Posted By
Fuzzweed on 2024-10-06 10:09:06
| RAM banking and interrupts
As an alternative to banking RAM/ROM in and out, is there a list or critical ROM routines that can be copied to RAM that would leave interrupts working with RAM banked in permanently?
Posted By
Fuzzweed on 2024-10-06 11:51:20
| Re: RAM banking and interrupts
Just following through the memory.... Looks like service vector FFFE Banking routine FCB3-FCBD ROM CE00-CE0B
Lmk if this seems correct or anything else I need to consider
Posted By
Fuzzweed on 2024-10-06 14:56:43
| Re: RAM banking and interrupts
Sorry, not sure if it's helpful replying to myself as I go along... My interrupt routine is pointed to from 0314, I think I git this from the programmers guide, is it possible to point to it from FFFE and miss out the rom routines completely?
Posted By
BSZ on 2024-10-06 15:14:10
| Re: RAM banking and interrupts
Perhaps we do not understand the question: if you turn off ROM, you probably don't need it. So what is the point of copying anything from ROM? Feel free to handle the full interrupt, use the $FFFE/$FFFF vector directly. I think.
Posted By
Fuzzweed on 2024-10-06 15:36:38
| Re: RAM banking and interrupts
Yes thankyou I just found the same answer. Use fffe. I'm learning from the programmers guide and it uses 0314. I followed the ROM disassembly and it looked like I could use fffe but I have no experience with this machine so I wasn't sure...... thankyou again for confirming.