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From: TLC (all posts)
Date: 1999-12-03
Subject: Re: Hungarian plus4

> Those ROMs haven't been archived on ftp.funet.fi. Does anybody have such
> a machine? I'd like to know the part numbers printed on the ((E)P)ROM
> chips and to have a binary dump of their contents.

I do have a Plus/4 wreck with the mentioned Hungarian keyboard and EPROM. I purchased it at a discount when these wrecks were thrown out of a school in my town. ...Just have to tell you, I started my computer experiences with exactly a same machine in around '86.

Actually, all these computers were originally regular C-16s / Plus/4s.
Since these computers were quite frequent here, and purchasing them for resellers was a relatively good business, Novotrade and such local resellers introduced these nationalised versions. (...note: Commodore dropped this line after they realised their fault, so the machines became cheap - the resellers could obtain them cheaper than the price of just the components of native Hungarian micros). The keys have small stickers with the native Hungarian accented letters; they replace some graphic characters (C= + key) in the small/capital character set.
Internally, they replaced the original KERNAL ROM chip with their EPROM.
This trick even helped them to make schools accept and purchase these machines. A lot of schools equipped computer rooms with these machines those years.

I'll send you the EPROM image as soon as I mine up that wreck and my EPROM burner. ...Maybe this night.


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