Posted By
 Csabo on 2004-06-05 23:05:04
| 2004 MiniGame Compo
Hear ye, hear ye, the 2004 MiniGame compo is on: [ link ]. The rules are the same as last year, there's a 1K and a 4K category.
It's a no-brainer to forecast that the winning game will be one that runs on the C64, and will be written by Robin Harbon. Just like last three years. (Okay, first year was a co-op, but his hand was on that one too.) Unless he doesn't compete this year. But still it's going to be a C64 game.
Someone out there, prove me wrong.
Posted By
 Luca on 2004-07-10 21:29:19
 | Re: 2004 MiniGame Compo
I'm challenging as graphician/musician in the 4k category, with an all-italian c64 production.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2004-07-11 14:23:47
| Re: 2004 MiniGame Compo
Competing, you mean? Good for you, Luca. But that doesn't prove me wrong, if anything, it proves me right.
I've been thinking a lot about this whole compo, and came to the conclusion that the only genre worth writing would be a platformer (or jump-and-run if you prefer). That's definitely an arguable point, but I think winning will come down to playability and lastability. Action games (shooters) don't have lastability in 4K. A lot of other games will suffer from playability issues. Adventures, one would think, should also be good candidates, but given what went down in the past two years the message is clear: the people don't really like adventures. So that leaves us with platformers. (And remember, some of the very best games EVER, on ANY computing platform are jump-and-run games.)
I saw the preview of your production (yes, it's a platformer), and it rocks. The sprites on the C64 are a HUGE advantage. All the extra code that would be "wasted" on a Plussy game to produce decent soft-sprites can be used for anything extra on a C64 game...
I don't think it's realistic for us to dream of a Plus/4 game winning. But to be in the TOP 3... That would be possible. If only someone took the time to write a game and enter.
Posted By
 Luca on 2004-07-11 14:42:12
 | Re: 2004 MiniGame Compo
Now the game has its final release. Maybe a Plus/4 entry should play on lotta colors, sort of a supercoloured shmup, dunno... Personally, I'm available in order to help with gfx, music and debugging for every 4k project.