| From: Chicken (all posts)
Date: 1998-06-02
Subject: Alive and Chicking!
How's hangin'!
Well, I haven't been to this place for a couple of days. Sorry for delayed answers...
First of all, I haven't seen MAGIC DESK workin' on a plus/4. However, the article (German RUN magazine) mentioned it. Furthermore, I found a short article about the C64 MAGIC DESK, which said the programmer left CBM.
That's why CBM wasn't able to release MAGIC DESK. How come there's a copy on the net?
Next, some more $ff1d stuff.
To quote a well known and often used sample... "CHECK DIS OUT!"
LSR $ff09
LDA #02
b1 CMP $ff1d
BNE b1
LDA #$04
STA $ff1d
LDA #$80
STA $ff1e
JMP $fcc3
On my monochrome monitor (seems to eat anything!) this one causes the
"TCFS FX" (Levente! This is the one we talked about earlier. I'm sure that's what he did... Hey, since he joined the list why not asking him?!)
Neither my Color TV or my VCR wanted this one :( Furthermore, it looks like their's something like a real interlace! Btw, if you use values from
$fc - $2b instead of $80 for $ff1e, the effect mentioned earlier (just the vertical bar!) seems to run stable (even colors!) on my TV. At least inside a "normal" screen size, there might be some "bendings" in the upper border which I can't see on my Color TV. Furthermore, it's not creating the interlaced and shifted stuff like on the monochrome screen. Anybody who owns a color monitor, please check the routy above and tell me what it does!
So long,
In the late 80s it used to be a (C64) fashion to end scroll texts with WRAP... It wasn't that common on plus/4, though. Now, I found the DEEPER meaning of it and, therefore, we should use it: It's short for...
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