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LOCATE Statement
Reference/Commodore BASIC V3.5

LOCATE x-coordinate,y-coordinate

The LOCATE statement is used to place the pixel cursor anywhere on the screen.

The x and y coordinates can be expressed either as specific values (eg 160,100), values relative to the current pixel cursor coordinates (eg +50,-25), or a length and angle relative to the current pixel cursor coordinates (eg 50;45 (where 50 is the length, and 45 is the angle, seperated by a semi-colon)).

To find the current location of the pixel cursor, the RDOT function is used. RDOT(0) contains the x coordinate and RDOT(1) conatins the y coordinate. The color source (see color sources) of the pixel cursor dot can be found by printing RDOT(2).

LOCATE 160,100 Places the pixel cursor in the centre of the screen
LOCATE -10,+10 Places the pixel cursor 10 pixels left and 10 pixels down from its current position
LOCATE 50;45 Places the pixel cursor 50 pixels away from its current position at an angle of 45 degrees


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