Hardware - C16 64K
Name:C16 64K
Category:Memory Expansion

Manufacted by Tynemouth Software. The kit includes the module, four turned pin IC sockets and the cable and connectors to tap the three aditional signals required for the 64K upgrade.

This is a module that can be used to upgrade a Commodore 16 to have 64K of RAM, to allow software intended for the plus/4 to be used. Jumpers can be used to reduce the RAM to 16K if required for software compatibility, although so far no softare has been found which will not work with extra RAM. Installation requires four chips to be desoldered and sockets fitted. Two 74LS257s multiplexors and the two original 16K DRAM chips (4416 or similar). Three aditional signals (A14, A15 and phi 0) need to be tapped from elsewhere on the board.

First presented with a blog's post which explains how to install it on a stock Commodore 16, this memory expansion kit can be purchased at Sell My Retro.


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