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on 2024-10-21
 Re: Reaching out to user for displaying their scan

Oh, wow, you're right. I copied only half the list here on your site and then downloaded all of Moby's logged Commodore Plus/4 games, then removed all of the matches across the spreadsheets and already found over 1600 games we don't have logged!!

Well, I guess we are not nearly as close as I assumed we were to completely cataloging that system haha. The list I was using obviously had not intended to be exhaustive, I now realize. This is way too many releases for me to manually enter into our site, I guess I will have to wait until we find some additional volunteers that are passionate about linking up this information to our site as well, because 1600+ games are way more than I have motivation for! ^-^'

Thanks for all of the help!

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