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From: indi (all posts)
Date: 1999-12-02
Subject: Re: Plus 4
>I have never attempted to play a wav file on the Plus/4, but I believe small
>wav files would be possible. The plus/4 only has an amplitude resolution of
>3 bits with two channels....hard, but not impossible I suppose. Same with
>the Commodore 128. I have played small wav files on the 128.

4 bit isn't it? or 3 and 1/2? at any rate? :-)
I seem to remember having to using 2 channels to get a louder volume and more range...?

>As far as composing music in basic, I can't help you too much there, I
>haven't done really any coding in the basic 3.5 of the plus/4, but I could
>look into it..
How about a WEB server... theres a C=64 one out there after all!! :-)

>A few of my friends have tried to push me to prove I could compose html
>files on the plus/4, but I haven't experimented yet for one reason. The
>built in word processor only goes up to 99 lines...ugh, why they did that I
>will never know.

99 = 1 byte in BCD mode <g>

>As far as me being a Plus/4 user, I didn't have one in it's heyday, I owned
>a Commodore 64. Just recently I bought a Plus/4 and started messing around
>with it. Nice little box, too bad Commodore didn't make it compatible with
>the C64. For some reason Commodore was always anit-C64 when it came to

Yeah... SPRITES!!! WHY 'O WHY!!!! <sniff>..

Mike Dailly mike@scotch.demon.co.uk http://www.scotch.demon.co.uk
(Please remove the <REMOVE_ME> from my e-mail address when replying)

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