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From: indi (all posts)
Date: 2000-06-18
Subject: Re: Emulators'n stuff
>- On F6, don't overwrite the "output.bmp", but save it as "output1.bmp",
>"output2.bmp", etc... instead. This would be great for mapping games, etc.
Yeah... I like this one... and in windows long filenames are easy...
Mmmm... :-)
(consider this stolen <g>)

>Mike & Zsolt: How about making your projects Open Source and releasing the
>source code for the emulators??? ;-)

Mine already is... The DOS source is available, and I just haven't gotten round to releasing the windows and JAVA source to public.
But those that have requested it, have recieved it....

>Mike: What's happening, buddy? Did you get the editor I sent you? I guess
>you're busy...

Yeah I did... and yeah I am...<sigh>... Actually... BOTH editors are looking cool! What you should do is send them to Luca as well as me,
so he can start playing with them and you should get better feedback from him.


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