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+4 Umlaute1988Utility/TextGermanCoded by Rauwolf-Soft. Includes umlauts ...
12kb Auf Plus4UnknownUtility/ProgrammingGerman 
15'er Puzzle1988Game/SlidePuzzleGerman 
1520 Manual DemosUnknownUtility/PrintGerman 
1541 Copy1989Utility/CopyGerman 
1541-MusikUnknownDemoGermanConverted by R & T Chip Software aka Ric...
1551 Blink1990Utility/DiskGerman 
1551 Sub Dir System1990-01-15Utility/DiskGermanWritten by Dirk Freund, additional code ...
1581 Directory List2000-01-10Utility/DiskGermanOriginal by Sven Giero....
1581 UtilityUnknownUtility/DiskGerman 
17 & 4UnknownGame/CardsGerman 
17 Und 41987-06Game/CardsGermanAKA 17+4. Written by Wolfgang Manzius-Br...
17+41987-05Game/CardsGermanWANTED: program file. Missing software. ...
17+4 (Blackjack)1986-08Game/CardsGermanWritten by (private)....
17+4 (Commodore Welt)1987-06Game/CardsGermanWritten by (private)....
17+4 KiebitzUnknownGame/CardsGerman 
256kB1992-11Utility/CompilationGermanThis is the utilities compilation distri...
2D F-plotterUnknownUtility/ScientificGerman 
2D-Design1991Utility/GraphicGermanWritten by (private)....
3 Mal 16UnknownGame/LogicGermanThis version is functionally identical t...
3-D DarstellungUnknownUtility/ScientificGerman 
3.5er 11987-01Magazine/First IssueGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 101988-10MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 111988-12MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 121989-02MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 131989-04MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 141989-06MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 151989-08MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 161989-10MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 171989-12MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 181990-02MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 191990-06MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 21987-06MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 201990-10MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 211990-10MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 221990-12MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 31987-08MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 41987-10MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 51987-12MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 61988-02MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 71988-04MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 81988-06MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3.5er 91988-08MagazineGermanCoded and written by (private), also wri...
3D FunktionUnknownUtility/ScientificGermanChange line 200 to assign different func...
3D IrrgartenUnknownGame/MazeGerman 
3D WandererUnknownGame/MazeGermanPublished by Detlef Treichel Berlin (DTB...
3D-Funktionen1987-02Utility/ScientificGermanWritten by MP-Soft (Mirko Pepa)....
3D-Master PieceUnknownGame/LogicGerman 
3Spalten-DirectoryUnknownUtility/DiskGermanAKA 3S-Directory. Written by (private)....
3x16UnknownGame/LogicGermanAKA Drei Mal 16....
4 Great Games1988Game/CompilationGermanA collection of four games written in Ba...
64 Minizeichen1987-10Utility/TextGerman64 columns text (5 pixel wide chars). Se...
64'er Masterbase Plus/41988Utility/DatabaseGermanThe program code is AustroSpeed with Mac...
64'er Sonderheft 14/871987Game/CompilationGermanThe cassette was not included with the m...
64'er Sonderheft 3/861986Game/CompilationGermanThe cassette was not included with the m...
64'er Sonderheft 8/861986-08Game/CompilationGermanThe cassette was not included with the m...
64-kB-CopyUnknownUtility/DiskGermanSuite inclluding four different versions...
7501 Einzelschritt-Emulator1987Utility/ProgrammingGermanAKA C16-Emulator. Written by Hubert Bemb...
80-Zeichen1994-05-01Utility/TextGermanWritten by Uwe and Hans-Gerhard Bluhm....
A. D. S. II1990-06DemoEnglish/German 
A/D-Uhr2000-01Utility/ClockGermanAKA Analoge und Digital Uhr, Analoge Uhr...
AbsolutaUnknownGame/ManagementGermanWritten by (private)....
Ace 64K & 16KUnknownGame/CompilationEnglish/GermanMix up of cracks (Johnny L.), instructio...
Action For TwoUnknownGame/ActionGerman 
AdatbankUnknownUtility/DatabaseHungarian/GermanOriginally written in 1983 by Harald Sli...
AdditionsmaschineUnknownUtility/PrintGermanRequires 1520 Plotter....
Adir1989-03-30Utility/DiskGermanWorks both on C64 and Plus/4. Written by...
Admiral1987Game/ActionGermanThe game was inspired ony by a screensho...
Adress 161987-02Utility/DatabaseGermanWritten by Hanspeter Zoelle....
Adress C161986Utility/DatabaseGerman 
Adress Speed V51989Utility/DatabaseGermanAKA C16 64K Plus/4 Adressverwaltungs Dat...
Adress-Verarbeitung1989Utility/DatabaseGermanWritten by (private). A bigger and compi...
Adressen 1161986Utility/DatabaseGermanAKA Adressenverwaltung. Written by Haine...
Adressenverwaltung1986-01Utility/DatabaseGermanWritten by (private). WANTED: program fi...
Adressenverwaltung (Angel-Soft)1985Utility/DatabaseGerman 
Adressenverwaltung (Data Becker)1985Utility/DatabaseGermanWritten by (private)....
Adventure 2000UnknownGame/AdventureGermanOriginal by (private). A German C64 BASI...
Adventure CastleUnknownGame/MazeGermanSometimes spread as Vampir Castle. An im...
Adventure Castle Version IIUnknownGame/MazeGermanImproved version of Adventure Castle, "V...
Adventure of the Bunkerparty2017-08-15Game/AdventureGermanAKA Adventure of the Saufbox. Released b...
Adventures Dream1985-03Game/AdventureGermanWritten by Kai Clausenhitzer. "HSO Softw...
Affenwurf1986Game/ActionGermanAffen is a hack by Ruediger Schillinger,...
Against A-system1990Demo/JokeEnglish/GermanAKA Against Demo....
Agent1988Game/AdventureGermanWritten by Carsten Dierks (C-Soft). Your...
Air-fireUnknownGame/Shoot'em upGermanCreated by A.W-soft....
Airwolf (Andreas Polefka)1986Game/ArcadeAdventureEnglish/German 
Albert Einstein2005-08Utility/PrintGermanAKA A. Einstein Print. Prints an ASCII a...
Alf Demo (CCS)1989DemoGermanDone in Demo-Designer by CCS (Goch, Germ...
Alfa List1987-09-20Utility/DatabaseGermanCoded by (private)....
Alien Attack (Basic)1987Game/ActionGerman 
100 found.

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