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From: indi (all posts)
Date: 1999-10-30
Subject: Re: Help 4 my HD
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:38:45 -0000, you wrote:

>Hi plussiers!
>I'm going to save all my Plus/4 software onto a PC hard disk, by Star
>Commander (Thanks Joe), a good solution 'cause I have a lot of
>unreadable floppies.
> But grrrrrr. :-( I had a great problem: my PC with WIN98
>(*.:@##[#o) seems to manage 'wrong' the secondary IDE driver.
> So suddenly it doesn't see the second Hard disk (yes that one with
>Plus4 software). In the system configuration panel, that peripheral is
>marked with a yellow ball, and I am suggested to install a newer
>driver for it. (I did it of course, but the problem still is).
> Is there anybody able to help me????
>Please, do all the possible hits 'cause I blast all my free time to
>solve this problem (and LUCA /FIRE is afraid telling I never release
>new works).
> P.S. - The system message tells the peripheral doesn't exist (!)
>or has trouble (!) or is needed
>a new driver (it has that one rightest); no conflicts.
>ERROR CODE: 10. <<< --- This error is to be communicate to the
>MICROSOFT Support (!!!!!!!).
>Thank you in advance.

Great fun PC's eh!

Well, first thing to do is make sure the cables not slipped out,
Then under WIN98 delete the drive from the CONTROL PANEL/SYSTEM bit and let WIN98 try and re-install it.

Also, what about booting into DOS? If its a normal IDE drive, just keep control pressed at BOOT and select DOS from the menu.
If you can't see it there (where theres NO drivers) then the drive could be dead... or the cable could have failed.

After that, try it on another PC, make sure its there!!

Mike Dailly mike@scotch.demon.co.uk http://www.scotch.demon.co.uk
(Please remove the <REMOVE_ME> from my e-mail address when replying)

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