| From: Crown (all posts)
Date: 1998-05-23
Subject: Re: EMU bugs
>>You should also run the test program Marko sent to the list, if
>>it gives the same results as a real Plus4, than you are pretty
>>close to have perfect emulation, in terms of cycle usage and
>What program is this? That'd be handy....
I referred here to the measurement prg which accompained his TED timing diagrams. The letter contained both the source and UUencoded binaries. If you didn't got this letter mail me, and I forward it to you.
I checked again the Y-coordinate system in the EMU. Well I was wrong, it works as it should. The borders are bigger than they should be, but that's not a problem. :)
I noted that if you turn off the screen (bit 4 of $ff06), you are still slowing down in the screen window area (line 0-$CC), this is false.
Tibor Biczo / Crown of GOTU
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