Posted By
 MONTY on 2005-10-03 23:27:38
| Re: Using Commodore 1541 disk drive on a Commodore + 4
[The 1541 works with the Plus/4 just fine. When you first turn the drive and computer on, the disk drive should turn its red light on during its diagnostics (it also checks for a disk and reads in the BAM if a disk is found). After the red light goes out, type PRINT DS$ to verify that the drive is talking to the computer correctly.
DS$ is a built-in variable that reads the drive's error channel, much like INPUT#15,A,B$,C,D did on the C64.
If you can't get a DS$ back from the 1541, then check the cable to make sure it's firmly inserted at both ends. Also, the 1541 won't share between two controlling devices, so it can't be hooked up to the PC at the same time (remove the X-1541 cable at the 1541 end while the drive is turned off). Also, certain printers on the bus will interfere if they're connected but not turned on (the 1525 is known for this problem).]
Ok ive tried PRINT DS$ and it gives nothing back, I have took all other connections out to see if this would solve the problem and still the same thing, I even tried my 1541 II to see if it made any difference but it did the same with that drive too. the red light comes on, then the green and then after that no disk drive movement. both of these drives work fine with my c64 which i fond strange .. my + 4 as far as I know isnt faulty its virtually brand new & minty ^_^ Also my 1541 is actually a VIC1451 would this make any difference? also is the 1541 II drive compatible with the +4 too ? maybe I just have 2 drives that arnt compatible?? getting stressed MONTY lol