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on 2001-04-13
 Defining Function Keys

FOR I = 1 TO 8 : KEY I, CHR$(I+132) : NEXT

In Machine Language:
Function key defenition length table is at $055f to $0566. Function key definitions themsevles are stored at $0567 - $05e6. The function key definition routine is at - in KERNAL.

My "Programmer's Reference Guide for the Commodore Plus/4" doesn't give ML code to define the keys, but it was listed in a Compute!'s Gazette back in the mid-80's for the 128. Substituting the above addresses for the 128's addresses should work.

I have a 19 month old baby pulling at every book I open, so I hesitate to get the magazines out right now. Maybe I can find it in the morning before she wakes up (local time is 9:05pm, hopefully I can answer in 10 hours or so).


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