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Posted By

on 2005-02-14
 How many are the active plus/4 users?

I think it would be interesting to know how much ppl is still interested in Plus4 today. There are some evidences that we are not so much :-/ but still I'm curious to know more.
What's the exact number of plussiers?
Web-admins like Csabo, Lando, James could answer reading the sites' statistics.

"PC is a tool, Plus4 is a friend"

Posted By

on 2005-02-14
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

The question is, what do you mean by active? If you mean people who still come around and read that site, well, there's quite a few left, just check the visitors box.

If you mean people who are actually coding stuff (either on PC/emulators or on the real machine), that's a different quiestion altogether.

Posted By

on 2005-02-14
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

I'll be honest. I have not been active for a long time.

My mission was GAMES (1985 - 1989) and I have taken my offerings further than I ever dreamed of doing. In a way doing too much made me lose intrest, but http://plus4.emucamp.com is bookmarked as my homepage and without question I pop in each and every day.


Posted By

on 2005-02-14
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

cbm264.com is getting over 200 hits a day, but a lot of the hits are from search engines. The search terms are not exactly "definite" as to what the user is looking for.

Recent search terms in the referral logs show: plus/4, C64, poker, micro, gazette, math games, and motherboard.

Posted By

on 2005-02-15
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

Thank you all for the clarifications. But... what are the numbers?

Posted By

on 2005-02-15
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

Do i count as active since i don't actually own the hardware and just code via YAPE...?

Posted By

on 2005-02-15
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

I have never been a coder, I bought my current machine to play the games I used to play, and am active in the search for 264 software. Does that count?

Posted By

on 2005-02-15
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

In the last 7 days 30 registered members visited at least once. That doesn't include some regular visitors such as Mosh, as he is not yet registered. That's pretty much the core crowd. We have 56 active members listed on the site, but that's a very liberal interpretation of the word "active". happy

We should probably come up with a better system for marking people active instead of yes/no. Something like:

0 - not at all active (e.g. Udo)
1 - rarely visits some forums (e.g. Tgms)
2 - visits forums regularly (e.g. Mosh)
3 - actively develops Plus/4 related projects, including websites (e.g. Gaia, Crown, Bszggg)
4 - actively develops for the Plus/4 (e.g. SVS)

Something like that.

Posted By

on 2005-02-16
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

This is a good idea Csabo. However, IMHO, there are people who do not visit the forum but develop for the plus/4 occasionally and such. Hence I would suggest a sort of a "flag system". For example:
0 - No activity at all
1 - Visits forums occasionally
2 - Visits forums regularly
4 - Coding for the plus/4 occasionally
8 - Coding for the plus/4 regularly
16 - Active with plus/4 related projects (website, emulator, etc.)

These attributes then could be OR-d together to come up with the final flag. So, for example I would score a 2 + 4 + 16 = 24, because I visit the forums regularly, develop for the plus/4 occasionally and been active with plus/4 related project(s) such as an emulator and a website.

Posted By

on 2005-02-16
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

LN diskmag editor public releaseGood idea.

About me:
I'm deadly supah-active, on various fronts.
In these weeks, I had to drop a bit the +4 stuff, 'cause my situations in job, life and other facts are slipping to some kind of revolution.
But. Soon, I'll release issue 17 of LN, and a public diskmag editor, and sids and gfx+logos and keeping refreshed the .rulez. archive and...

Posted By

on 2005-02-17
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

I am a lurker, and the hardware is currently in a closet (I do have Yape, tho!)... I am interested in learning assembly language, but at the moment between work (full time) and school (part time) and wife (rest of the time), there isn't much... time!

Love keeping up with everything that's happening, though! Keep up the good work!

Posted By

on 2005-02-17
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

Gaia, that idea is pretty good. We should add one more flag, regarding whether the user has a Plus/4 hooked up, or if the user actually still runs programs on the real black box. (E.g. I know a lot of us have the hardware, but don't have it put together, so we're emulation users.)

Jay, it's nice to know that there are lurkers like you around. The big three you mentioned (plus the next generation) takes up my time as well, no time for updates

I should finalize the Knowledge Base, then we could start a series of lessons on assembly (eventually game and demo) programming. Wouldn't that be nice?

Posted By

on 2005-03-21
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

I dip in and out - the site is great, I only wish I had know as many plus4 users when I was a kid!

I don't know how to become a member though?

Posted By

on 2005-03-21
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

Austin - send an email to Csabo and Lando with a valid credit card number.

Or you can omit the credit card number. You should get access either way.

Or you can omit the email altogether, if Csabo is watching closely. happy

Posted By

on 2005-03-22
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

I recently bought a plus4 on Ebay and now twenty years on I'm hooked again.

Posted By

on 2005-03-23
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

I'd say I'm a 2 in the rating system. Usually come into the forum and homepage to see what is happening and read about the system I grew up with.

Just to think if it weren't for the C16 then my whole career in IT may never has been!

I have a lot to thank the C16 for.

Posted By

on 2005-03-24
 Re: How many are the active plus/4 users?

>>I have a lot to thank the C16 for
Now it's time for you to *help* C16 with personal activities in order to maintain alive the scene wink

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