegyületek | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A chemistry teaching tool for Hungarian ... |
No AIDS | 1991 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | A somewhat informative picture show abou... |
No Coke | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | A two part demo, pressing space plays a ... |
No Future (TPSH) | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | A demo in 3 parts. There's another demo ... |
No News! 1 | 1992 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | The release date of the magazine is not ... |
No News! 2 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | The last page of the magazine says this ... |
No News! 4 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | Password: BLINDS ISNT DEAD... |
Notesz | 1986 | Utility/Database | Hungarian | A database utility to record telephone n... |
Nyilvántartó/HCH | 1993 | Utility/Database | Hungarian | A database utility to keep track of name... |
Nyomás | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Nyomás (Tábl. 2) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Nyomóerő-Nyomás | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Nyugat-Európa | | Educational | Hungarian | The program title appears in the BASIC l... |
O Tannenbaum | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Plays "O Tannenbaum".... |
Objektív Osztályzó | | Educational | Hungarian | Original by Dr. Frigyes Hack in C= Újság... |
Ohm Törvénye | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Ohm Törvénye És Alkalmazása | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Ökölvívás A Ringben | 1989 | Game/Fighting | Hungarian | Published in Csupa Szuper Játék, a sligh... |
Old Times | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | A demo in 2 parts.... |
Oldódás-Oldhatosággal | | Educational | Hungarian | A chemistry related simulation with soun... |
Oliver Otthona | 1988 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | AKA "Olivér". Guide Oliver the cat throu... |
Önarckép | 1989 | Demo/Graphics | Hungarian | Displays a self-portrait of the author, ... |
One Year Century | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | A single part demo, a conversion of the ... |
Önismereti Teszt | | Utility/Test | Hungarian | |
Ooops Up! | 1992 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | Mentioned in Elder News 01 and No Limit!... |
Optika | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Cracked by MF (?).... |
Óra | 1988 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | A small example to explain analog clocks... |
Orbit F | 1990 | Utility/Compression | Hungarian | |
Örjöngő Tobix | | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | Written by (private). Similar to Donkey ... |
Örök-naptár | 1988 | Utility/Calendar | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Maróthi. Calculates whi... |
Öröknaptár | | Utility/Calendar | Hungarian | A calendar utility with two functions: 1... |
Öröknaptár (Mikrovilág) | 1988 | Utility/Calendar | Hungarian | |
Öröknaptár (Soolsoft) | 1993 | Utility/Calendar | Hungarian | Written by SoolSoft (József Loos).... |
Öröknaptár V2.10 | | Utility/Calendar | Hungarian | |
Orosz - Tud, Nem Tud | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Tud Nem Tud, "Tud, Nem Tud", "Ki tud... |
Ősemberek | | Educational | Hungarian | An unfinished educational program (only ... |
Osero 2 | | Game/Othello | Hungarian | One of the various independend conversio... |
Összeadás És Kivonás | 1990 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Összeadási Feladatok 200-ig | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | Also written by (private).... |
Összetett Mondatok Elemzése | | Game/Educational | Hungarian | AKA Alárendelő Mondatok Elemzése. Coded ... |
Őszfürkészek Dala | 1988 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | AKA Ősz Fürkészek Dala. A simple example... |
Osztálystatisztika | 1987 | Utility | Hungarian | Written by (private). A specific utility... |
Oszthatóság | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private). The original is a ... |
Osztók | 1988 | Utility | Hungarian | Written by (private) (student). WANTED: ... |
Othello | 1993 | Game/Othello | Hungarian | For two players only.... |
Othello (Hungarian) | | Game/Othello | Hungarian | |
Othello (NZ) | | Game/Othello | Hungarian | Possibly a Hungarian translation of Othe... |
OTP-Hitel | 1993 | Utility/Business | Hungarian | AKA OTP Kamatozása Kölcsönök. Written by... |
Otthoni Áramfogyasztás | 2020 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Published as generic BASIC program, adap... |
P-Copy | 1987 | Utility/Copy | Hungarian | |
Pablo Picasso | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | A very simple drawing program. Press * t... |
Pagemaker Converter Tools | 1991 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Paint Cube | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Pandograf | 1985 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Paprita 3 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Parketta | 1987 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Coded by Le Huu Thai and Major Zoltán.... |
Páros Amőba | 1986 | Game/TicTacToe | Hungarian | Tic-tac-toe in 3D for two players.... |
Part XVIII | 2012 | Demo | Hungarian | An incomplete and previously unreleased ... |
Party Again!! | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Pasziansz | | Game/Cards | Hungarian | |
Pattinka | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Written by László Pallagi.... |
Pedagógiai Értékelés | | Utility | Hungarian | Original by Erik Vajthó & Tamás Nagy on ... |
Pentis | 1989 | Game/Tetris | Hungarian | Written by Richárd Horváth. Release date... |
Pénzért Élet | 1991 | Game/Strategy | Hungarian | An improved and English translated versi... |
Periódusos Rendszer | | Educational | Hungarian | Quizes you on elements of the periodic t... |
Perpetual Lives Plus4 | 1992 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | A large collection of cheats and POKEs.... |
Perspektíva | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA C-16 Perspektiva.... |
Photographer Animation | | Demo | Hungarian | |
Picture Show 6 | | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Written by Gang Soft. Press 1-6 to see t... |
Picture Show 7 | 1988 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Written by Gang Soft. Release date uncon... |
Picture Show Part 2 | 1989 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Piedone | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA Piedone Adventure. Release date is a... |
Pince | 1988 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA A Pince. Written by József Angyal.... |
Pipe Master + | 2023 | Game/Pipeline | Hungarian | AKA PipeMaster. Features several variati... |
Pipi's Stuffs | 1991 | Game/Compilation | Hungarian | |
Pipitrain | 1988 | Game/Strategy | Hungarian | Heavily modified and improved version of... |
Pipshow | 1990 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | |
Piramis Adventour | | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Written by Zoltán Somogyvári (Debrecen, ... |
Pitagorasz Tétele | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | The TAP is a 5 part multi loader. On the... |
Plakát | | Utility/Print | Hungarian | A print utility for Citizen 120-D. ... |
Platina | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by Steve Soft (István Molnár and... |
PLUS-Comp | 1987 | Utility/BasicCompiler | Hungarian | AKA N+4 Comp, +4 Comp P. Advertised in a... |
Pluto | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Poker | 1985 | Game/Cards | Hungarian | A poker game written in Basic by (privat... |
Pokeroid | 1990 | Game/Preview | Hungarian | Dated 1989, actually published in 1990. ... |
Pokoli Torony | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Guide your firefighter to the top of the... |
Politika Memo | 1988 | Game/Memory | Hungarian | Written by Ferenc Mészáros.... |
Porno Show (GS) | 1994 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Contains two explicit pictures.... |
Porno Show 2 | 1993 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Contains three explicit pictures. Releas... |
Potty | | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | "Potty" is a Hungarian onomatopoeia, the... |
Powerball Editor | 1989 | Game/Editor | Hungarian | An editor for the original game, with th... |
PPCS Packer V1.1 | 1989 | Utility/Compression | Hungarian | |
Practising Games | 1987 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Created with The Best Intro-Maker. Four ... |
Precomp Plus Precompiler | 1987 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | The alternative version is using accente... |
Prímszám Vizsgáló | 1988 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | WANTED: program file. Missing software. ... |
Prímszámok, Ikerprímek | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | |
Print Shop +4 | 1992 | Utility/Print | Hungarian | A competent print and desktop publishing... |
Printer Ékezetesítő Citizen 120-D | | Utility/Print | Hungarian | |
Printer Simulator | | Utility/Print | Hungarian | Written by (private). Prints the user-en... |
Professional Compacker | | Utility/Compression | Hungarian | AKA Proficomp. Type "I" (short for igen,... |
Profi-Synthesizer | | Utility/Music | Hungarian | Allows you to enter musical notes one by... |
Program Menu 2 Kazettara | 1986 | Utility | Hungarian | Converted by (private).... |
Program Nyilvántartás | | Utility/Database | Hungarian | AKA dir-r-ny-comp.... |
Program Nyilvántartas + Basic Turbo | | Utility/Database | Hungarian | AKA Program Könyvtár. There's a version ... |
Programláncolás | 1990 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Includes a detailed (Hungarian) descript... |
Programozási Feladatok | | Educational | Hungarian | Published(?) by "TIT Budapesti Szervezet... |
Proof | 1994 | Demo | Hungarian | |
Prosort Kiíró Citizen 120-D | 1990 | Utility/Print | Hungarian | |
Prosort Kiíró MPS803 | | Utility/Print | Hungarian | |
PTA First | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | A demo in 3 parts. The author's very fir... |
Pumpkin Plusz | 1988 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Tarzan created this hacked version of th... |
Puzzle (Unisoft) | 1986 | Game/SlidePuzzle | Hungarian | |
Puzzle 01 | 1990 | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Becze. Release date unc... |
Puzzle 02 | 1990 | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Becze. Release date unc... |
Puzzle 03 | 1990 | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Becze. Release date unc... |
Puzzle 04 | 1990 | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Becze. The picture is f... |
Puzzle 05 | 1990 | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Becze. The picture is f... |
Puzzle 06 | 1990 | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Becze. Release date unc... |
Puzzle 07 | 1990 | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Becze. (Juno/Bob Steven... |
Puzzle 08 | 1990 | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Becze. The picture is f... |
Puzzle 09 | | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Becze. Picture taken fr... |
Puzzle 10 | | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Becze.... |
Puzzle 11 | | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Becze.... |
Puzzle 12 | | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Becze.... |
Puzzle Collection | | Game/Jigsaw | Hungarian | Written by Tibor Becze.... |
Puzzling | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Fill a 10x10 board by walking over it us... |
Rabló-Rulett | 1987 | Game/Gambling | Hungarian | AKA Rablo Rulett. The title refers to th... |
Rácstipusok | | Educational | Hungarian | Original by (private) (Berkesz). ... |
Rajzjelek | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private). See also Vezérlés ... |
Rajzoló | 1986 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Rajzoló (BASIC) | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | A simple drawing utility. Author unknown... |
Rajzoló 1 | 1992 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Rajztábla 3 | 1986 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Raketa | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Rakéta II | 1986 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Compared to the original: playfield is d... |
Rakontakota | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Drive a vehicle through 3 areas from the... |
Raktári Katalógus | | Utility/Database | Hungarian | Enter "BJ" as the code in the beginning.... |
RAM Disc | 1987 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | AKA RAMDisc, Basic+. Adds new BASIC comm... |
Ramazuri | 1988 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | An adventure game in which you must buy ... |
Rambo-C16 | 1986 | Game/Simulator | Hungarian | |
Rastan Legend | 1991 | Demo/Music Box | Hungarian | |
Raster Editor | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Rázós Út | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Reakció Idő | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Reakcióidő | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Recompiler | 1988 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | Purpose unknown, see below.... |
Rejo-turbo | | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | A HER-Turbo copy with modified text.... |
Rejtvényszerkesztő | 1988 | Misc/General | Hungarian | Crossword creator. Created by Endre Scha... |
Reklám | 1986 | Utility | Hungarian | AKA Reklámújság.... |
Reklámujság | 1988 | Utility/Text | Hungarian | AKA Képujság. Written by (private), Hung... |
Relokator | 1992 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | A wave converter's memory relocator. Rel... |
Rémország | 1989 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Coded by Norbert Haklik (Kentaur Softwar... |
Rémtanya | | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Created by Dragon Soft.... |
Rendezések | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Rendezési Algoritmusok Demonstrációj... |
Reversi (Elephantsoft) | 1986 | Game/Othello | Hungarian | |
Reversi (Hungarian) | | Game/Othello | Hungarian | A Hungarian translation, author: K.T.... |
Reversi (Replay) | | Game/Othello | Hungarian | Another Othello/Reversi variant. "Replay... |
Rezgések | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Mihály Schreiner. ... |
Rezgőmozgás | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Riga Demo | 1989 | Demo | Hungarian | Supposedly the last demo from Korak. Rel... |
Robot A Labirintusban | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Written by (private). A demonstration of... |
Robot Program | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Robotháború | 1989 | Game/Tron | Hungarian | Commercial evolution of the previous Tro... |
Rockman II Editor | 1988 | Game/Editor | Hungarian | AKA Rockman II Pályaszerkesztő.... |
Rogue Boy | 1991 | Game/Action | Hungarian | A hacked version of the original.... |
Rohamkukac C-16 | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by Szilárd Viasz.... |
Roll | 1986 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | |
ROM-Control Plusz | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | AKA ROM-control +. Ported by Zoltán Ková... |
ROM-Copier | 1993 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | Run it entering SYS4352. Allows to copy ... |
Római Harcos | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Római Számmá Álakítás | 1987 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | |
Római Számok | 1987 | Utility | Hungarian | Written by (private) (student). WANTED: ... |
Rotary C16-ra | | Game/Board | Hungarian | |
Roulette (Converted) | 1989 | Game/Gambling | Hungarian | Better working conversion compared to Ro... |
Roulette (Hungarian) | | Game/Gambling | Hungarian | AKA Rulett, Roolette. A C64 BASIC game w... |
Roulette C16 | 1986 | Game/Gambling | Hungarian | Written by G&G Soft.... |
Roulette San Remo | 1988 | Game/Gambling | Hungarian | AKA San Remo Rulett. Release date unconf... |
Rovátka | | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA Rov Átka. The title is a play on wor... |
Rózsaszín Párduc | 1988 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | AKA Pink Panther. An Impossible Mission ... |
Rubik Kocka | 1989 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | |
Rubik-kocka | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Simulates a Rubik's Cube. Written by Tóm... |
Rulett | | Game/Gambling | Hungarian | |
Sakk Kezdőknek | | Game/Chess | Hungarian | Almost identical to Starter Chess, but t... |
Samsung | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | A single file demo with one part. Scroll... |
Sárkányölő | 1985 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | We only have a broken program file, if y... |
Satans Time | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | AKA Satan's Time, The Satan Time. The in... |
Scanners 1 | 1994 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | |
Scanners 10 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Scanners 11 | 1996 | Magazine | Hungarian | The menu incorrectly states that this is... |
Scanners 2 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Scanners 3 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains an interview with Lacoste.... |
Scanners 4 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Scanners 5 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains an interview with SLD. Mentions... |
Scanners 6 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | Mentions the release of the first Traffi... |
Scanners 7 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains no Plus/4 related articles (not... |
Scanners 8 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains an interview with Qka.... |
Scanners 9 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Scarabaeus | 1987 | Game/Maze | Hungarian | A unique 3D maze game inspired by the C6... |
Schweizenegger | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | Badly ripped C64 picture from this one.... |
SCN News 01 | 1991 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | The release date is unclear, but definit... |
SCN News 02 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 03 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 04 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 05 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | AKA SCN News 5. |
SCN News 06 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | AKA SCN News 6. |
SCN News 07 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 08 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 09 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 10 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains an interview with Kichy (dated ... |
SCN News 11 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | The original staff's latest release. Con... |
SCN News 12 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 13 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 14 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 15 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 16 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 17 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 18 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | Also contains 'Pegasus GFX Show'. Lower ... |
SCN News 19 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | Reddi changed the Steve's signature on t... |
SCN News 20 | 1994 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains an interview dated December 22.... |
SCN News 21 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | Other than a list of contacts, no Plus/4... |
SCN News 22 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 23 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
SCN News 24 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | The intro is a ripped part from Silence ... |
SCN News 25 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | The intro is a ripped part from Silence ... |
SCN News 26 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | The intro is a ripped part from Silence ... |
SCN News 27 | 1996 | Magazine | Hungarian | The intro is a ripped part from Silence ... |
Scroll And Roll | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | AKA Scroll & Roll.... |
Scroll Demo (GS) | 1992 | Demo | Hungarian | Press reset to credits (digi converter w... |
Sebesség (Gyak. 1) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Sebesség (Gyak. 2) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Sebesség (Tábl. 1) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Sebesseg (Tablazat 1).... |
Sebesség (Tábl. 2) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Sebesség Számítás | 1986 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Written by (private) (student).... |
Sebesség-Gyorsulás | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Sejtautomata | 1988 | Misc/General | Hungarian | |
Sejtautomaták | 1986 | Game/Life | Hungarian | |
Sejtszaporodás | 1986 | Game/Life | Hungarian | Original published in Mikroszámítógép Ma... |
Sett Of Demo | 1993 | Demo | Hungarian | A single part demo. If zeropage location... |
Setup Program C 16-Ra | | Utility | Hungarian | A generic utility. Likely a translation ... |
Sexorama | 1986 | Demo | Hungarian | Hungarian version of Porno Kino. Written... |
Sextext | 1994 | Misc/General | Hungarian | Adult oriented novel written in Hungaria... |
Shadow | 1993 | Demo | Hungarian | Coded for "High Technology 2" demo, that... |
Shadow Of The Logo | 1995 | Demo | Hungarian | AKA S.O.T.L. Press numbers to change log... |
Shit News 01 | 1992 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | Joke news in one single issue.... |
Sielő | 1986 | Game/Sport | Hungarian | AKA Sí (Ski). |
Sikamlós Simi | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Simon's Basic Féle Rajzolás | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Draws shapes according to three numeric ... |
Snobli | 1986 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | |
Software Sprites C16 | 1985 | Demo/TechnologyDemo | Hungarian | AKA Commodore-16 Software-Sprite Kezelés... |
Sohase Mond | 1991 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | |
Soko-ban | 1988 | Game/Sokoban | Hungarian | AKA Sokoban. An implementation of the cl... |
Soliter | 1986 | Game/Board | Hungarian | AKA Logika (Soliter).... |
Sorozatok | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | We need confirmation if this was a comme... |
Sorozatok+ | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
SOS Dolgozat | 1987 | Game/Educational | Hungarian | |
Sötét Kamra | 1986 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Coded by Kirsoftware.... |
Sötétség Birodalma | 1988 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | WANTED: program file, D64. Missing softw... |
Sound Box 3 | 1987 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | A utility with sounds converted from C64... |
Sound2 | 1987 | Demo/Music Box | Hungarian | A simple music box with lots of ripped s... |
Soundmachine V2.3 | 1995 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | |
Soundtracker | 1989 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | TED+digi music tracker. Could it be a No... |
Soundtracker Info | 1991 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Hungarian instructions for Soundtracker.... |
Souvenirs | 1992 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | |
Space Castle | 1993 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | The release date has been determined by ... |
Sparkling | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | A demo with one part, logo and a DXYCP s... |
Spectrum Flash | 1987 | Utility | Hungarian | Allows to display a Spectrum-like flashi... |
Spectrum Picture Show | 1991 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | The intro includes bitmap and music take... |
Speech +4 Leírás | | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Hungarian instructions for Speech +4 Mag... |
Sprite Converter Info (GS) | 1993 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Information file for Sprite Converter (G... |
Sprite Tervező | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Squirm Editor | 1989 | Game/Editor | Hungarian | |
St. Jupat | 1987 | Game/Shoot'em up | Hungarian | Created by (private).... |
Stáblista Szerkesztő | 1989 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Start with SYS4864.... |
Stakker Humanoid | 1994 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | It plays samples from Humanoid's "Stakke... |
Star Trek (Kipe Software) | 1987 | Game/Shoot'em up | Hungarian | Slightly inspired by Cinematronics' Spac... |
Starfight II | 1987 | Game/Shoot'em up | Hungarian | |
Steve 1x1 Editor | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Stopper | | Utility/Clock | Hungarian | Written by Pen Soft.... |
String-Synthesizer | | Utility/Music | Hungarian | See also Profi-synthesizer. This release... |
Studio Number 3 | 1990 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | Play a digitized sound via keyboard appl... |
Studio Number 3 Frequency Editor | 1990 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | Creates a table of frequency values for ... |
Stupid Demo | 1992 | Demo | Hungarian | A demo in four parts. According to the s... |
SuliKomp - Fizika és számítástecnika, Mechanika | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | "I. Kötet" (First Volume). Produced by M... |
SuliKomp - Matematika és számítástechnika I. | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | "I. Kötet" (First Volume). Produced by M... |
Summertime | 1993 | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Summer Time, Summertime/CNS. A game ... |
Super Bongo | | Utility/Lottery | Hungarian | AKA Szuper Bongó. Simulates a lottery dr... |
Super Cobra | 1987 | Game/Shoot'em up | Hungarian | Also created by Imre Zölley. Conversion ... |
Super Copy (Nandor Berger) | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | Original by Nándor Berger/Unicomp-Soft. ... |
Super Copy (TPD) | 1989 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | Original by Nándor Berger/Unicomp-Soft, ... |
Super Directory | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | Produces a more detailed directory listi... |
Super Dirprint | 1989 | Utility/Print | Hungarian | Written by Gagsoft.... |
Super Disk Monitor | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | Written by Attila Software.... |
Super News 1 | 1992 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | At this time, both authors still are int... |
Super News 2 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | This issue is not broken into sections. ... |
Super News 3 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | Press 1-4 to select an article, then cur... |
Super Scroll | 1989 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Start with SYS4864.... |
Super Speed Loader | 1988 | Utility/DiskTurbo | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Super-Muehle | | Game/Board | Hungarian | |
Super-Trace (Nyomkövető) | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | Coded by Winetou. Published in C= Ujsag.... |
Superpoker | 1986 | Game/Cards | Hungarian | AKA Super Poker. Written by Csaba Németh... |
Superturbo | | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | AKA Chip Elektronikai Szerviz Superturbo... |
Supy Demo | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | AKA Worty's First (though this name does... |
Súrlódás (Tábl. 1) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Sűrűség (Gyak. 1) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Sűrűség (Gyak. 2) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Sűrűség (Tábl. 1) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Sűrűség (Tábl. 2) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Süsü A Sárkány | 1989 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Converted from C64. Release date unconfi... |
Szabadesés | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Mihály Schreiner. ... |
Szabadesés Mérése | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Szaki Demo | | Demo | Hungarian | AKA Szaki's Demo. A single part demo fea... |
Számelméleti Programok | 1987 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | |
Számépítő | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Számítógépek Összekapcsolása, Helyi Oktatóhálozatok | 1988 | Utility | Hungarian | Written by (private) and (private).... |
Számkeresés | | Game/MasterMind | Hungarian | A simple mastermind game for 3 digit num... |
Számkitalálós | 1992 | Game/MasterMind | Hungarian | Original by Péter Barna, this fixed vers... |
Számolás Gyakoroltató | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Számoljunk | 1991 | Game/Educational | Hungarian | Commissioned by OPI - Országos Pedagógia... |
Számolóteszt | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Számország | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Számrendező | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Sort the digits from 1-9 in the fewest p... |
Számrendszer Konverter | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | |
Számrendszerek | | Educational | Hungarian | Demonstrates number conversion between n... |
Számrendszerek 2 | | Educational | Hungarian | "2" was added to the name to distinguish... |
Számtan Gyakorlás 1. 2. Osztály | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Jager. Simple math drills (ad... |
Számtani Sor | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Math drills to practice arithmetical pro... |
Számtani Sorozat | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Számtotó | | Game/MasterMind | Hungarian | |
Százalék | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | A utility for schools, calculates test p... |
Százalékszámítás | | Educational | Hungarian | Math exercises for students, answers are... |
Százalékszámítás (SI) | 1986 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | A very simple program, calculates percen... |
Személyiszám-ellenőző | 1987 | Utility | Hungarian | Written by (private) (student). Verifies... |
Szemirámisz | 1987 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Created by "Göncöl Társaság".... |
Szénhidrogén Termelés | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA OLAJ. Written by Herendi & Balogh (f... |
Szénhidrogének | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Szerencsejáték V2 | 1986 | Game/Gambling | Hungarian | Written by Endre Bársonyos, Miskolc, Hun... |
Szerpentin | 1986 | Game/Tron | Hungarian | Written by Zsolt Darányi & Gábor Armuth.... |
Szex-Teszt | | Utility/Test | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
Szexteszt | 1992 | Utility/Test | Hungarian | AKA Szex-teszt, Őrült Szex-teszt. Adult ... |
Sziget | 1991 | Game/Management | Hungarian | A cleaner conversion compared to Sziget ... |
Sziget (Head) | 1987 | Game/Management | Hungarian | A different conversion of the same origi... |
Sziget (Piás) | 1993 | Game/Management | Hungarian | Modified from the original, most text wa... |
Szimbolikus Disassembler | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | |
Színek | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A teaching tool for Hungarian elementary... |
Színkitaláló | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Sort the colors by swapping columns. ... |
Szintetizátor | | Utility/Music | Hungarian | A virtual piano keyboard (no halfnotes).... |
Szintetizátor (Charlemagne) | | Utility/Music | Hungarian | |
Színváltó | 1989 | Utility | Hungarian | A simple memory-resident utility that al... |
Szívműködés | | Educational | Hungarian | AKA A Szívműködés Szabályozása.... |
SzJA'88 | 1988 | Utility/Business | Hungarian | AKA Ado Master 88, Személyi Jövedelemadó... |
Szóalkotás | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Dr. Ferenc Iszaj and Dr. Mihá... |
Szociometria | | Utility | Hungarian | Written by Imre Varga.... |
Szófajok | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private), (private), (privat... |
Szófajok | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Teaches Hungarian grammar for elementary... |
Szófajok Felismerése 3. osztály | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Szökés | 1990 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Guide the ball from the left edge of the... |
Szökés A Várból | 1989 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA Szokes A Varbol.... |
Szökésben A Rab | 1987 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | Escape from 3 levels of prison. Pick up ... |
Szókincstár | | Utility/Dictionary | Hungarian | A dictionary program, no words included.... |
Szókitaláló | | Game/Hangman | Hungarian | Translated version of "Hangman264", orig... |
Szókitaláló (Charlemagne) | | Game/Hangman | Hungarian | A hangman-type game with 8 words and unl... |
Szoliter | 1986 | Game/PegSolitaire | Hungarian | Includes many different peg solitaire ga... |
Szomszéd Játék | 1993 | Game/Board | Hungarian | |
Szörnyek Az Útvesztőben | 1988 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | Adapted from A Kalandprogram Írásának Re... |
Szorzás És Osztás Százas Számkörben | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Szorzásnégyzet Vizsgálat | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | AKA Szorzásnégyzet Vizsgálat Cochran-Pró... |
Szorzótábla Helyett | 1993 | Educational | Hungarian | A simple multiplication drill. The magaz... |
Szótár Program | | Utility/Dictionary | Hungarian | Dictionary framework, no words loaded.... |
Szótotó | | Game/MasterMind | Hungarian | Guess 5 letter Hungarian words.... |
Szövegkezelés | | Educational | Hungarian | Published(?) by "TIT Budapesti Szervezet... |
Szövegszerkesztő | 1986 | Utility/Text | Hungarian | AKA Wordpro-16 Szövegszerkesztő. Written... |
Szovjetunió | | Educational | Hungarian | The 4th and final part in the Geography ... |
Szovjetunio 2 | | Educational | Hungarian | A very simple program, asks the user to ... |
Szúnyog | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Szúnyogfaló Béka | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Hungarian translation of the original. E... |
Szuper Játék | 1993 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Szuper Katalogus V3.2 | 1986 | Utility/Database | Hungarian | Coded by Gábor Antal.... |
Szuper Kriszta | | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Szuperkriszta. Written by Csaba Moln... |
Szuper Kriszta V1.4 | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by Csaba Molnár and Imre Tábori.... |
Szuper Útvesztő | 1987 | Game/Nibbler | Hungarian | AKA M030 Szuper Utvesto. WANTED: working... |
Szuperball | | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Ball. You control a ball constantly ... |
Szupercsoport | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Based on "A fáraó és a piramis" from Csu... |
Takarító | 1987 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | |
Talking Demo | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | The user has to press F1+F2+F3+HELP to b... |
Tanrendező | 1987 | Utility/Calendar | Hungarian | AKA Orarendkészítő Program. Written by (... |
Tanulj Velem Németül! | 1988 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Ferenc Bende, released by B.F... |
Tanuló Nyilvántartó | | Utility/Database | Hungarian | The code that must be entered can be fou... |
Tányértorony | 1985 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Put the plates in order by flipping them... |
Tape Messias Használati Útmutató | 1987 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | A detailed user's guide for Tape Messias... |
Tape Speed Test | | Utility/Tape | Hungarian | |
Tarzan Adventure | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | |
Tarzan Adventure + | 1992 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Single file tape version of the original... |
Tarzan Digi | | Utility/Music | Hungarian | A simple utility that digitizes one bit ... |
Tarzan Graphic Box 3 | 1990 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | An intro and 5 converted black and white... |
Tarzan Graphic Box 4 | 1990 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | Contains 5 pictures from PrintFox. In th... |
Tarzan Logo | | Demo | Hungarian | See also Muffbusters Logo, a very simila... |
Tarzan's Char 2 | 1990 | Demo/Charsets | Hungarian | Contains 18 charsets. Mentioned in lots ... |
Távolság És Irányszögszámítás | 1986 | Utility/HamRadio | Hungarian | AKA Távolság És Irányszög Számítás. Writ... |
TCT-Turbo | | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | Modified by Tahi Compjuter Technik (TCT)... |
TED | 2004 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | |
Téglaverő | | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Teke | 1986 | Game/Sport | Hungarian | |
Teke Játék | | Game/Sport | Hungarian | |
Tekergő | 1988 | Game/Tron | Hungarian | A Tron like game for two players. The fi... |
Teknősbéka Grafika | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Might be a translated and modified versi... |
Telex 2000 Szó Magyarul | 1986 | Game/Educational | Hungarian | Contains two games, 1000 Köznapi Szó (10... |
Telex Magyar 2. Rész. | | Game/Educational | Hungarian | Written by Stefan Schneider.... |
Telezsák | 1986 | Game/Tetris | Hungarian | "Nyari Vince" hack appears to have only ... |
Teljes Hasonulás | 1986 | Game/Educational | Hungarian | Teaches assimilation in Hungarian gramma... |
Teljesítmény (Tábl. 1) | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Teljesítmény, Indukció | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Antal Gallai.... |
Témazáró I | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA 1. Temazaro Feladatlap. Written by B... |
Témazáró III | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA 3. Temazaro Feladatlap. Written by B... |
Tengelyes Tükrözés | | Educational | Hungarian | The TAP file is a multi-loader.... |
Tengeri Csata 2 | | Game/Strategy | Hungarian | |
Tenisz | 1988 | Game/Pong | Hungarian | A single player game, similar to Pong: b... |
Tenisz 2 | | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Térbeli Amőba | 1985 | Game/TicTacToe | Hungarian | |
Teremlabda | | Game/Pong | Hungarian | A Pong clone. Written by Sz. Szabó and S... |
Terrible Page 01 | 1991 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | AKA Terrible Pages 1, Terrible Pages 01.... |
Terrible Page 02 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | In the very first text page, Hawk announ... |
Terrible Page 03 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 00 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | AKA Terror News #00. This program file i... |
Terror News 01 | 1990 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | Using the programs mentioned in the Top ... |
Terror News 02 | 1990 | Magazine | Hungarian | Mentioned: Hexenkuche.... |
Terror News 03 | 1990 | Magazine | Hungarian | Mentions TopJoy (release date 1990-09-29... |
Terror News 04 | 1990 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains Hexenkuche description, intervi... |
Terror News 05 | 1990 | Magazine | Hungarian | Description of Hexenkuche, X The adventu... |
Terror News 06 | 1990 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains Total Eclipse description, Bölc... |
Terror News 07 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | This issue was delayed and was released ... |
Terror News 08 | 1990 | Magazine | Hungarian | This issue was released BEFORE the previ... |
Terror News 09 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | Mentions Digital Delight 3, which has a ... |
Terror News 10 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | The previous issue was very likely relea... |
Terror News 11 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | Mentions the release of CD2.... |
Terror News 12 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 13 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 14 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 15 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | Intro picture is from the C64 game Terro... |
Terror News 16 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 17 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains an interview with Rachy.... |
Terror News 18 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | The menu screen appears to be mistakenly... |
Terror News 19 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 20 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 21 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | The first disk edition. Contains an inte... |
Terror News 22 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 23 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | The second (and final) disk edition, the... |
Terror News 24 | 1991 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 25 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | Tarzan announced that his handle is dead... |
Terror News 26 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 27 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 28 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 29 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 30 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Terror News 31 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | The last issue of the mag.... |
Területszámítás | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Teruletszamitas. Created by (private... |
Térvihar | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Lavina's 4th adventure. Parastorm is the... |
Test Of Hero | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA The Hero. An adventure based on the ... |
Testábrázolás | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Testábrázolás 1; Hasáb, Gúla; Hasáb ... |
Teszt | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Tévéóra | 1989 | Utility/Clock | Hungarian | |
Tévéóra (Soolsoft) | 1993 | Utility/Clock | Hungarian | AKA Tévé-óra, Tv-óra. Written by SoolSof... |
Texteditor V1.1 | 1991 | Utility/Text | Hungarian | Release date unconfirmed, automatically ... |
Textplus | | Utility/Text | Hungarian | |
Thalész-Tétel | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Thálesz Tétel, Thalesz Tétel. The pr... |
The Bear Demo | | Demo | Hungarian | Done with Demo-designer III. Although th... |
The Best Letter Writer / Tape | 1988 | Utility/Text | Hungarian | Single file version dedicated to tape us... |
The Best Poetry | 1990 | Demo/Joke | Hungarian | Password: Korak. Possibly one of his fir... |
The Beverly Hills Ghost | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | Plays a 1-bit digi of Beverly Hills Cop ... |
The Draw | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
The King's Testament | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | |
The Maze | | Game/Maze | Hungarian | AKA Labyrinth V2. Based on the same code... |
The Maze (DS) | 1991 | Game/Maze | Hungarian | Original C16 adaption by George Hernádi.... |
The Pink Panther Show Mix | 1992 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | |
Thököly Adventure | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | The sequel to this game is Karinthy Adve... |
Thrust Intro | | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Cheats and description for Thrust. Creat... |
Tie | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Tili-Toli | 1994 | Game/SlidePuzzle | Hungarian | Written by SoolSoft ((private)). Typed i... |
Time Archeologist | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Terrorists conversion, full disk-side wi... |
Time Crystal | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | Release date is Dec. 1990 or Jan. 1991. ... |
Timex 16 | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
TIT Coder | 1990 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | |
Titkosügynök | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA A Titkosugynok. Lavina's 3rd adventu... |
TJ4 IntroCompo | 1996 | Demo | Hungarian | Coded for the Traffic Jam introcompo.... |
To Be Fifteen | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | AKA To Be 15, Tobe 15, ToBe15. A demo in... |
Tojásgyűjtés | 1986 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Published in Süni Magazin, written by Vi... |
Tologató | 1991 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Written by János Katona.... |
Tologató2 | 1992 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Written by János Katona. The sequel to T... |
Tom Thumb Editor | | Game/Editor | Hungarian | Saved maps can be loaded into Tom Thumb ... |
Tombola (Hungarian) | 1989 | Misc/General | Hungarian | |
Tömeg | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Tool Basic 7.0 | 1989 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | |
Törölt File Újraélesztés | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | AKA Undel, Undelete. A modified and tran... |
Torpedó | 1989 | Game/Battleships | Hungarian | AKA Torpedo V3. "Battleships" game again... |
Torpedo (Ati Software) | 1987 | Game/Battleships | Hungarian | |
Torpedó (BB) | 1988 | Game/Battleships | Hungarian | AKA Torpedo V5+. A Battleship game for o... |
Torpedó (Charlemagne) | | Game/Battleships | Hungarian | A 1x1 ship is hidden on a 10x10 board. S... |
Torpedo (Ivánka) | 1991 | Game/Battleships | Hungarian | |
Torpedó (Magyar Software) | 1985 | Game/Battleships | Hungarian | Written by (private) and (private) as Ma... |
Torpedo (SG) | 1988 | Game/Battleships | Hungarian | Yet another game called "Torpedo" - so t... |
Torpedó (Unisoft Alternative) | 1991 | Game/Battleships | Hungarian | |
Torpedó (Unisoft) | 1986 | Game/Battleships | Hungarian | |
Torpedó 10x10 | | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Using only 5 shots on a 10x10 board, the... |
Torpedo 2 | | Game/Battleships | Hungarian | Original name is "Torpedo". Single playe... |
Torpedo 2 (Charlemagne) | | Game/Battleships | Hungarian | A 1x1 ship is hidden on a 10x10 board. S... |
Torpedo 3D | | Game/Battleships | Hungarian | C64 original by Zoltán Tombor (type-in f... |
Torsten Ridell (Svédo.) Ötlete Alapján | 1987 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | Written by Bence Török. Inspired by the ... |
Törtek | | Educational | Hungarian | Math drills with fractions.... |
Történelem És Állampolgári Ismeretek 8. Osztály | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Developed at BGYTKF. ... |
Történelem I | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Törzstényezők | 1988 | Utility | Hungarian | Written by (private) (student). WANTED: ... |
Total Eclipse Plan | 1990 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | AKA Total Eclipse Térkép. Release date u... |
Totó Az Atomszerkezetekhez | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Totó Kulcsok | 1988 | Utility/Lottery | Hungarian | Written (or modified) by (private).... |
Toto Program CKB | 1989 | Utility/Lottery | Hungarian | |
Toto Program MCG | 1993 | Utility/Lottery | Hungarian | |
Toto-lotto Tippek | 1991 | Utility/Lottery | Hungarian | Original by (private).... |
Toto-Program | | Utility/Lottery | Hungarian | |
Totókulcs-Szerkesztő | | Utility/Lottery | Hungarian | Subtitle: "Tippelést Segítő Program". Wr... |
Tőzsde | | Game/Management | Hungarian | |
Tőzsde BÉT verzió | 2024 | Game/Management | Hungarian | An improved and upgraded version of the ... |
Trace | 1987 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | A trace utility for BASIC, when turned o... |
Traffic Jam 1 | 1995 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | Some of the text was written in '94, rel... |
Traffic Jam 2 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Traffic Jam 3 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Traffic Jam 4 | 1995 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Traffic Jam 5 | 2008 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Trainer-Games | 1991 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Created with Laser Typer Professional. D... |
Transzformátor | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | Physics calculation.... |
Tranzisztoros R-C Oszcillátor | | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | |
Tükrök | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Tulajdonnevek | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA Magyar Nyelvforgató Tulajdonnevek (H... |
Turbo | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | |
Turbo 16 | 1986 | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | AKA Turbo 16m, Turbo 16 Plus. The turbo ... |
Turbo 16 (NewLine) | 1986 | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | |
Turbo 32 | 1986 | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | Created by Pisti Software. ... |
Turbo Assembler Instructions | 1990 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Instructions for Turbo Assembler 6.... |
Turbo Copy Disk Tape | | Utility/Copy | Hungarian | |
Turbo Former | 1986 | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | Claims 6-8 times faster loading speed. S... |
Turbo Saver | 1990 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | AKA Saver/TIT, Saver/Terrorists. Release... |
Turbo Shop | 1988 | Demo/Digi | Hungarian | Plays a digi of a Hungarian weather repo... |
Turbo Tape 16 | | Utility/TapeTurbo | Hungarian | Claims 12 times faster loading speed, 20... |
Turbo-block | 1989 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | |
Turbobasic | 1986 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | AKA Turbo Basic. A BASIC extension, deal... |
Turbobasic + | | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | |
Türelem | 1986 | Game/SlidePuzzle | Hungarian | |
Tüske | 1987 | Game/PegSolitaire | Hungarian | An implementation of the 33 hole peg sol... |
Tutti Frutti Editor | 1989 | Game/Editor | Hungarian | Editor for the "Tutti Frutti" C16 game. ... |
Tüzes Galaxys | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Tűzoltó | 1987 | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | |
Tűzoltó | | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | |
Tűzoltó C-16 | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by Levente Pirisa. A fire-fighti... |
TV Bongo | | Utility/Lottery | Hungarian | AKA TV-Bongó. Written by (private). Simu... |
TV-Játék | 1986 | Game/Pong | Hungarian | AKA TV Játék. The version that misses th... |
TwinPigs #1 | 1992 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | In the first section, the breakup for US... |
TwinPigs #2 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | The second issue. It contains no Plus/4 ... |
TwinPigs #2.5 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | Special party report issue. This is actu... |
TwinPigs #3 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | Special party edition. The break up of P... |
Tyúknyúzó | 1990 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
UFO A Város Felett | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Ufo Vadász | 1988 | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Ufovadász. Fly your spaceship across... |
Ugrasd A Nyulat | 1987 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | Signed by Tron Viktor.... |
Új Vadnyugat | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | SF's third conversion. The same game was... |
Új Vadnyugat (LOD) | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | A re-compressed version of the original ... |
Új Vadnyugat (MB) | 1989 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Conversion without pictures. The same ga... |
Új Vadnyugat 2 | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA Uj Vadnyugat II. The sequel to "Uj V... |
Új Vadnyugat Intro | 1989 | Demo | Hungarian | An intro accompanying Új Vadnyugat (MB).... |
Unformat | 1991 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | |
Uni-Copy | | Utility/Copy | Hungarian | AKA Altalanos Lemez File Masolo, 2 Flopp... |
Univerzális Feleltető | | Utility/Test | Hungarian | |
Unreal (Animals) | 1991 | Demo/Graphics | Hungarian | Similar to Conan (Animals) and Tiranosza... |
Unscratch +4 | | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | Restores deleted files.... |
Űr-Bázis | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Ürállomás | | Game/Simulator | Hungarian | Written by Zoltán Árva-Tóth.... |
Űrcsata | 1987 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Written by (private).... |
URH Versenyprogram | 1986 | Utility/HamRadio | Hungarian | A HAM radio program. Written by (private... |
Űrhajó Csata | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Might be a type-in game.... |
Űrkaland | 1989 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | AKA Urkaland. |
Ürkaland (Basic) | 1992 | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Urkaland. The first known version ha... |
Űrkaland (Charlemagne) | | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Űrkereskedő | | Game/Management | Hungarian | Hungarian translation of the original.... |
Űrpók | 1987 | Game/Shoot'em up | Hungarian | AKA Urpok, Uerpok. A shoot'em up game wi... |
Ürtojások | 1986 | Game/Shoot'em up | Hungarian | The melody is a part of "Toccata and Fug... |
Űrvirág | | Game/Action | Hungarian | AKA Urvirag. A rewrite of Joe And The Se... |
Úszás | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Utazás A Földön | 1986 | Game/Educational | Hungarian | AKA Utazas A Foldon. You're given a geog... |
Ütközés | | Educational | Hungarian | A simple simulation of collisions betwee... |
Ütközések | 1985 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
Ütközések (GA) | | Utility | Hungarian | Performs calculations related to car cra... |
Üveggolyó | 1989 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | AKA Uveggolyo. |
Üzlet Egy Tyúkért | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | PETSCII graphic adventure game in which ... |
V-A Műszer 1 | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
V-A Műszer 2 | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | A physics teaching tool for Hungarian el... |
V3.1 Eprom | 1992 | Utility/EPROM | Hungarian | A compilation of 7 utilities ready to be... |
Vad Guard | 1992 | Game/Bomber | Hungarian | |
Vadász És Nyúl | 1986 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | A game for one or two players.... |
Vadászat | 1987 | Game/Shoot'em up | Hungarian | Written by Hika Software.... |
Vages Basic Bővítés | 1987 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | |
Vajh Ki Ő? | | Educational | Hungarian | Program title unclear (original filename... |
Vaktérkép | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Váltakozó Áramú Generator | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Varia | 1992 | Game/MasterMind | Hungarian | Mastermind type guessing game. Type 4 nu... |
Variációk Egy Témára | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | Press T-P-S-H keys together to enter par... |
Variaciós Lotto | 1990 | Utility/Lottery | Hungarian | |
Várviadal | 1988 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | Heavily inspired by Atari's classic coin... |
Vaskohászat | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA VAS. Written by Herendi & Balogh (fi... |
Védelmi Harc | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Hungarian translated version of Earth De... |
Vegyjel Gyakorló | | Educational | Hungarian | Written by Lajos Sarka. ... |
Vegyjel-Kitalálósdi | 1988 | Game/Educational | Hungarian | Written by Robi software.... |
Verem | 1987 | Game/Tetris | Hungarian | 64K only German version by A. W. Rehfeld... |
Verstan | | Educational | Hungarian | Also written by (private), (private).... |
Very Shit Game 2 | 1993 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Vetületi Ábrázolás | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | |
Vezérlés 8 | 1986 | Educational | Hungarian | Written by (private). See also Rajzjelek... |
Vicc Válogatás | 1988 | Demo | Hungarian | Created with Intro Maker +4. A list of H... |
Video Meanies Intro | 1987 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Contains a description of Video Meanies,... |
Videófeliratozó | 1990 | Misc/General | Hungarian | |
Videófeliratozó Plus4 | 1990 | Misc/General | Hungarian | AKA Videó Feliratozó. Original C64 versi... |
Videóhoz | | Utility | Hungarian | Written by István Löki, Debrecen, Hungar... |
Videózo | | Utility/Database | Hungarian | Utility to help with taping programs to ... |
Viktor A Piktor | 1987 | Game/Amidar | Hungarian | Developed by István Korsós.... |
Villamos Energia Termelésünk | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | AKA EROMU. Written by Herendi & Balogh (... |
Vipera | 1986 | Game/Nibbler | Hungarian | |
Vissza A Természetbe | | Game/Action | Hungarian | Excluded from voting.... |
Vízmolekula | | Educational | Hungarian | |
Vuk | 1988 | Demo | Hungarian | Despite what the scrolltext says, there'... |
W-nyelv | | Utility | Hungarian | AKA W Nyelv. A programming language. WAN... |
Walaki | 1987 | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Hungarian | "Walaki" is a pun in Hungarian, Watt + V... |
Walesi Bárdok | | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Created with The Super-Writer. Contains ... |
Wall | 1986 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | Written by Hernadi.... |
Wall 2 | 1988 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Wall 3 | 1988 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Wall 4 | 1988 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Wall 5 | 1988 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Wall 6 | 1990 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Wall 7 | 1990 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Wall 8 | 1990 | Game/Knockout | Hungarian | |
Wanted Demo | 1988 | Demo/Picture Show | Hungarian | The first picture is a digitized photo o... |
Warlock (Hungarian) | | Game/RPG | Hungarian | A poorly translated version of the origi... |
Way By Numbers (O'Crazy) | 1989 | Game/Logic | Hungarian | Hungarian translated version by O'Crazy.... |
Winter Events Music | 1987 | Demo/Music Box | Hungarian | 5 songs ripped from Winter Events, with ... |
Wordpro +4 | 1986 | Utility/Text | Hungarian | AKA Wordpro +4 Szövegszerkesztő. This is... |
Wordpro Intro | 1987 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | Created with The Best Intro-Maker. A des... |
X The Adventure | 1989 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | AKA X-The Adventure. Written by Dániel S... |
X-Bázis | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Ported to Videoton TVC by Károly Kiss in... |
X-Bázis+ | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | Modified version with intro and color ch... |
Xanadu Vára | | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | The packed version works on 16K only.... |
Xmas | 1989 | Demo | Hungarian | AKA Vanguard 1. Christmas greeting card ... |
Yamato | 1991 | Demo | Hungarian | Features Mouse's pictures of the warship... |
Yellow Pages #1 | 1992 | Magazine/First Issue | Hungarian | |
Yellow Pages #2 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Yellow Pages #3 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | Contains description of Overload.... |
Yellow Pages #4 | 1992 | Magazine | Hungarian | The intro incorrectly displays #3 (inste... |
Yellow Pages #5 | 1993 | Magazine | Hungarian | |
Zászló | 1989 | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | The magazine listing is untitled.... |
Zene Kódokban | | Utility/Music | Hungarian | AKA Zenegép (Music Machine). Very likely... |
Zene, Zene, Zene | | Demo/BasicExample | Hungarian | A simple BASIC example program that play... |
Zenegép | 1986 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | Has a "music machine" (a simple sequence... |
Zenei ABC | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | Educational music lessons for elementary... |
Zenélő Billentyűk | 1986 | Utility/Music | Hungarian | A simple keyjazz program. Working keys a... |
Zokni Demo | 1990 | Demo | Hungarian | A demo in two parts. List in Tarzan's Ne... |
Zombi (Basic) | 1989 | Game/Action | Hungarian | Typed in by Rio.... |
Zombi (Fanaticwork Program) | 1986 | Game/Action | Hungarian | |
Zongora | | Utility/Music | Hungarian | Magyar ABC must be in the memory for the... |
Zongora 1.2 | | Utility/Music | Hungarian | A virtual piano keyboard.... |
Zoom | | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | Draws zoomed characters on bitmap. Coded... |
1954 found. |