Hardware - FPGATED
Category:Custom Machine

Description and Features

A cycle exact FPGA core for the MOS 7360/8360 TED chip written in verilog.
This core can be the basis of a complete C16 or Plus 4 SoC implementation. On my developer Papilio one FPGA platform I have created a C16 shell around it and runs almost all of the programs correctly. The only restriction is that FLI images using badline in each scanline doesn't work at the moment but I am going to fix it.
I hook it up to a Philips CM 8833-II monitor via its RGB scart port and it gives ways clearer, sharper picture than original TED.

Features of FPGATED

12 bit VGA/RGBS output (at the moment producing PAL or NTSC signals only)
2x 4464 DRAMs on a custom built Papilio TED wing (I am working on a Papilio Pro version which will use the external sdram of the board)
IEC serial bus connector can drive traditional 1541/1571/1581 Commodore drives and SD2IEC
PS2 keyboard connector (future plan is to change it to USB)
CTRL+ALT+DEL reset on keyboard
Joystick emulation on numeric keypad
Original TED PWM audio output using low pass filter (channels are combined so it is a fake stereo)
Reset button on board

As the core is released under GPL v3.0 license, Till Harbaum has ported it to the Mist FPGA Platform which gives even more capabilities to it, SD card based 1541 drive emulation, scandoubler, Kernal ROM loading from SD card.

See at https://github.com/mist-devel/mist-binaries/tree/master/cores/c16

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